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Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

I'm not new, I'm rather old but I just haven't been around for a long time. By dumb luck I found an a piece of paper with passwords from old sites on it. This Hawk and Badger forum was one of those sites. To my surprise the site is still up and running. !**yaaa I recall coming here for all my RRT3 needs. I did try to re-visit RRT3 a few years ago...I got it to install, but I could not get it to play. Currently I do have Railroad Empire and Transport Fever which is a fair substitute for RRT3, but doesn't have the same charm.

In the last many years I've learned how to make 3d models in Blender, so I've been making them for Trainz and Railworks. There is a love/hate relationship with those two franchises and I do a lot of bouncing around. Right now I'm looking for the next great thing to catch my interest. I also recall wanting to create content for RRT3 until I was given the tools to do so. I was so clueless to what I was looking at, I gave the RRT3 content creation thought up instantly and never looked back!

Someone needs to fill me in on what has been going on he in the last in the last 5 to 6 years?

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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by sbaros »

It's highly pleasant for us new contributors to see older ones returning. Taking into account recent developments, I'd say that a RRT3 issue of major priority is the lack of one or more satisfactory sets of 52 commodity categories (this is reported as the maximum maximorum attainable) and their respective processing industry types that will provide a relatively realistic economic environment to host the proposed railway systems. So, we would say that we are still at a primitive stage in this aspect, despite 18 years of user community efforts. Both major versions, namely 1.06 and "Trainmaster" are plagued by inconveniences and by inadequacy of coordination between them. I would see the re-issue of both with the maximum possible degree of compatibility between them as a first step towards the development of more elaborated spin-offs (basically alternative cargo sets).
There are quite extensive descriptions of utilising Blender for RRT 3DP stuff too, if one wants to emphasise in this field.
As far as I am concerned, I don't foresee reserving sufficient spare time to master Blender or an equivalent application to the point of creating noteworthy 3D material myself in the near future, yet I welcome the enrichment of available collections by other volunteers. For the time being, I only do minor makeshift modifications to the point achievable with HEX editing tools, just to provide a rather rudimentary and abstract visual coverage of operational concepts I am working on. The same is true for the base test maps I am creating; their scenery is virtually non-existent due to lack of spare time from my part. Admittedly, I would like to see others adding such objects to the available libraries, and generally collective efforts that improve each other's efforts.
I have to express a warning, that several otherwise useful add-ons and instructions downloadable here, by no means excluding my own contributions, present bigger and smaller so to say "bugs", that may drive someone crazy until discovering and correcting them. If one announces his/her intended projects in advance, there may be time-sparing warnings of probable pitfalls by experienced members. I personally have greatly -and gratefully- benefited from this.
Last edited by sbaros on Sat May 08, 2021 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Hi, !!howdy!!

Good to see returning members.

There are several ways to get RT3 running on modern machines, the best is a thing called dgVoodoo2 that Private Codex shared. Search that on Google to find the download page. Simple instructions below:
The download site has a couple links to documentation first. Just look for the one called "dgVoodoo v2.54"
When opening the zip you will have some readmes, dgVoodooCpl, and two folders.
Place dgVoodooCpl on your desktop.
Run this.
Under DirectX settings, make sure to set VRAM to 1024MB (this is analogous to the texture fix). Can turn the watermark off too. Can "Force vSync" to stabilize frame rates.

Now go into the MS folder of the zip.
Select D3D8.dll
Place that in your game folder
Run the game
Go to graphics settings and make sure the "Disable Hardware T&L" switch is off.
Restart the game if you changed that switch.
You're done. !*th_up*!
If you got the game from GoG, there is a little extra step needed for that version of the executable.
Long version. Short version:
Remove/backup the file d8tx.dll from your game folder.
Rename the file D3D8.dll that you just put there with the name "d8tx.dll"
The game will now use the dgVoodoo instructions, enjoy.
A fair bit more is understood about the game now. Gumboots especially has been instrumental in this. There is a script to import models from Blender now. I will let him explain the details of that. It was his doing, and he has made a nice handful or two of new engines.

