How to take over a AI company in the editor?

Tips and Tricks on Events, Economy, etc.
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How to take over a AI company in the editor? Unread post

I am not familiar with the use of the editor,

1. In the scenario British Miracle V-3 from
I run into the known Copenhagen bug.
I would like to do the workaround and buldoze a station and rebuild it next to the original and make a new connection to the existing AI lines

To rebuild I must be the owner of the railroad.
BUT I do not know, how can I take over the company for the edition?

2. In the same scenario I have the feeling that it is possible to issue stockes more often than any 12 month- maybe 2 times a year.
I can not identify a reason for this in the event section.

What do I have to search for?

3. Is there a manual for the use of the editor or how to edit save games
for editor mode or for the use of cheat codes and a code list?

Thank you
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Re: How to take over a AI company in the editor? Unread post

1/ I'm not sure. But you could just bulldoze the original and build your own station.

If you want the station to be owned by the original company, you could make an event to confiscate it from you and give it to the AI company.

I think (have not tested yet) that if you used "Force test against company" (testing against the AI company) and "Force test against territory" (testing against a Copenhagen territory) you should be able to use "Confiscate stations" to assign ownership of your station to the AI.

2/ You can always issue two lots of stock in any year.
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Re: How to take over a AI company in the editor? Unread post

1. Does that company have a chairman? If so, you can switch control of chairmen in the stock market tab by Ctrl+clicking on a character. This is the easiest way. Remember to switch back afterward.

3. I don't know of a proper "guide" for the basics of the editor. Really a video would be better for that (I'm not volunteering for that, ask any question here and I will write you an answer). A lot of the available information is centered around how to build events. Those are quite complicated at first glance.

The first thing you should know: you can get into Editor mode, via the menu or by pressing Shift+E while playing a game. A toolbar will appear on the left-hand side of the screen.

When in editor mode, anytime you save it will be a .gmp or map file. You can only open map files in this mode. But you can open a savegame (.gms) in normal mode and then switch to editor mode. Take care that when you do this, to switch back to normal mode before saving your savegame.

What is the point of a game if you cheat? There are lists of cheat codes for any game on the internet. But I'm not going to help you in that endeavor. There is no need for cheat codes when editing maps.
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Re: How to take over a AI company in the editor? Unread post

Some cheat codes can be useful for speeding up testing.
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Re: How to take over a AI company in the editor? Unread post

Thank You,
with your help I did the rework and hope the bug is gone now.
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