
New Members! Please stop by here and introduce yourselves.
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Joined: Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:05 am

Howdy Unread post

Hi everyone,

Just signed up after stalking this forum for several years now.

I played RRT3 as a child, and then downloaded it again during the pandemic in 2020 out of boredom. Lo and behold, I am still fascinated by this game despite being an adult.

Mostly I have been downloading maps, but now it's my turn to start uploading. I like creating historically accurate maps, with proper borders of real countries throughout history (e.g. Germany, Poland, India, etc.) and adding accurate cities, industries, features, etc. but to be honest, I am terrible at writing scenarios and events, so my maps will mostly be based upon taking existing maps and reworking them (credit given, obviously!), but with few/no events.

Let's see how much time I put into this forum. Happy to be here!
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Re: Howdy Unread post

Hi, and welcome. (0!!0)

Clarko95 wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:10 amLo and behold, I am still fascinated by this game despite being an adult.
I claim to be an adult too. Sometimes. :mrgreen:
I'm a bit of a fan of historical accuracy too (within the limits of sanity and the game's capabilities). If you want a hand with writing a type of event, and can't find it in the forum, someone will pipe up with the required information. !*th_up*!
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Howdy Unread post

Hi Clarko95! Good to have you out of the shadows! I chose my username (many years ago!) because I thought I would be the oldest person on the forum - it turns out mine was about the average age at that time. All of us !!jabber!! (Though I am still the only grandmother here.)

I do enjoy real-life scenarios and try to get mine accurate - I've spent so many hours with the CIA Factbook they must suspect me of being a spy!
Glad to help with events, etc. At the moment I'm playing Coast to Coast which I've never really done before. I was too busy writing scenarios and helping with the 1.06 patch of blessed memory.

Happy to have you with us.

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Re: Howdy Unread post

Welcome. !!howdy!!

Interested to see what you come up with. If the maps are based on existing ones, it wouldn't be so hard for someone to transfer in the events later if they desire.

A lot of the existing maps suffer from poor terrain, especially the river courses. The Poptop ones, especially in Coast to Coast are some of the worst. Rivers that go up over the hills etc..

The game is a bit stubborn sometimes, but I guess we are more stubborn to stick with it. ;-)

A tip for testing resource/industry distribution is to not take the first load of a map. Load a map, it can be any map, then go back to the Main Menu and then you can start the map for real. The randomization in the game is a little borked, but this trick as far as we know sidesteps any problems.
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