1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week)

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

Would this be a good replacement for the 1.06 Ten Wheeler?

Yep. The 1.06 version is ugly and comes in too late.
Nope. I really like the ugly one and want to keep it.
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1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

Ok peeps, this thing is happening. It's not any more trouble than the Mogul revamps so I'm into it.

For those who haven't seen it yet, I'm taking the default American 4-4-0 model and skin and heavily mutating it, to make a ten wheeler that comes in a lot earlier than the 1.06 version. It's based on "Thatcher Perkins" as far as dimensions and layout go, but with a paint job the sorta fits the over the top style of that period. It's not finished yet, but it's getting there rapidly.
For reference: I'm envisaging this one with a 65 mph top speed, enough grunt to haul a full express consist at 55-60 on flat country, and with speed up grades with a full express consist roughly matching a Connie hauling full freight up the same grade. Pax appeal rating would be either Looks Sharp or Ulltra Cool. Reliability would be Average (same as a Connie) and acceleration Below Average.

The start year of the 1.06 Ten Wheeler doesn't really make sense, because it leaves a big gap for US express locos. There's the American, and then there's the Eight Wheeler, but nothing in between. So my original idea was to use this to replace the 1.06 Ten Wheeler, and have it coming into play in the early 1860's as a decent express upgrade for the 1860-1890 period.

So the question: are people generally cool with this idea, or do they want to keep the 1.06 Ten Wheeler as it is (even though it's really really ugly :-P ) and have this earlier Ten Wheeler as a separate unit?
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

Oh....You're making one, I just made another tread about an 1800s pack xD

If I may, I would love this one as a seperate unit, as the gap needs to be filled as you pointed out.

Since you are on this one, would you mind me making a similar one around 1863ish, smaller drivers, built mainly for grades, not as fast. Which would open the game for the Mastadon for 1864 (B&O Camelback). I have a whole list of things I'm going to tinker with, and it seems you are busy as well.
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I don't mind you doing anything. Do wotcha like. !*th_up*!

If you want copies of anything I have stashed in Blender, let me know. Some of it may be useful to you. Come to think of it I have stacks of drawings that I've scrounged from around the web too.

BTW, I'm finishing off a Pennsy H3 2-8-0 at the moment. The Thatcher Perkins thingy is next in line, but I've been bodgeying the UV's just playing around on top of the default American skin so I really want to re-map the thing properly. It'll make for easier customisation.

And I've sort of gone off the dark look. I know the restoration team used those colours on Perkins, but everything I can find out about that era tells me there was only one thing anyone ever used for boiler cladding: Russian iron.

Russian iron was basically the mid-19th century version of stainless steel. It was shiny (gloss metallic grey, not like chrome) and it didn't rust. Paints of the time couldn't handle the heat on boiler cladding, so Russian iron was the default choice. This is what accounts for the play blue/grey boilers you see in old drawings. They really were like that. Some old pictures of Perkins and the William Mason 4-4-0 show them like this.

Paint was only used on other components where it would last. The exception being smokebox black, which was really just carbon and oil and was slathered on quickly and easily at any time.

Anyway with a Russian iron boiler, Perkins looks like this:
Last edited by Gumboots on Sun May 28, 2017 2:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

I don't like stepping on toes is all ;)

Though, working on similar projects, assets could be shared. I gotta rework this tender, it just doesn't look right xD. Already modded the boiler to resemble something off the Lehigh Valley out east. Where mine will vary is the 3 drivers will be tight together with the rear driver almost center under the cab. Smaller drivers. Different stack. The distance between piston and the first driver will look like a long reach, just the design i guess. But if this works, the next thing i come out with, noone has done xD
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

We cross-posted while I was updating my post with more information.

Anyway yes, some degree of coordination probably makes sense so we don't duplicate efforts, but there's plenty of scope for keeping everyone busy. And TBH I'm only doing a couple of US ones to fill some obvious gaps and fix some horrible 1.06 models. After that I'll be onto World and Euro stuff, so my !#2bits#! is someone else who like US stuff is welcome to go for it.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

Actually have 3 variations of the 4-6-0 that would have different stats based on adhesion, as well as cost and weight. (I like having variety)

Theres this variation that became popular after the version you are doing:

Then theres this version:

AND then theres this version from the DL&W ment for the Pocono grade. Pony truck is compressed and the drivers are more spread out.

