Rails & Riches

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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Viconius wrote:
Hawk wrote:Franz -

I understand that you want to sell Rails & Riches through Steam to reach a greater audience and to aid in updates, but would it be possible for the folks that have stated that they don't use Steam, like those over at The Terminal and here, to buy the game without having to deal with Steam; requiring a Steam account to register the game or buy it?
We were talking about that on Friday and we're definitely going to look into it. We need to get a bit farther on our system architecture to be able to make that call for certain. We "feel" this need though so we'll give a hard look.
Viconius wrote:
Silverback wrote: If it uses the unity 3D engine then there's also a possibility that other operating systems such as Linux (e.g SteamOS)
Windows will be our initial platform and we are going to be using Unity 5. We've lots of experience with Unity and feel it'll hold up well over the years. However, we do think there is a good chance for Linux and Mac. This is really going to be funding bound though. So to that end, we're going hell bent for leather on Windows. Up and running ASAP.
With the possibility of a Linux version in the far future, I greatly appreciate you guys considering a version availability from other than Steam. I'd rather run it in Linux anyway.

What's this Steam OS? Is it a version of Linux? Does that mean even if there is a Linux version, it will still have to be aquired from Steam, with their version of Linux?

Edit 1: Never mind. I read up on that SteamOS. While my rig meets the minimum requirements (with the exception of maybe my graphics card), I don't believe I'd be interested in it, since it requires Steam.
I'm guessing you guys are leaning towards the SteamOS as opposed to a clean, real install of Linux.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Viconius wrote:+ I'd like to add the ability to adjust the track radius within a range just like the elevation currently allows in R&R (bit of it in the editor video, it's adjustable with the keyboard). Right now elevation can go all the way up to 15% grade. Steep yes, insane no. Insane to me means it isn't fun as a game control. I'd like to do that with track radius. The minimum will have to allow rolling stock not to look broken.
I assume this grade limitation would be only for track itself, not for terrain in general. That makes sense, and should help to prevent AI players doing really stupid things. Apart from that, personally I find the track laying in RT3 to be adequate. Not saying you shouldn't do better if you can, but I think something like that would be quite acceptable. It may not be perfect but it's fast and intuitive once you get the hang of it.

+ Multiple locomotives are not planned right now. My take on this was that Railroad Tycoon games gave up most of the advances of modern locomotives for nominally the same number of cars of greater weight. The reality is that is way short of the actual ability. If we get to the 15 or so consist, I think we'll make better use of locomotive differences that more accurately reflect the sheer enormity of what get's moved now. The exception to this will be passengers. To this end, I'd like to add more variety to the consist for dedicated passenger routes. More car types to improve rates and rot factors and ways to promote travel as a priority for the locomotives using particular tracks. Like so many questions regarding strategy games, this has an answer but the process of getting to the answer often has multiple conditions. Could the game support multiple locomotives on a consist... definitely. How and why are the devil's details.
My 2c here is that I wouldn't think it necessary to specifically code options for multiple locomotives. Since you're more or less trying to do the same job as RT3 modelling, I assume file structures will be somewhat similar. This is, in itself, enough to do the job for multiple locomotives.*

Let's face it: anyone who wants to do locomotive modelling is going to have to be fairly determined, and have an ability to handle some level of coding as well as the actual modelling. I think you should deliberately avoid trying to make the entire process idiot-proof. Trying to do that will only burn up dev time and budget, and someone will always build a better idiot anyway. As long as the file structures are documented, someone will be able to write a Blender > R&R export script for models (this is actually my next project for RT3 too, since I already have one loco almost fully modelled and some more underway, and just have to learn Python). The big problems with RT3 modelling are lack of documentation and lack of suitable export scripts. What the devs did for RT3 was to make some very simple things idiot-proof, while leaving more advanced modellers totally hamstrung.

Anyway, my point here is that by cunning use of locos slots, tender slots, and trucks for both, anyone sufficiently determined can create multiple units that, as far as the game is concerned, are read as one unit. I already know how to do this in RT3. It's just that doing it in practice is a bear at the moment because of the exporting problem, and building models from scratch via direct hex coding is no fun at all.

