New maps for rrt3 v 1.06

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

Does anyone play my maps at all???

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New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

This site has become more and more silent at the latest, and I begin to question whatever it's still worthwhile building new maps for this game :?: :?: :?: Once there was a download counter counter showing the number of each map in the archives giving some indication for succes or not. Ray is still giving review of new maps underway, but I begin to have my doubth about if it's still worthwhile building maps :-?
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I keep playing new maps but there are more new maps than what I can play, as when I play a new map I enjoy playing it until I really control it.

The map that I'm playing now is "Mediterranean Corridor" by joan !**yaaa Next one will be one of your maps !*th_up*!
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

So far, your two newest maps have had 5 downloads each.
If you'll give me the name of a particular map that you're interested in how many downloads there's been, I can let you know.

Unfortunately, you have so many it would take me a couple of days to give you the count of all of them.

Edit 1: Well, that didn't take as long as I thought it would. I've attached an xls file to this post with the counts of your files, as of the start of this new script I'm using. These counts do not count for the downloads prior to me starting to use this script.
(34.5 KiB) Downloaded 271 times
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

I've played all your maps - except the last three ones, because a had no time to do so till now. But Christmas break will come and this way time to play RT3. I hope, that you'll not stop to create maps. (0!!0)
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

I thought that I would check to see what this thread was all about. Excuse the incorrect English. There was this same problem when the RT2 Edition was the trend. Lots of downloads, but very little comments. However, we still have the major Tycoons who still give their comments and suggestions. I see that as an importance, as it gives a user creator a "sharper" edge to the creation, and some things good ideas which can be incorporated.

For myself, as I have mentioned, being retired, I have more spare time to play the scenarios. It is also my belief from comments during the RT2 hay day, that members do play the scenarios, it is just that they don't give their comments. Maybe they just believe that their comments are not worthy enough. I would like to see more "complimentary" comments given to all the user creators. It is their time and immagination, which creats the challenges, and thereby the result of the scenario which is posted.

Then again, it is possible that some players don't check thru all the threads of the web site. I know that I don't, so thereby I miss some of the "action". Will try to do better in this New Year. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

Ah, just noticed this myself. I'll try anyone's maps, and have played and enjoyed some of Arop's. I haven't played all of them yet.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

Hello Hawk,
There used to be a counter next to all the maps to tell us how many downloads had taken place. Are the maps still being downloaded by the general public?

If possible, could you please tell me how many downloads there have been for: "North America - Early Discovery" ? And out of that total, how many in the last year?

It's too bad a new and improved RRT has not been developed. I guess we have to make the best of what is available.

Thanks in advance, howdi
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

So far there's been 819 downloads of "North America - Early Discovery". I can't break it down by when the downloads took place.

When my bandwidth usage started spiking beyond what I could afford I had to go to a different system. This new system doesn't have the capability to display the download counts.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

Thanks for the info Hawk and I'm sorry to hear you had to switch to another system for financial reasons. I think everyone who uses the site, especially if they download content, should make a donation once in awhile. I made some sort of comment to that effect in that map, requesting that people make a donation to support the site.

Well, 819 downloads in 30 months comes out to just over 27 per month, I'm quite surprised. I guess many out there do enjoy playing on such a large map and perhaps being able to connect their home city or nearby. This seems to justify a possible update of that map. I've just been so busy with life, but I do miss playing RRT3, and while I'm at it, just might do an update. And, I will certainly urge everyone who downloads my map to make a donation to your site. Where would we be without this valuable resource.

It seems that RRT3 is one of only a few RR sims we have until Sid and others can do a new version. ~howdy~
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I'm not trying to dissuade you from updating the map. That's something you should decide based on your desires, but you have to remember that the greatest majority of those that download don't participate in the forums, so whether or not those that downloaded enjoyed the map, or even played it, remains unknown.
Also, due to scripting and MySQL database concerns, it's extremely difficult for the script to only count completed downloads. What that means is that if someone starts a download and doesn't finish it, for some reason - like a connection drop - and then they download it again, and possibly a third or even fourth time, all counts as individual downloads.
Basically, that means that one completed download could actually count as 4 (or more) downloads. Plus the fact that a lot of people use download managers, which split the file into chunks, download the separate chunks, then join the chunks back together after download, will also count as more than one download, according to the download counter written into he script and how many chunks their chosen download manager is set up for.

For those reasons, the fact that this new script I'm using no longer displays the download count was not a concern for me, since the counts are not really an accurate, actual download count.

Does all that make sense? :mrgreen:
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

I understand what you are saying. Too bad a simple counter can' t be accumulated each time someone clicks to download.

