New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1)

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

!!howdy!! This my latest creation, a huge 1024X1024 pixel map from the real world, called Rebuilding the Deep South. This map covers Missisippi and Alabama and parts of Louisiana, Arkansas,Tennessee, Georgia and Western Florida with 309 villages, towns and cities to connect (all optional). Game start 1865, when the South have surrendered to the North and a major reconstruction of the devestated South, with its few railroads almost destroyed, must begin. Game end in 1950 or when Gold is won. Most industry in the old South were based on cotton, but in the 1870's huge coal and mineral deposits were found around Birmingham, Alabama, and gave possibilities to build an industrial powerhouse in the South. In this scenario you can play against up to 15 opponents (all optional). Any comments, advice or suggestions are, as usual, welcome. :salute:

NOTICE: See version beta 2 below, beta 1 deleeted
Last edited by arop on Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

A new map from arop? I shall check it out at once.
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The Big Dawg
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One thing I've noticed that I wanted to point out before I forgot is the hurricane/storm event fires every Nov.
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**!!!** Strange! It must be a co-incident! I'm playing the third test game and I'm in the year of 1910, and I havent had any storm yet and only once a woodfire is triggered. The trigger for storms is: a) current game month=9 AND b) Random 1:100<3, checked every month. The trigger for woodfires is a) current game month >7 AND <9, AND Random 1:100<3. Until now I have had the following event in my latest game (by year):
Miners Strike: 1866
Cattle Disease: 1867
Record Grain Harvest: 1868 & 90
Bugs devestate Cotton Crops: 1873, 1887 & 1899
Woodfires: 1907
In my latest maps I have started to use random events as a new feature in the game. :salute:
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OK! It's a random setting. That explains why I sometimes get that notice in Nov. and sometimes in Jan. I guess.

Then again, maybe it's not the storm all the time. After the first couple I just started ignoring them. It may be some of the other disasters.
Getting them every year just cause me to tend to ignore them.
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I played a little more and the past 5 years I got the same message about the storms. I didn't get any other messages either.
Weird! I'll look at the editor a little later on, after I eat a bite.
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

I was just notified that I got a $3 mil bonus for hauling 1,000 loads of produce, but produce isn't on the status page.
Produce 2.jpg
Produce 2.jpg (60.83 KiB) Viewed 12573 times
Produce 1.jpg
Produce 1.jpg (17.13 KiB) Viewed 12573 times
Checking the editor it looks like there's 4 haulage bonuses that aren't on the status page. Produce, sugar, rice, and ingots.
Editor.jpg (19.18 KiB) Viewed 12573 times
Just letting you know. Not sure if that was intentional or not.

I still get the newspaper about the hurricanes every year. I only got the message about wood fires once and never have got a message about the boll weevils or mine strikes or cattle disease.
I see in the editor that they are all set about the same: Random 1 - 100 <3, but they all don't seem to be working right.
I also don't think I ever got the message about the grain harvest, but I did get one message about the produce harvest, but only once.
I'm in 1907.
Strange. **!!!**

Another issue: I see you have an event to make the Consolidation available in May of 1881, but you didn't check it in the locomotive list so it never comes available. Sure would have liked it. :mrgreen:

Edit 1: I just got the first boll weevil message in June, 1908.
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

!$th_u$! for your comments! I had a test run on this map 1865-1900 on Expert. In this case no random events were triggered until june 1873:
Cattle Disease: june 1873
Miners Strike: 1881
Woodfires: 1889
Boll Wevills: 1896
Hurricane: EVERY YEAR in November 1894-1899 :oops:

NOTICE! Attached to this answer I have uploaded the beta 2 version:

What's new?
Events removed:
Hurricanes (1) & (2)
1000 loads of produce bonus
1000 loads of rice bonus
1000 loads of ceramics bonus
1000 loads of ingots bonus
There was not space enough in the status for these bonuses.