You don't have to build in every possible option in doofus-proof GUI form. You just have to build in flexibility at a fundamental level. If you do that, people will take it and run with it. I'd be taking this as a doctrine all the way through, from modelling to event scripting to whatever, because ultimately the longevity of this game will depend on determined people doing things you didn't think of.

+ What will our Editor allow you to do? Well, there's sort of two editors... or will be. The first is the map editor and tools to make that happen. I'm doubting this will be anything less than what RT2/RT3 had but probably more configurable for the player. Since most of you folks know what that is, I'll skip that for now. I'm hoping to be able to do more with letting players just choose a region of the world and import a map of a selected region or import a Dem map of their choosing.
Sounds good. If you're interested, with RT3 we've figured out how to apply Google Earth satellite shots onto RT3 map terrain too (including piecing together large tiled images to correct GE's projection to the cylindrical projection used on DEM's).

.....All that just to say, the event editor is not even roughly prototyped yet. I just want it to be at least as good as the RT series.
Ok, now I'm getting interested. By the way, I notice you are promoting ideas like Mule Skinner and Top Tinkerer and whatever for chairman options. Two ways of looking at this. The obvious way is that it provides more options. A less obvious way is that in some ways it may provide fewer options. How so? Well, what you are effectively doing is locking in pre-determined pathways. There may be several of them, but they are still locked in. Under some circumstances this could reduce flexibility for scenario authors. So, if you are determine to lock in these pathways, it may be a good idea to allow the event editor to detect which option is selected. This would then allow a scenario author to compensate, or even to extend the options, if they thought it desirable.

+ Adding player created content. This is a big, big add in my opinion. For this it will be a system that can import objects and properly identify them in the game. It's going to be both a UI and a code hurdle. However, using Steams Workshop, we will have a template that has already be proven in games like Civilization. It even comes with rating and sorting options. Fusing it properly to the code is a lot of ifs and thens... so to speak. Hopefully, Darrin will chime in on that over time. The goal with this is to avoid the hurdles that the guys that did RT3's mods had to overcome. If we can do that, I think more people will use mods.
Obviously this is going to be subjective, but personally I see no reason why this should be a UI hurdle. There's a good case for not bothering with a GUI. Any mods, like locos or whatever, are just going to be files that have to be copied to a particular directory. The files can be prepacked in the correct folder structure so that all is required is to download the package, then copy the entire package to the R&R root directory. Really, who needs a GUI for that? Identification shouldn't be a problem since any mod worth having should include its own identification.

I honestly cannot see why any of this has to be more complicated than the way it's done in RT3, which is really simple. The problems with RT3 modding are nothing to do with actually getting the mod files into place. They're purely to do with getting a model out of a modelling app and into RT3's custom .3dp file format. The rest is a piece of cake for anyone determined enough to actually model anything.

*ETA: I just thought of one caveat here, that being skinning. RT3 skins are limited to 1024x1024 max, and trucks for any loco or tender can only call the same skin image as the parent loco or tender. This can be limiting when trying to do anything a bit out of the ordinary.

Take a Garratt as an example. I've thought about how to build these, and it gets tricky to get a decent resolution on the A skin for the front truck, main body, and rear truck while fitting them all on a 1024x1024 skin. You can fit them all in, but it'll look pretty rough at close range.

