What are your favorite goals?

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

What is your favorite goal?

Company Book Value
Personal Net Worth
Connect city/terr. a to city/terr. b
Connect x cities/terr.
Industry Profit
Haul x goods in total
Haul x certain goods to city/terr.
Be the lone company standing
Average freight/express speed
have x company cash
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I'm not very fond of PNW either. I like playing where there is 3 or more AIs with the goal of being the only one left. And it is particularly hard when you can't seem to gain control of the majority stock holder. Yes, PNW has a lot to do with that. I guess it all goes hand-in-hand in being a Tycoon :lol:
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CeeBee wrote:I hate PNW... If I wanted to play stock market crap I'd buy a stock market game or play the real one. Most everything else is ok. Some specific cargo hauls suck if the supply/demand isn't right though. :-D !!jabber!!
AT41B wrote:I'm not very fond of PNW either. I like playing where there is 3 or more AIs with the goal of being the only one left. And it is particularly hard when you can't seem to gain control of the majority stock holder. Yes, PNW has a lot to do with that. I guess it all goes hand-in-hand in being a Tycoon :lol:

I said I was not very fond of PNW. Then I turn around & make 3 straight PNW maps. |--0 Just my logic I guess **!!!**
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I don't mind a PNW goal if it doesn't distract too much from my railway building and cargo hauling. I usually forget about shares and stuff and spend my time trying to figure out how to get through the rockies or appalachians without too many tunnels. :mrgreen: Guess what I'm saying is that I work on the other goals and rarely the pnw goals. If they bug me enough I go into the editor and wreck things till they suit me or don't work at all. ^**lylgh !!jabber!! ::!**!
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I noticed that no-one has ticked "average speed"!

I didn't either. Just "finished" playing Orient Express again. And the 30mph average Express speed is on that map is a goal I'm just not really interested in. It's fun delivering Meat to the Munching Monks, and the Orca is a fun (and slightly bonkers) addition to the loco roster: but really, I'm more interested in getting all the goods and passengers moving round the map, than in micro-managing moody, temperamental trains to make them marginally faster. The fact that the old migrated thread about that map suggests not even running trains until the final year says it all about that goal. **!!!**

When I say I "finished", I mean that I got Silver, but saved the game just before the medal (so that I could still muck about with Events): and I've been playing for years since. RRT3 years, I mean...

Which brings me to my favourite goal: eliminating the competition. How can I control everything for maximum efficiency, happiness (and profit) if there's some halfwit running part of the network? :roll: Charging track access for his moronic, straight-line trestle-bridges across 200km of a river-confluence, which, to add insult to injury, block me from building a proper adult railway with stone bridges and some respect for the terrain. Making me get to his stations up a 10%, 16%, 18%, 22% gradient... !hairpull! Clogging up my nice shiny rails with his dirty little consist-of-opportunity Stirlings (in 1900) hauling Alcohol for a profit they'll only realise in 1905, it's such a long journey. If they ever get there. Without breaking down 6 times. !facepalm!

I can't remember what my other votes were for. Just enjoyed a rant. </rant> :-D
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Re: What are your favorite goals? Unread post

undertoad wrote:I noticed that no-one has ticked "average speed"!

I didn't either. Just "finished" playing Orient Express again. And the 30mph average Express speed is on that map is a goal I'm just not really interested in. It's fun delivering Meat to the Munching Monks, and the Orca is a fun (and slightly bonkers) addition to the loco roster: but really, I'm more interested in getting all the goods and passengers moving round the map, than in micro-managing moody, temperamental trains to make them marginally faster. The fact that the old migrated thread about that map suggests not even running trains until the final year says it all about that goal. **!!!**
If you play it right, you can clock 34 mph average express speeds with Connies hauling 6 car + caboose auto consists (ie: freight and express). So yeah, I'll go and tick "average speed" now. I forgot about that one. (0!!0)
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Re: What are your favorite goals? Unread post

undertoad, are you using spur maintenance? You talked about it in a recent post.

I never encountered an average speed goal that was difficult with spur maintenance. There's no headache involved. This represents a different style of play. Care must taken to plan routes so that a train will visit service spurs before running out of water/oil/sand. It's a good challenge which I believe will help any player to understand spacing for normal service facility placement. I do enjoy this style for a change, but wouldn't like to play all games this way.

This style is fine if you setup up a route and just let the train go on normal routes. But routing/consist changes for established trains are more complex, making it a little harder to use "special" trains for short term tasks. Which isn't that big a deal but a couple such trains can be a bit of fun, without approaching anything micro-managerial.

Also, I ran a test that seems to indicate that it's more efficient to play with regular in-line service. More info here.

PS. You should be able to see how you voted. When you are signed in, there will be a tick mark next to the items you selected. I can easily see I voted "other".
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