Concerning the Consolidation (unchecked on the loco list):
trigger: 188105, monthly, all players for 40 years. I do not want the Consolidation avaiable before 1881. Players can use the Mogul, avaiable 1869 (Human) & 1875 (AI players). It' s a fact that the 2-6-0 came before the 2-8-0!
Now I hope everything works properly :salute:
The Deep South 1865 (beta 2).rar
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

I got Gold in Nov 1924, on medium.
Gold.jpg (62.28 KiB) Viewed 12566 times
I see you removed sugar and not ceramics, as you said in the above post. ;-)

I checked the editor and you still didn't check the Consolidation. It never became available in the beta 1 version and it probably won't in this version.
I think to achieve what you want you would have to check it in the locomotive list, then write an event to make it unavailable, then write a second event to make it available in 1881, as you want.
If it's not checked in the locomotive list it won't become available. Even if you do write an event for it.
I'll try to write a couple events to make it unavailable until 1881 on this new version and see what happens.

Edit 1: Here's what I did. I checked the Consolidation in the locomotive list. Then wrote an event with the condition: Game Year-Month = 186501 and the effect: Set Consolidation 2-8-0 Avail. to FALSE for 16 years and 4 months. Then moved it above your existing event.
I'll test that and see what happens, but it won't be until later today or Thursday before I can get that far in the game to test. I have to get some sleep. It's 5:30 AM here and I've been up all night. *!*!*!
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

A little off-topic, but how come I can never choose the Flying Pig logo in any of Arop's scenarios? It never shows up as I scroll through the logo options when starting a company. Other scenarios don't seem to have this problem.
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

!!howdy!! It's because of the method I use building maps, that the pig logo never show up in my scenarios.
Building a map I always start a company and use the cheet .bailout to raise money and then prebuild railway lines between cities to even the right of way to avoid bumpy track or unrealistic grades. I always use the pig logo (which I hate :-D ), and when the job is done I write an event called "clear" with the trigger: Years elapsed since game start >=0 at the beginning of the scenario AND with the effect: a) deactivate company b) destroy track, all companies. Used logos will not show up again in RRT3 :salute:
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I like the flying pig. I often use it when playing. :mrgreen:
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Well, the event I made to stop the Consolidation from becoming available in 1865 didn't work. :-(

I always use my own logo. The Hawk & Badger Railroad. ;-)
H&B.jpg (12.98 KiB) Viewed 11521 times
(it looks a little better in game)
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

I use Mr. Scott's Logo Pack. My favorite one has to be the UP logo.
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Gumboots wrote:I like the flying pig. I often use it when playing. :mrgreen:
Me too, and I rename the company to include "Pig" or "Pork" in the name.
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

One logo must go, the way I build my maps. Shouldn't we return to the subject: the new map? :salute:
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I'm sure it's a good one, but I don't play 1.06 so can't really help.

There are far uglier logos than the flying pig (which is fun). You could always lose one of those instead. ;-)

[off-topic] When playing the Italy map I once named my company Flying Porcini, which is doubly silly since porcini is a mushroom and not a source of pork. [/off-topic]
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

:-D Being Danish, there must be something in Anglo-American humor concerning the "pigs fly" logo I don't understand: But I still have to abandon a standard logo to make maps the way I do, because I won't tolerate uneven track or unrealistic grades. I simply have to start a company and prebuild the right of way and destroy it all again by an event, to make it look like a real railway :salute:
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Re: New map for 1.06: Rebuilding the Deep South 1865 (beta 1) Unread post

The phrase 'when pigs fly' is generally used as a humorous way of saying 'That will never happen'.
Example: Some one says: "I can't wait for someone to create Railroad Tycoon 4." Another person responds: "Yea right! When pigs fly."
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Yup. Or I have heard it used like this (and have done this myself) when somebody says somethihng unbelievable or ridiculous: "Watch out for low flying pigs".

Or just look up at the sky intently. When the person who said the silly thing asks what you're looking at you say "Checking for pigs".

Etc, etc. :mrgreen:

Given that RRT3 has trains that go up impossible grades and around impossible corners, and enables ordinary people to pretend they're making obscene amounts of money, flying pigs seem appropriate.
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