I'm not sure what you are thinking of for maximum skin size. Obviously if the maximum size was unlimited this would get around the problem (and you could just rely on modellers to have enough sense to not crash the CPU). Another way, if you think it necessary to have a limit on max skin size, would be to allow the files for trucks to call whatever skin image they liked. Again, you'd be relying on modeller's to exercise some sense, but that's their problem. If they don't understand the practical limits of game asset coding then they won't be any use anyway.
Last edited by Gumboots on Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:27 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Hawk wrote:Edit 1: Never mind. I read up on that SteamOS. While my rig meets the minimum requirements (with the exception of maybe my graphics card), I don't believe I'd be interested in it, since it requires Steam.
I'm guessing you guys are leaning towards the SteamOS as opposed to a clean, real install of Linux.
^**lylgh A Linux OS that ties you to a proprietary platform that has a bad name for screwing people around? That's pretty much the exact opposite of the Linux ethos. Nobody who wants a Nix box is going to want an OS like that.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Gumboots wrote:
Hawk wrote:Edit 1: Never mind. I read up on that SteamOS. While my rig meets the minimum requirements (with the exception of maybe my graphics card), I don't believe I'd be interested in it, since it requires Steam.
I'm guessing you guys are leaning towards the SteamOS as opposed to a clean, real install of Linux.
^**lylgh A Linux OS that ties you to a proprietary platform that has a bad name for screwing people around? That's pretty much the exact opposite of the Linux ethos. Nobody who wants a Nix box is going to want an OS like that.
I agree there. !*th_up*!
I like Linux, and would use it more if the games I like could be played on it. I can do pretty much everything else on Linux except play my games. Course I haven't tried Wine, but I've read it can be a bit iffy in some cases.
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Wine isn't that great AFAIK, but if your box has sufficient grunt you can install any Windoze OS to a virtual box, and run that with near-native performance. I've never bother doing this myself, but I've looked into it and it seems to be straightforward and effective. I wouldn't try it on a 32 bit host OS though, since that would leave you severely limited for RAM. A 64 bit host OS should be fine, providing your CPU is up to the job.

You could test this yourself easily enough. Virtual Box (is: the one by that name) is free and has a good reputation.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Hawk wrote:
Viconius wrote: We were talking about that on Friday and we're definitely going to look into it. We need to get a bit farther on our system architecture to be able to make that call for certain. We "feel" this need though so we'll give a hard look.
Viconius wrote: Windows will be our initial platform and we are going to be using Unity 5. We've lots of experience with Unity and feel it'll hold up well over the years. However, we do think there is a good chance for Linux and Mac. This is really going to be funding bound though. So to that end, we're going hell bent for leather on Windows. Up and running ASAP.
With the possibility of a Linux version in the far future, I greatly appreciate you guys considering a version availability from other than Steam. I'd rather run it in Linux anyway.

What's this Steam OS? Is it a version of Linux? Does that mean even if there is a Linux version, it will still have to be aquired from Steam, with their version of Linux?

Edit 1: Never mind. I read up on that SteamOS. While my rig meets the minimum requirements (with the exception of maybe my graphics card), I don't believe I'd be interested in it, since it requires Steam.
I'm guessing you guys are leaning towards the SteamOS as opposed to a clean, real install of Linux.
Darrin added a little more on the topic on our FAQ kickstarter page. I think he explains our sentiment and our intent.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Good stuff Gumboots!
A quick point on the Chairman, like scenarios in RT2 and 3 we allowed certain items/times/functions to be turned off and on. Chairmen will definitely be on the list of on/off options as will Chairman Attributes. So if you say no Mule Skinner playing your scenario, it just won't be selectable when starting the scenario. You may not have played Tropico, but I think it will be something like that at least. At best, I'm hoping to be able to create a system that allows you the ability to unlock such attributes by playing campaigns and earning awards. It's doable, just may be a bit expensive for launch.

I'm confident we'll find a way to make modding, skinning and map making better than RT3. That process got shorted because of "other" business priorities. With KS, the project will be the priority.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Gumboots wrote:Wine isn't that great AFAIK, but if your box has sufficient grunt you can install any Windoze OS to a virtual box, and run that with near-native performance. I've never bother doing this myself, but I've looked into it and it seems to be straightforward and effective. I wouldn't try it on a 32 bit host OS though, since that would leave you severely limited for RAM. A 64 bit host OS should be fine, providing your CPU is up to the job.

