Tips needed

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Tips needed Unread post

I usually end up with 30 plus trains (I use the cheats) in order to keep transporting something at a profit. However, I've noticed that older trains don't make much of a profit after the first run. The other problem I face is the complexity of managing all those trains and routes.

So I would like some tips on how to run a successful railway company. I also tried the hub and spoke approach in a modded coast to coast map. It did not work for me (I got the idea from someone who had posted in the Steam discussion section.)

Also, did anyone ever make a YouTube tutorial on this?
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30 trains is not many. Depending on the map and how far into the scenario you are, it's not unusual to end up with 100 or more trains. If you are stuck at 30 trains, and have to use cheats to get that far, you are doing something wrong.

If you have a map with limited resources, and you are running all trains on fixed routes (set and forget) then yes, you will find a lot of them make very little profit once the initial price differentials even out. Just trying to run trains from the start, with not much cargo available for them, is a common beginner mistake. In general there are two alternatives.

1/ Manage all trains for every run, so that they always go directly to the most profitable station available. This saves on useless shuttle runs, and is pretty easy for a dozen or so trains. If often set them to pick up the most profitable cargo where they are, and an impossible cargo at the destination (ie: 8 Weapons in an area with no Weapons). This stops the train when it unloads, before it can do something stupid and run away. Then you just see what is available at that station, and which station is the most profitable destination.

2/ If lack of cargo is an issue, build or buy industry to generate cargo (and industry profit). Don't do this mindlessly. Look around for the most profitable options. For example, if there is an existing lumber mill that is doing well it will probably have a high price. If there is a large supply of logs in an area with low demand for logs, it would be more profitable to build your own mill right on top of the logs. You can always arrange shipping for the resulting lumber later.
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Ok, thank you. Yes micro managing might be the way to go in the beginning. What about initial track layout: Single or double? Plus, if the game starts in 1875, what type of bridges would be more suitable (economical)?
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Single track to start with. Later in the game you can double track any sections that are being bogged down by very high traffic.

The most economical bridges are obviously timber, but they cause the greatest reduction in train speed (50%). They also cannot be double tracked later. This may not matter in a lot of situations. It depends on your aims.

For example, if you are trying to maintain high express speeds a steel bridge (70% speed), or even stone bridge (100% speed), may be a better bet. Ditto if the line is going to have very heavy traffic and you will want double track later. It may make more sense to build a bridge which can be double tracked.

If you are only hauling freight on a line, with not many trains using it, timber bridges are probably fine. The greater loss of speed on the bridge itself may not matter.
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Speed restriction by percentage (50%,70% ) sounds stupid. Bridges pose absolute speed limits. A Pacific won't be allowed to run any faster than, say, a Decapod of the same axle-load.
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RT3 is a game, not a simulator. In RT3, making your locomotive lighter makes it hauls heavy loads up hills faster. That's not at all realistic, but that's how RT3 is coded.
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