At present sbaros is the most active in the game I think. But, a few years back, Gumboots and I investigated in depth the fuel cost, engine lifetime, breakdown, etc. principles used and calculated the formulas for many things. He reverse engineered the more difficult formula for performance. We made several spreadsheets that cover every criteria. Something interesting: the car weights from the in-game display don't match what is in the file, so the game misled us all this time.

Other details were also discovered, for example: when you start the game and then start a scenario, the random generation is actually broken. There are only 2 possibile seeding patterns. In order to make randomization work you need to exit from the first load to the main menu and do another. The "first load" doesn't need to be the same map. You can even load a saved game first, and then go back to the Main Menu and start a scenario. There was some old information that indicated that reloading a map might cause more resoruces to spawn, but I believe this is not the case (boring particulars of some tests here).

Lately, there are few new maps, Gumboots has reworked a couple to high standard: sattelite shots for the painting, accurate projection, good story, custom engines, etc.. A few years back Oilcan made a good number of maps. I really enjoy the economic style of his maps.

That isn't all. I can go into more details for the topic of your choice. Other than modding, who I am not qualified to talk about, what aspect are you most interested in?
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

Maybe It's time to take a re-look at the game. The mention of a Blender importer has perked up my ears for sure. I'll have to see if my Pennsylvania Map is still out there, maybe I can make some updates to it.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

Well I did get the game installed. It does seem to be working all though I need to test. I can't seem to get he no CD patch working. Also Is there a way to get the game to 1920 by 1080? It was nice to hear some of that RRT3 music again!
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by sbaros »

The maximum resolution I have ever managed is 1600x1200, albeit without dgVoodoo.
If you manage to get he no CD patch working on any other computer (not necessarily your own), its almost certain that you can transfer the whole installation via USB stick to the target computer, and also run it directly from that USB stick without that bloody CD. This has never failed me on the more than half-dozen computers I have tried it.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

From what I can see the No CD patch is just a .url shortcut and not an actual .exe file. That is probably why is doesn't work.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

I did find the problem with the No CD was an old problem that I forgot about. :shock: You can't simply move the updated RRT3 icon into the RTT3 folder. This will create a .url file or a shortcut icon. This never works. You actually need to copy and paste the updated RRT3 .exe file into the RRT3 Folder for it to stay an .exe file! I new actually remember having that same problem long ago. All is working now.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Hey, glad that you got things working so far. One drawback of dgVoodoo is that screenshots don't work normally in fullscreen mode. A tool such as FRAPs does allow them. But it's in my opinion a small price to pay compared to the benefits.

The game can run higher resolutions, if the setting of your choice is entered via hex. There is a tool to do this: viewtopic.php?p=36597#p36597

Downside: in-game, the resolution will display as 640x480, and toggling windowed mode will lose your setting. Some people copy the config file for fullscreen running at a custom res such as 1920x1080. Then overwrite that in the game folder each time they need it.

I also have a 1920x1080 display. Personally, I am running the game @1600x1024 in windowed mode now. At 16:9 the gameworld appears correctly, however, the UI in the game is always 4:3 aspect ratio. The stretched UI annoys some, but is obviously fine for many others. 1600x1024, is of course a compromise, which according to wikipedia: "1.56:1 (14:9) Used to create an acceptable picture on both 4:3 and 16:9 televisions". It's a matter of taste, try and see what you like best. Thankfully the tool gives you all the options you could want. :-D
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by sbaros »

I never encountered any problems with screenshots under dgVoodoo, from time to time I had some with that weird computer mentioned here, it forced me to manipulate them via the clipboard only. The vast majority of screenshots published by me for more than 2 months now took place under dgVoodoo.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

Folks be advised that the latest dgVoodoo program...I believe it was 74 version, set off the virus alarms on my system and my system automatically deleted it. I had to go with an older version to work. I'm still at a loss to understand what tool is used to make the higher resolution of RRT3. I added the no blurry fix and that stopped the game from working. I'll need some more details.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I bet that someone has marked the older version as trusted, and the current one will be soon enough. It appears that dgVoodoo is a one-man unpaid effort. He can't pay to certify stuff or may not have the time do it himself.

