Athabasca 1905

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Re: Athabasca 1905 Unread post

You should be able to run this map in a default 1.05 install. The files, language, logos, etc. are optional.

The included language file is called RT3_Athabasca.lng.

The game uses one called RT3.lng. It is located in Data/Language folder. There are two options:
1. Take the original out of that folder and place it somewhere else temporarily
2. Rename the original, it doesn't matter what you choose, just as long as it is different.

No matter which you prefer you now need to put the included RT3_Athabasca.lng file in the Language folder and rename it to RT3.lng. Reverse the process to uninstall.
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Re: Athabasca 1905 Unread post

Thanks. I'm not sure if I will edit the language files, since it seems like you'd have to rename it each time you play a scenario other than this one.

As for custom locos, I downloaded yesterday the fan made pack and a few other steam locos, so I should be ok in that regard, even if I'm a bit annoyed that some locomotives got renamed or changed, like the consolidation is no longer available at 1865 but now 1881, and only goes at 45 not 60mph. Saying that the mogul looks a good train comparable to the Consolidation. And I think a few modern trains were renamed as well.

Oh I misread logos as locos. ^**lylgh I have a lot of custom logos already so chances are I already have any necessary.
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TheBonobo4 wrote: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:07 amThanks. I'm not sure if I will edit the language files, since it seems like you'd have to rename it each time you play a scenario other than this one.
Yes, you would, but how long is that going to take? The easy way to do it, if you really think you'll be switching from this scenario to another and back again a lot, is to make two extra folders inside the Language folder. RT3 will ignore extra folders, so these won't cause any harm (I often use extra folders to stash stuff).

You can call one folder "Default" and the other folder "Athabasca". One can hold a backup of the default RT3.lng file, and the other can hold a backup of the Athabasca RT3.lng file. If you do it this way there's no need to constantly re-name files. You just copy/paste whichever one you want to use to the main Language folder and overwrite the file that's there. Easy. !*th_up*!
...Consolidation is no longer available at 1865 but now 1881, and only goes at 45 not 60mph...
In real life they rarely topped 20 mph. :-P
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Re: Athabasca 1905 Unread post

Well when you put it like that, that's actually very easy. :-D And I can't imagine taking a train 150 years ago and it only going at 30mph or so. But I would love a world full of steam trains. Imagine getting on a cross country train that looks like the American or similar. :-D
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I have read an article about optimum freight train speeds in the US in the 1890's. A bloke made a study of the trade-offs: reliability, safety, fuel cost, etc, etc.

His conclusion was the the optimum speed for a freight train was 15 mph. This was about middle of the range for the period. Some were as slow as 10 mph, and some were as fast as 20. This applied pretty well to other countries too. Freight speeds in the UK and Australia were similar at the time.
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Re: Athabasca 1905 Unread post

Got silver on medium on this one, but only just. It's a fun scenario but very challenging, that or there's something I've missed. The Prince George connection is very profitable but very expensive, those mountains act like a brick wall and the best way was a fairly Northern approach combined with about 2 or 3 tunnels and a few bridges. Still though the gradients are awful in places. Maybe there is a better way I don't know.


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I had a heck of a time with this one some years ago, I'm sure, finding a rail out of Edmonton start to be too slow. Tried this a few times again recently and finally had sweet success, gold on Expert in March 1923. Started heavy in industry around Saint George, a lumber mill first, with three logging camps nearby, then paper mill and buy the camps. Be on the watch for new industries! I picked up a dozen or more cheap dairy farms, produce farms, corn, and then new logging camps and "traplines" near where I'd built lumber mills and "tanneries." There really is a lot of growth in this scenario, another reason why I'd recommend an industry only start, rails just aren't profitable early.

Played around with managers, used the boost to forestry industries one most, as I'd invested in 7 logging camps and 2 each lumber and paper mills near Saint George and Grand Prairie. Also chose the boost to credit guy a couple times early. Made a direct push from Saint George to Grant Prairie to start my rails in 1911, and wow, it took about 7 poor Camelbacks to cover that line, they slowed to 2 mph frequently between the twisty bits and the 4-6% grades used to get a connection for under $4k, with just one tunnel a bit south of Tumbler ridge. Then invested heavily in industry in Grand Prairie and made it my hub. Autos, Steel, Toys, Meat, Lumber, Paper. First lines out to Dawson Creek and Ft St John, then up to Fairview and Peace River and some "rural" stations to catch grain and other goodies to send to Grand Prairie (and grain got passed on to Saint George to make Steel.)

Next built south out of Grand Prairie to really just a catch station with a couple houses just across the border to boost haulage out of Athabasca, then continued on to Whitecourt, then back down to Hinton, with Whitecourt as a middle hub, but every station so far having trains going to Grand Prairie. Out to Westlock next to grab coal for my Steel Mill in Grand Prairie that now has enough demand to pull supply, and that's 1920. The H10 in 1918 was a gamechanger, as I'd been relying on Camelbacks. I'd recommend enabling the Class 500 in the editor if you're playing this in 1.05 like I did, the Camelback is just pathetic, but no way am I paying the fuel for a Pacific or an Atlantic here when they're no better at grades than a Camelback. The rest was simply take over the AI, which I got lucky? when I offered double price for the one I had 10 and the other two 8 and 2 and the guy with 2 voted to let me take it, otherwise no gold for me. So just watch the AI to make sure nobody gets close to blocking you out of a majority.

