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Raw material /as in old days/

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Raw material /as in old days/

Unread post by navall »


To start with: it has been some years since I have played RT3.

Now, one thing I was surprised with: there is no more playing with raw material? Is there a chance to do so, as it was, you build a railroad to e.g., field with corn, then a railroad to factory, and only then you would have a, idk, bread, that you'd further transport? Is there something in the setting that I don't see that would allow to play with this? Or maybe some patch/un-install patch...something? I know the world is changing, but for old beavers like me, being nostalgic and all, would be nice to play as I knew the game :)

Thanks for any help! (sorry if this topic is covered somewhere, I did not find it)
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Re: Raw material /as in old days/

Unread post by Gumboots »

Raw materials are produced by things like mines, farms, logging camps, fertiliser factories, etc. Yes, you can ship them to other destinations for production of other cargoes, or just for consumption by houses, etc.
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