With dgVoodoo and the correct VRAM setting there is no need for the blurry texture fix. In fact that is a wrapper "d3d8.dll" also so it can't work in conjunction with dgVoodoo.

There is a better alternative if you still have blurry textures, a small patch to the exe: viewtopic.php?p=37991#p37991. Download link: download/file.php?id=4294

The file for resolution is in this zip: download/file.php?id=3168 .
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

Thanks. I'll give an update when I'm up and running.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

It looks like everything is working. I even downloaded and installed my old maps and logos. Time to play!

At the same time I just got Transport Fever 2. If they could somehow combine the gameplay of RRT3 to the graphics of TF2, I'd be one happy pup!
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Glad you got the game purring. In the meantime Gumboots seems to be MIA for some reason, I hope nothing serious. Anyway, because he hasn't been in to respond about the Blender script I quickly found a link in case which might help lead you in the right direction for that. (Please note I am not knowledgable in any way about asset creation/importation). viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3879
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by Hawk »

I stop by periodically but without logging in so I didn't realize Gumboots has been MIA for a while. It looks like he hasn't logged in since the 2nd.
I hope everything is OK with him. I'll keep an eye on the place in his absence.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by MrScott1964 »

Hawk wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 10:40 am I stop by periodically but without logging in so I didn't realize Gumboots has been MIA for a while. It looks like he hasn't logged in since the 2nd.
I hope everything is OK with him. I'll keep an eye on the place in his absence.
Nice to see you are still around Hawk. What is keeping you busy these days?
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by Hawk »

Not much MrScott. Just stayin' alive and healthy. :-D
I still game a bit. Games like Surviving the Aftermath, Insurmountable, Airborne Kingdom, Dyson Sphere Program, and a few others. I don't actually play a lot though.
I cook a lot and sleep a good bit. :lol: I'm only 70 but I sure do feel a lot older. I wish I knew back then what I know now. Id'a taken better care of myself. *!*!*!

Good to see you're still alive and kickin' too.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by Gumboots »

Gumboots is fine. Just been a bit slack about logging in the past couple of weeks. Got caught up in other things. ;)

MrScott1964 wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 1:42 pmMaybe It's time to take a re-look at the game. The mention of a Blender importer has perked up my ears for sure.
The Blender import/export script works perfectly on Blender 2.7x, but so far has not been updated for Blender 2.8x or 2.9x. Basically, I got the thing working ages ago, and have just kept using 2.7x because I had the workflow going well (after much sweating and swearing) and couldn't be bothered relearning the Blender gui to deal with the massive changes to 2.8.

So if you're cool with using 2.7x then no problem. If you want to use 2.8 or 2.9 the script will need to be updated before it will work. !*th_up*!

MrScott1964 wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 5:04 pm Well I did get the game installed. It does seem to be working all though I need to test. I can't seem to get he no CD patch working. Also Is there a way to get the game to 1920 by 1080? It was nice to hear some of that RRT3 music again!
Easiest way, IMO, is to code your own custom Data/Configuration/engine.cfg file to include the resolution you want to use. I can run the game at my monitor's native 2560x1440 res without any problems, and also have a few other alternatives for when I don't want to run full screen while testing things. You just enter whatever res you want, and paste in a copy of that file when you need it.
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Re: Howdy Folks!

Unread post by Hawk »

Gumboots wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 3:03 am Gumboots is fine. Just been a bit slack about logging in the past couple of weeks. Got caught up in other things. ;)
That's good to hear. ::!**!
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