Can't help but wonder what other strategies may be able to crack this nut...
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I have played this before. I think I managed it without industry. Just now I tried a start without bonds also now and managed to reach Fort McMurray just in time. Focused on area around Edmonton. Connected to Fort Saskatchewan then down to Camrose. I don't have time to continue playing it now. :-( Maybe if you don't have a Steel/Auto warehouse spawn early in the game it will be harder....

My memory from playing before was about the growth rate. There is virtually nothing outside Edmonton at start. It looks like it will be tough.... but then the place grows like a weed. Also, if you don't let an AI connect to Edmonton, the AI will probably fall over themselves. They only build small stations so never have anything to haul. For example just in my start, the AI had started Leduc - Sherwood Park. The Steel/Auto warehouse spawned in Leduc. But because he had a small station he didn't catch the stream. I just ignored him and built my own station there which I believe is proper procedure. :lol:

About the engines. I don't think there is a problem with the Connie. It's just that there is a gap in availability in the default game when Connie dissapears (1912) and H10 appears (1918). O Poptop, why did you do this? :roll: Artificial scarcity doesn't seem right to me. I would recommend tweaking to allow Connie till 1918.
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Well, if you're looking for a US freight hauler that will cover that period, there is one available. I seem to recall it was even made specifically to cover that period. ;)
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Re: Athabasca 1905 Unread post

The author recommends playing with some of the pre-1.06 locos. So I would consider using new locos is completely within the spirit of the scenario. !*th_up*! In fact with slower freighters the game could actually be considered "more difficult." There are some events that decrease speeds if you don't haul Gravel/aka Bauxite.

There is a note for the scenario: "will be more difficult without them {extra locos}". I could only speculate why low_grade didn't put the locos recommended. As can be seen by both our comments I think the logical conclusion is that the default Poptop allocation for this period is quite poor. We could debate whether a suggestion qualifies to call it "default" (neither really do). As you said, if you are going to change something, may as well jut use new locos. With the extra insight into the formulas our tunes end up far more balanced compared to default locos so for the most part it's just removing artificial scarcity.

PS. low_grade if you didn't catch the hint, Gumboots is talking about the Pennsy H3.
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If you're playing with default cargo cars and locos, and don't want H3 stats balanced for more reality, it's easy to change top speed to boost it a bit. Pulling power and free weight already should be in the ballpark, since on average my cargo cars have heavier freights compared to the default cars. A simple top speed boost to 55mph should make the H3 comparable (as an intermediate unit) to the default Connie and H10 stats.
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Re: Athabasca 1905 Unread post

low_grade wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 2:23 pm Still have no idea how to start Athabasca 1905 with rail...
Do you want some tips to have a crack at it, or you are playing something else now? Are you allowing yourself to use bonds? What about Hotels?

With the 50 track units at the start the only option is to connect Edmonton to Fort Saskatchewan. It will depend a little on the seed, but this line can be a 100k-200k earner. Then wait till track prices decrease. If you really want to wait for best price differentials on consumer products in Edomonton that may be worth it, but by mid-year look to make a new connection. Sometimes up to Westlock can work, but you need to be catching Logs and Livestock there. If you aren't lucky like that (I wasn't in the seed I tried), connecting down to Camrose is a fail-safe. There is a place to make a Wooden bridge for about 140-150k. You should have enough for a Large station in Camrose plus a new Connie without taking a bond.

Camrose is the largest town in the surrounding area. The express revenue from the run to Edmonton can support at least one train in subsequent years. This is a decent "base." Camrose also isn't on a river and it's edge of map, so the price of consumer cargoes shipped there in the first year can fall quite quickly and perhaps setup a short Stony Plain hop for consumers from both there and Edmonton the second or third year. One thing to watch is your track price. Also try to get a manager that will help with that. With this setup the AI likes to run Ledulc-Sherwood. I didn't connect to him, I'm a bit scared he will upset my consumer distribution plan, but it may be free revenue. I also didn't build Hotels, but one in Edmonton can surely help with earnings.
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Re: Athabasca 1905 Unread post

A bit late with the reply, lol, but I finally tried this rail only. I took a bond for summer building and paid it back in the winter twice early, but otherwise... eerily easy. Used Connies until they were gone then switched to the P8, running in 1.06. All auto-consist with no micromanagement. I think I'd always been convinced that I needed to go to Smith, or I was too tempted by St George's early cargo, and also I generally lean heavily on industry when I can. This time I built Edmonton to Ft Sask., then to Westlock, after which the AI built to Camrose and the other 'burbs but I ran my own line there. Then I hesitated. There were years I didn't build a thing, early. When I had $800k or $1.2M I'd make a run. Before heading to Spirit River, I ran a line to Lloydminster to further shore up my foundation, and that was a very profitable line to the end, just Edm-Lloyd. Then I went west from Westlock instead of north, over to Fox Creek with a stop in Whitecourt before heading up to Grand Prairie a couple years later and then up to Spirit River in 1916. From there you get the idea, made $16M for Gold in Jan 1925, no stress.

Disturbingly easy, after my struggles from years ago. Hrm. Maybe I need to try more rail-only starts...
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