You could test this yourself easily enough. Virtual Box (is: the one by that name) is free and has a good reputation.
I'd rather run a dual boot setup. I do have a 64-bit capable processor but I only have XP and Win 7 in 32-bit flavor.
Viconius wrote:Darrin added a little more on the topic on our FAQ kickstarter page. I think he explains our sentiment and our intent.
Thanks! I'll check it out.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Hawk wrote:
Gumboots wrote:Wine isn't that great AFAIK, but if your box has sufficient grunt you can install any Windoze OS to a virtual box, and run that with near-native performance. I've never bother doing this myself, but I've looked into it and it seems to be straightforward and effective. I wouldn't try it on a 32 bit host OS though, since that would leave you severely limited for RAM. A 64 bit host OS should be fine, providing your CPU is up to the job.

You could test this yourself easily enough. Virtual Box (is: the one by that name) is free and has a good reputation.
I'd rather run a dual boot setup. I do have a 64-bit capable processor but I only have XP and Win 7 in 32-bit flavor.
Yeah that's fine. You'd only need 64 bit for the host OS (ie: the Linux that was hosting the VB). Running 32 bit Windoze on VB inside 64 bit Nix shouldn't present any problems.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

I don't care for the VB idea. I prefer a dual boot.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Fair nuff.

Incidentally, the Rails & Riches website coding is horrible. Every time a page loads the content comes up first, then the page's background image loads itself down the page. Background images should be cached. That's what CSS is for. :roll:
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Gumboots wrote:Fair nuff.

Incidentally, the Rails & Riches website coding is horrible. Every time a page loads the content comes up first, then the page's background image loads itself down the page. Background images should be cached. That's what CSS is for. :roll:
I'll remind Cameron. !hairpull!
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Hey Hawk, from what I can tell from the online listing at the bottom of the board index, I don't think this forum gets all that many topic views these days. There never seem to be many guests viewing anything. On the other hand, from what you've said in the past it seems the downloads section might get more traffic (correct me if I'm wrong there). I was just thinking that perhaps a more prominent notice somewhere on the site could give a bit of a boost to this project, if you're ok with doing that.

Viconius: I see on your KS page that you're doing the rounds of rail forums, etc. The admins here might be ok with you promoting your project: http://www.railpage.com.au/ They have a forum section: http://www.railpage.com.au/f.htm
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Gumboots wrote:Hey Hawk, from what I can tell from the online listing at the bottom of the board index, I don't think this forum gets all that many topic views these days. There never seem to be many guests viewing anything. On the other hand, from what you've said in the past it seems the downloads section might get more traffic (correct me if I'm wrong there). I was just thinking that perhaps a more prominent notice somewhere on the site could give a bit of a boost to this project, if you're ok with doing that.
Considering the amount of donations I get from the archives users (near none) I seriously doubt Franz and the gang would get any financial help with the project from those users, so let's see how the funding goes at KickStarter before I add anything to the site.
Also, based on the interest in any reading by the archives users, judging by how many emails I get asking how to get an archives account - even though a link the post describing how to do it is at the top of every page in the archives, and it's also mentioned at the top of every page in the archives that a forum account doesn't give one access to the archives, I don't think mention of this project on the website would really draw that much attention from those that aren't forum members.

Edit 1: On second thought, I added a line of text, with a link to this thread, in the header of the site.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

You may have noticed that we aren't getting the views on the KS that we expected. That's us learning. However, we've enlisted the help of a PR person that in theory will make an impact. That said, if it doesn't I think we'll have seen the writing on the walls. <Kahhhhhhhhhnnnnnn!> But that's not now and that's not certain. So any floating of the info you guys can think of we'd be happy to work with. Thanks for you help.
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Viconius wrote:<Kahhhhhhhhhnnnnnn!>
So you're a Star Trek fan, eh Franz. !*th_up*!

Maybe what I added to the header of the website will bring folks into the forum to read this thread. It sucks you're not getting the attention at KickStarter that you need.