It would be nice to have more feedback from those who simply come in to do downloads, not sure how that could be done though. Perhaps nudge them a bit to give feedback and make a donation in the readme attached to the map? What about a pay system to access the download area? Even kids are learning how to use internet commerce. And the charge could be very reasonable, a few bucks. :idea:
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I thought about setting up a pay system for downloads, but a couple things stopped me.

For one, I was never keen on the idea of forcing people to pay for access to this site. I prefer a voluntary system of support, as some of the long time members here can attest to. :mrgreen:

Also, I would have to pay taxes on the money I got. With over 8,000 archive download members, the money brought in would be a sizable tax burden, since Pay Pal does send out 1099 tax reporting files if you get more than a certain amount of money sent to a Pay Pal account. Plus it would adversely affect my Social Security benefits.
I don't want this site to support me, only itself.

Getting back to my previous post, here's an extreme example of what I was talking about. I happen to know this particular member and he does have connection issues so he really has no choice but to use a download manager.
Downloads.jpg (58.73 KiB) Viewed 5613 times
Each of those listings do count as individual downloads, even though it was only one completed download to his computer.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

BTW! Thank you for your donation. Its greatly appreciated. (0!!0)
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

I can see why you have it voluntary, taxes are complicated enough as they are.

So per your example, the download counter is indeed nearly completely erroneous. Rather than 819 downloads for my map, it could be a couple hundred or maybe even less than 100. I still think RRT3 is the best we have and will probably redo the map as I play the game. I have some free time coming up and have not played in ages. Also need to send an email to Firaxis (Sid's Co.) to request they redo RRT3. I'm sure this has already been done by many on this site.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

howdi wrote:So per your example, the download counter is indeed nearly completely erroneous. Rather than 819 downloads for my map, it could be a couple hundred or maybe even less than 100.
Yep! You got it. !*th_up*!
howdi wrote:Also need to send an email to Firaxis (Sid's Co.) to request they redo RRT3. I'm sure this has already been done by many on this site.
Probably would be a waste of time. With the poor reception of Sid Meyer's Railroads by the community, it seems like I read a while ago that Sid was going to abandon the railroad tycoon genre due to lack of interest on his part based on the lack of enthusiasm from the public of his last attempt.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

I meant to say Pop Top Developers, not Sid. And I was not happy with Sid Meir's RR, it was too basic with not much realistic control.

They (Pop Top) were absorbed into Take Two Interactive Software, so was Firaxis. So T2 would be the ones to make the decision on whether or not to come out with a new and improved RRT. I agree it would be a long shot. But then again, look at the continued success of the Civ series.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

Actually, Take2 was absorbed by Firaxis. For all intents and purposes, Take2 no longer exists. I don't think any of the Railroad Tycoon developers still work for Firaxis.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

It says on Wiki (Firaxis) that Pop Top was consolidated with Firaxis, but then Take Two bought Firaxis in 2005 for 26.7M, T2 has a ticker on Nasdaq: TTWO

Who knows, maybe T2 would do a new RR simulator. But we don't want something simplified, it should be an improvement on RRT3. It's nice to know the developers of RRT3 are still around and with T2.
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

Ah! OK! I stand corrected. :oops:

I did contact Phil Steinmeyer once and invited him to the forums when some of the members were working on 1.06, but he said he no longer had any interest in the game, having moved on to other things. You can check out his website at

There are two of the development team members that are members of the forum here: Franz Felsl (Gungagalunga) & Guillermo J. Garcia-Sampedro (GranBichus), but they haven't logged in since March of 2009. I believe Franz now works for Area 52 Games and Guillermo now works for Soar Technology.

Maybe contacting Take2 about a future development of Railroad Tycoon may bring some insight into any possible plans, or lack thereof.

Edit 1: ^**lylgh I just checked the main RT3 page of my website and that's what it says.
In an ironic twist, in 2005, Take 2 acquired FIRAXIS, home of Sid Meier. They also started 2K Games ,and ultimately, the demise of Gathering. Could it be that we'll see Railroad Tycoon 4? We can only hope.
!facepalm! ^**lylgh
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Re: New maps for rrt3 v 1.06 Unread post

Hawk, I was also surprised that T2 took over Firaxis. They are still working on titles like Civ, and I didn't know it until today that they were a subsidiary of T2. So I learned something here too. You are allowed to be wrong sometimes, but it's very rare when it happens! !*th_up*!

I think it would be worth a shot for us to contact T2 and ask them to do a new RRT. I would hope that it would be based on the existing RRT3 and that they would welcome ideas from people such as those on your site. The core of the game is intact, it basically needs a graphical update and of course, implementing any changes and new ideas that could make the game more realistic. You would think it would be a money maker for them in the long run. :!:
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