Potential Scenario.

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Should I try to make a WW2 Scenario set in Germany?

Poll ended at Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:45 am

Total votes: 6

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Potential Scenario. Unread post

I'm trying to get the feel of the community before I even attempt it so here it goes. I'm putting this poll up to see what the overall all opinion of a WW2 scenario set in Germany is. Yes I know that it's not the most savory of historical scenarios but it was an important part of history and the railroads part in it does need to be to no matter how ugly it was.
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As a German, I would find it in bad taste. You can't separate the war machine from the railroad system, and you can't separate either from the mass murder.
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

Lama wrote:As a German, I would find it in bad taste. You can't separate the war machine from the railroad system, and you can't separate either from the mass murder.
True but it still needs to be told. Plus the Scenario is going to be more historically driven then goal driven. Think of it as a German version of the RRT2 US History map by jeffryfisher.(Which someone need to convert into an RRT3 map ASAP.) But with a a timeline starting from when Otto Von Bismark reunifies Germany.
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It's generally advised to create maps and scenarios based on what you like. Then if others enjoy it - all the better. ;-)
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

Hawk wrote:It's generally advised to create maps and scenarios based on what you like. Then if others enjoy it - all the better. ;-)
I know that but considering the time period and the subject material it would cover I figured seeing if people are ok with it first would be the best idea.(I don't want to offend anyone after all.)
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I'd been thinking it over in my head myself. Do whatever you want, man, as long as you don't glorify the holocaust or something like that. IT would definitely be a challenge with incessant bombing raid and partisan warfare. Try to include Poland and west to Paris.
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This is a very controversial topic and I can understand Lama, as german, this seems tacky. That should be respected.

In any case history should not be hidden and <it is only a map-game>. Of course there's no need to focus it on the darker side of the war, but railroad was an important part of the German military strategy. If it's based on the real military movements it seems a good idea and can be such a good map.
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

I would say make whatever scenarios interest you. Then if it appeals to someone great, if not well you made the map mainly for your own enjoyment and others getting joy out of playing it are secondary.

In your first post you mentioned it would be a WWII map but then in a later post you mention it would be a map with Germany starting after the unification by Bismarck. Which in that case then it would also include WWI as well as a substantial period of time. While creating a map that occurs over map years is possible, it's often difficult to keep the player entertained the entire duration. So just be sure there is enough to actually do if you do end up making it a 40-50-60 year map.

Historical scenarios can be a challenge at times with trying to get some facts correct. As who really knows what the facts truly are since they are written by the victors.
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

Blackhawk wrote:I would say make whatever scenarios interest you. Then if it appeals to someone great, if not well you made the map mainly for your own enjoyment and others getting joy out of playing it are secondary.

In your first post you mentioned it would be a WWII map but then in a later post you mention it would be a map with Germany starting after the unification by Bismarck. Which in that case then it would also include WWI as well as a substantial period of time. While creating a map that occurs over map years is possible, it's often difficult to keep the player entertained the entire duration. So just be sure there is enough to actually do if you do end up making it a 40-50-60 year map.

Historical scenarios can be a challenge at times with trying to get some facts correct. As who really knows what the facts truly are since they are written by the victors.
Well in order to tell the German side of WW2 one needs to go back at least to when Bismark unified Germany. I also can't ignore the Anglo-German naval arms race or WW1 as those were also important events that would sow the seeds for WW2. I even have a plan already on how to simulate the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic which should challenge everyone.(I'll give you this piece of advice, have a substantial amount of money saved up in your company treasury because you almost certainly wont make any when it hits.) The biggest problem i'm encountering though is trying to work the railroads involvement with the holocaust in a serious and non offensive way into the scenario.
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The holocaust was a very dark time in our world's history. Maybe you should consider spending very little time with that, if any. ;-)
After all, it really has no bearing on being a Railroad Tycoon, even though there were trains involved.
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It sounds like you are trying to cram a lot into 1 scenario. From the finalization of unification to the arms race to WWI, the inflation period, and ending in WWII. Just be sure you don't put so much into a scenario the ideas don't get as developed as you would like. Sometimes it's best to break things apart and maybe make it into multiple scenarios that should be played together. That said if you can fit it into 1 scenario and make it entertaining then go for it.

As Hawk said, I would probably skip over things related to the Holocaust and other social issues and focus more on the government/war/economy. As that seems to be probably the most touchy of the subject matters involved with this scenario and can be a controversial subject for various reasons.
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

Hawk wrote:The holocaust was a very dark time in our world's history. Maybe you should consider spending very little time with that, if any. ;-)
After all, it really has no bearing on being a Railroad Tycoon, even though there were trains involved.
This scenario isn't about becoming a tycoon. It's about surviving what you correctly called a very dark time in the world's history. Money making is secondary to just surviving the war.(Be prepared for a lot of track rebuilding when the bomber raids start getting real bad. You might even want to just forget about trying to keep Berlin connected once 1945 hits.)
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I must say this scenario would open new horizons for unethical behaviour in RRT3. Since many people seem to enjoy being unethical during gameplay, perhaps this has legs.............

Ok, all stirring aside, the problem you have here is that you can't really make such a scenario historically accurate, becuase to do that you would have to spend a substantial amount of time shipping certain cargoes that no sane person would wish to carry. What are you thinking of for a story line?
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

Gumboots wrote:I must say this scenario would open new horizons for unethical behaviour in RRT3. Since many people seem to enjoy being unethical during gameplay, perhaps this has legs.............

Ok, all stirring aside, the problem you have here is that you can't really make such a scenario historically accurate, becuase to do that you would have to spend a substantial amount of time shipping certain cargoes that no sane person would wish to carry. What are you thinking of for a story line?
Something along the lines of the player becoming a railroad version of Oskar Schindler.
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So a sort of "outsmart the Nazis and do some good" scenario? That could work. Tricky to set up convincingly, but an interesting idea.
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

Gumboots wrote:So a sort of "outsmart the Nazis and do some good" scenario? That could work. Tricky to set up convincingly, but an interesting idea.
Tell me about it. I'm trying to figure out which map would be best for this scenario. I'm thinking the Poland one with some editing will do for now.(I would make my own but I suck at making maps from scratch.)
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and why not focus on military movements, leaving the holocaust in the hands of a secret state company in the hands of another company (CI), it's only an idea, as the mass movements were very hidden. This way we avoid hurt feelings.

In my opinion it would be a good idea include France, Poland, Italy and the beginning of Rusia.
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

Hey Hawk. I was wondering if I could start a journal on the forums about my adventure of making this scenario? I've never created one before so it would be interesting.
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Had an idea. What if your game aim was to disrupt the AI rail system? Code the game so that for earning a certain amount of money you can "buy explosives" which are used to destroy track in certain areas. IOW, running your company to fund the resistance. You'd get Gold for keeping the AI's loads hauled under a certain level.
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Re: Potential Scenario. Unread post

AdmiralHalsey wrote:Hey Hawk. I was wondering if I could start a journal on the forums about my adventure of making this scenario? I've never created one before so it would be interesting.
That's fine with me. I'd say start it in the RT3 General Discussion forum.
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