3 choices for Moderate, Heavy, and Unrealisticly Heavy Grades (I work on the pocono grade in real life, its nothing to laugh at).
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

Hey do you want a copy of the existing Perkins model? I'm happy to share it if you'd find it useful. It's been carefully checked for dimensions and is as close as I can get it to the real thing, based on the limited information available.

I'd even be happy to turn the entire project over to you, if you like. You want to make 4-6-0's of the period, and you seem to know at least as much as I do about them, you seem to want to do a good job. So, if you'd like to take this one on I'd frankly welcome that. I have too many projects on the go anyway, and although I think Perkins should be done I would also like to have the time available to fix other holes in the roster.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

I'm game, sure, I'll take it up. I'll contact you in a day or so (when I'm off of work from working on the real things) about copies and stuff 8-)
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

No rush. Tell ya what. Let me finish up the H3 first, then I'll do a quick UV repack on the Perkins model. It's a bit of a pig's breakfast at the moment because I was just shunting components all over the default skin for a quick trial. Several things are sharing bits of skin they really shouldn't. I can sort that pretty easily if you want me to, or you can do it yourself if you prefer. I just thought the model may make more sense if you don't have to decipher someone else's half-arsed stuff first, and can just get into it.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

That'd be wonderful, if you don't mind. Would save me alot of messing around in UVunrwap x.x

Of course you will still share much of the credit for the work :)
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

LV628 seems to have vanished, but I've been idly thinking about this project again.

On reflection, I think making it a dedicated express loco would be a mistake. In historical terms the 4-6-0 during this period was the heavy hauler for when a 4-4-0 didn't have the necessary grunt. So really, it would make more sense to revamp the default 4-4-0's stats to make that the dedicated express loco, and set up the 4-6-0 for freight and heavy grades. They could both come in at the same time then, so the US would have good freight and express options while waiting for the later locos. This would give the 4-6-0 ten clear years before the Mogul turns up, and it would obviously still be usable after that if anyone still wanted to use it.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

So, add a new 4-4-0 as a 2nd generation, upgraded engine?

I have the Mogul set to arrive in 1865? Did I miss a change on that?
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

No change on the Mogul. 1865 suits it. !*th_up*!

What I was thinking was that we have the default 4-4-0 coming in 1855, which makes sense because that was about the time they settled down into the classic style for the type (earlier ones were a tad weird). So if we make the Ten Wheeler also come in 1855 then we'd have a good express and a good freight loco for the 1855-1865 period. We'd obviously still have the Baldwin too, but that's a slower unit and could be relegated to short lines after 1855. Then we get Mogul and Connie as usual, and with the new cargo scale only increasing half the freight weights in 1865 the Ten Wheeler could hang on until 1875 in some applications. I think it could all work rather well.

And yes, probably give the 4-4-0 an upgrade in 1875-ish. The default Eight Wheeler is just a mutated American 4-4-0 model with different colours, and is really nothing like an NYC Class I (999 was one of those). So perhaps we could turn that into a decent 4-4-0 around 1875 or so. Something like a Pennsy Class K (later renamed as D6). Just remodel it and use the same game name/slot.

The 1890's were the heyday of the big express camelbacks, usually 4-4-2 or 4-6-0, so one of those would be a good replacement express for that period, as well as being fun to have and adding some interest to the game.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

Sounds good. :salute: Express front is definitely pretty desolate with the default 4-4-0 to Eight Wheeler leap. Majority of scenarios are made for this period too.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

I kinda like the idea. A camelback Atlantic would make a good feed-in to the default Atlantic (Pennsy E6), which was one of the last built and the ultimate evolution of the type. So an earlier one would be good to have. I have drawings and photos for the Lehigh Valley unit that hauled the Black Diamond Express in the 1890's.
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Re: 1860's Ten Wheeler (it's be nice to Yankees week) Unread post

Might as well can this thread for now. The beast is alive and kicking, over in this thread in the Rolling Stock board:

Oh dear, he's done it again (1865 Ten Wheeler)
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