Can't get map to show as scenario.

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Can't get map to show as scenario. Unread post

This is more RT3 editor weirdness. :-P

Have made basic map for testing out this idea of shipping. Had to create a company to lay track, so has basic company and trains. Haven't put any cities in yet, and can't do it now anyway since apparently the RT3 editor, in its infinite wisdom, won't allow you to edit city numbers or locations after you create a company. This seems stupid for a "tool" which is supposed to allow you to "edit things hey", but it's RT3 so I'm used to stupid.


Map has basic description, briefing, medal events, and status event. No validation errors are showing. Trains are merrily sitting at stations. Seagulls are merrily crapping on statues. However, although I can get the map to show up on the sandbox list, and open it as a sandbox, it simply does not show up on the scenario listing.

Why not? **!!!**

Edit: Aha! It seems that if you don't have any cities on the map, RT3 decides it can't possibly be a scenario. This also borks events, as well as stopping it showing in the scenario map listing. As soon as I got a blank version and threw some cities around, then added in the extra stuff, everything worked just fine.

It's still daft that you have to have all your cities in place before starting a company for testing, but whatever.
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Re: Can't get map to show as scenario. Unread post

Gumboots.....After uncovering the quirkiness of RT3 Editor and building a scenario without cities, have you ran upon any way to add cities (or just stations of any size) to the map DURING the play. I am talking about programming such within the scenario.
In the scenario I am putting together, I wanted the game to generate some new train stops that would need track ran to then. Such-as, during the game new stations pop-up in the general area of population (communes of different farms/dairies). I know that setting 'regions population' controls the saturation weight of the density of resources. I know that adding new stuff to the map can be manipulated by event action using X/Y locations, but there are no stations (with track beside it) in the list of buildings/businesses.
Can you give me any directions that may help?
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Re: Can't get map to show as scenario. Unread post

In short: no. As far as I know, you can only add buildings by event if they are in the editor drop menu.
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Re: Can't get map to show as scenario. Unread post

OK, thanks.
I will just drop the idea. :-(
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Re: Can't get map to show as scenario. Unread post

Just thinking about it: it's probably possible to add them to the drop list in the .exe, but the real problem would be how would their ownership be assigned? AFAIK RT3 is hard-coded to have stations owned by a company, so you'd have to re-jig all the associated code for that too. My instincts are telling me it would turn into quite a mission.
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Re: Can't get map to show as scenario. Unread post

Yeah. You can't place stations in the editor unless you control a company. I would also be surprised if the game let's you. I think the problem may be track ownership.

There may be workaround options which enable you to achieve a similar result. The thing that would be hardest to replicate is if there is an exact location you are trying to enforce (I think with seeding it would be a hard thing to accomplish in the first place).

If you don't want a player to build stations in certain areas yet, the simplest way is to use a hidden territory there and just raise the price of stations there massively. A small drawback in doing this excessively is that the shed and tower are also affected by the price hike. But, the player can build service facilities outside these zones.
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Re: Can't get map to show as scenario. Unread post

The details pointed out by Gumboots and RulerofRails is things I had not thought about. I think it would be better for me, to leave well enough alone, for the time being. LOL
What I was trying to do with adding stations via events was to make AI players attracted to those areas and lay track. I am still having a problem making an AI take hold and start laying track after a specific date. I have tried all the things told to me in another string, but have not had any success. I think that I will try making some prearranged cities closer together. Right now all the cities are far from each other.
Anyway, I will just keep on trucking.
After working on my scenario for over a year and a half +, it is just started working correctly, other than the AI has not come alive. Him and his company have plenty money and access and buildable track.
I wonder if I should come up with a finishing WIN or LOSE goal, that that would make the AI take action on laying track, hummmmmm.
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