Edit 1: I posted about this on another gaming forum I'm a member of. http://www.iaag66.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2378

Edit 2: Here's a link to a post on the Elvas Tower forum. http://www.elvastower.com/forums/index. ... ls-riches/

Edit 3: Here's a link to a post on the TrainSim forum. http://www.trainsim.com/vbts/showthread ... amp-Riches
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I've shared it on Railworks America http://railworksamerica.com/forum/viewt ... 24&t=13989
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

Bcbuhler wrote:I've shared it on Railworks America http://railworksamerica.com/forum/viewt ... 24&t=13989
Thanks! I forgot all about posting there, and I'm the one that started that site back in '09. :roll:
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

I thank you all guys. It's much appreciated!
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Re: Rails & Riches Unread post

I don't want to sound harsh here, but it was pretty obvious before you launched the kickstarter that there wasn't enough prep done. I don't know if you posted on steam anywhere, obviously the railroad forums, Cities in Motion/Transport tycoon type websites, reddit (you could try an Ask me Anything), and any gaming/tech website you could do an interview with or drum up any attention to it. I remember years ago I had no idea about Railroad Tycoon 2 until I read and saw images while the game was in development in a PC Games or PC Gamer magazine. Even board game websites like boardgame geek, as I believe there was a Railroad Tycoon board game. Obviously many people are surprised with an 800k goal for limited content, (a 50 year period and only US steam engines instead of a 200 year time frame with US, Europe, World locomotives of all types.) And there is no concept art of what the game will actually look like. Train Fever got 200-230k when they were on their crowdfunding website. That was a more limited crew, but they also had concept art and a video with a train in their crowdfunding page.

I wouldn't say the genre is dead, but it would be naive to think you can just create a kickstarter page and it will be funded. People have to find that page and support it. People also like to know where all the money is going. And having all these conversations spread out probably leads to duplicate work for you guys. You posted a lot at the Terminal and here and I see Cameron has posted at times on a reddit page. If all that was in a central location like your own forums (which are still not up), it might save you time and people might have a better idea of what's going on with the ideas behind the game.

In my opinion, the art on the Kickstarter page looks a little too cartoonish. Although I like the main picture, it gives the impression of Railroads! rather than RT2 & 3.
-The you are the chairman is also a little confusing. So you design the chairman before you start the scenario? It wasn't necessarily bad being able to hire or fire chairman if they had a perk that was needed at the time.
-The FAQ say this is primarily a single player game. Does that mean a multi-player portion is possibly planned some day?
-1.8million gets the European Content and campaign #2 with 9 scenarios. That doesn't seem like that many scenarios. It's probably too late now for this run on KS, but a level where you get to beta/alpha test the game and design your own scenario, and if it was of a high enough quality it could be included in the game (either in a campaign or stand alone scenario). Obviously, the person would have to consent to you use of their scenario (a minor legal issue) but it would be a way to increase the number of scenarios the game would ship with, while giving early access people the ability to make more of an impact and help with the game. It could also lead to a more varied type of scenario. Around this site, a Arop scenario is much different in game play from an Oilcan scenario. (And many of his are different from each other). And it could be less work for your dev team, and good for the game description when trying to sell it by saying it comes with 20 scenarios instead of the game consists of say only a ~10 map campaign.

If you do make it farther and start developing a game streaming every couple weeks could draw in support too. I see you have a twitch channel as well, which could be useful. The game company Klei makes good use of theirs and they used to stream once a week about the development of their games and they'd show off where they were at with it.

Unfortunately, it seems like kickstarter was your first source of money for this project. Generally kickstarters do a lot better when a project is already up and off the ground with something to look at. (like Train Fever had a video of a train going around, Planetary Annihilation had the original voice over guy from the Total Annihilation series and had some graphics/video of what could have ended up in the game). As skepticism of crowdfunded project grow as many have come out half-done. (like Train Fever) it gets harder for kickstarter projects to get money. I don't know how much work it would take to create a nice looking steam engine and have it steam down the tracks but I would imagine that would help get you more funding when people can actually see what they might be getting.

Hopefully you guys will get the money though as I would enjoy another railroad game. :salute:
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