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Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

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Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by Gumboots »

AdmiralHalsey wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:47 amI've got a full folder of literally every download on here planned to be uploaded to the Internet Archive if the site ever dies. Well with a few exceptions, mainly your loco's @Gumboots . Do you happen to have an all in one file for the current fully updated ones? Because I can't figure out which order and files I need VS ones I don't.
Me? Organised? Surely you jest.

TBH I have not played the game for a while, partly because my installations became unstable, and partly due to being busy with other things. I think the instability may be something to do with Windows 10 updates, because everything used to be fine (even with W10). I'm not sure, though. I may register at GOG and grab their (very cheap) version, which still seems to work for people.

Anyway, no, at the moment there isn't one convenient zip that has everything in it. Offhand I can't even remember everything I have posted, but I'll take a look and see what I can dig up. (0!!0)
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by AdmiralHalsey »

Gumboots wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:26 am
AdmiralHalsey wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:47 amI've got a full folder of literally every download on here planned to be uploaded to the Internet Archive if the site ever dies. Well with a few exceptions, mainly your loco's @Gumboots . Do you happen to have an all in one file for the current fully updated ones? Because I can't figure out which order and files I need VS ones I don't.
Me? Organised? Surely you jest.

TBH I have not played the game for a while, partly because my installations became unstable, and partly due to being busy with other things. I think the instability may be something to do with Windows 10 updates, because everything used to be fine (even with W10). I'm not sure, though. I may register at GOG and grab their (very cheap) version, which still seems to work for people.

Anyway, no, at the moment there isn't one convenient zip that has everything in it. Offhand I can't even remember everything I have posted, but I'll take a look and see what I can dig up. (0!!0)
Thanks Gumboots!
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by Gumboots »

Might as well start making a list of them, and the state they are in. :)
This is just an initial bash at it. I'll edit things and re-shuffle them as I go.
Forum topic: 1925 A1 Berkshire
Archive download: (via Mediafire)
Status: Finished asset.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Loco stats are set up for default cargo cars.
Forum topic: Minor Big Boy bugz
Archive download: (via Mediafire)
Status: Finished modification.
Notes: Does not change default Big Boy loco stats. Not a PK4 - it is loose files, to use as overrides in UserExtraContent. Could be changed to a complete PK4 by using internal renaming of files.
Forum topic: 2-6-4T Suburban Tank (revamped, and double header)
Archive download: Single version - Double version
Status: Finished assets.
Notes: New locomotive PK4's. Loco stats are set up for default cargo cars. Single locomotive version is a replacement for the 1.06 locomotive.
Forum topic: Anyone want double-header Shays and Fairlies?
Archive download: Shay only (no Fairlie)
Status: Finished asset.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Loco stats are set up for default cargo cars (I never got around to making the double Fairlie).
Forum topic: 1.06 Mogul deborkification und skinz
Archive download: (via Mediafire)
Status: Finished asset.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Includes optional skins. Replacement for the 1.06 locomotive.
Offhand I am not sure which loco stats are in the archive download - I made various versions.
Best used with a custom stats pack (ie: .lco and .car files only) balanced for my custom cargo cars - and including the Mogul, Connie, Pennsy H3 and Thatcher Perkins - available here. That pack relies on my custom pax appeal scale too.
Forum topic: 1.06 Mogul deborkification und skinz
Archive download: Connie Skins
Status: Finished assets.
Notes: Skins only, for the default PopTop Connie (new PK4's). Makes no changes to any loco stats. Just putting it here because it is basically the Mogul skins with different naming.
That is all the ones that are in the archives as of 24 June, 2024.
The rest are strewn throughout various forum topics. Finding all of those will be fun. *!*!*!

They get more complicated too, because:
  1. Most of them are not only set up for my custom cargo cars, but...
  2. They also use a custom pax appeal scale that relies on a custom RT3.lng file to work.*
  3. Most of them are unfinished, and beta at best, although some are good enough to play with.
*Actually, the custom pax appeal scale will work with the standard RT3.lng file, but it will say daft things for pax appeal ratings because it steals some of the standard text string calls (sandbox times, etc) and re-uses them for pax appeal. So if you don't want it saying daft things in the user interface, you need the custom RT3.lng. Which I'm sure is posted somewhere, but at the moment I can't remember where. *!*!*!

Edit: Aha! Found it! Custom RT3.lng file is attached here
Also, another handy post, with various links to useful stuff: viewtopic.php?p=43943#p43943
First of the remaining locos is.... the Pennsy H3!

Forum topic: Another Connie (coz we need an uglier one)
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Finished asset.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Uses my custom pax appeal scale. Initial stats were a bit off.
Best used with a custom stats pack (ie: .lco and .car files only) balanced for my custom cargo cars - and including the Mogul, Connie, Pennsy H3 and Thatcher Perkins - available here. That pack relies on my custom pax appeal scale too.
Forum topic: Pacific/Penn 462 not so basic bug fixes
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Finished modification.
Notes: A gfx/mesh fix for glitches in the default PopTop Pacific. Does not change any loco stats. Not a PK4 - it is loose files, to use as overrides in UserExtraContent. Could be changed to a complete PK4 by using internal renaming of files.
Forum topic: Southern Railways "Schools" V class [WIP]
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Not finished. It works, but is very simple and quite rough.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Loco stats balanced for my custom cargo cars. Also uses my custom pax appeal scale.
I do have a far more advanced version saved in Blender. Getting that running will require me to re-purchase a license for HexEditorNeo (because I am not messing around with hex editing without the full functionality of that editor's paid version) and will also require me to find a way of getting my RT3 installations running without CTD (so I can test things).
Thatcher Perkins 4-6-0
Forum topic: Oh dear, he's done it again (1865 Ten Wheeler)
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Sort of finished.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Loco stats balanced for my custom cargo cars. Also uses my custom pax appeal scale.
It works, and it looks good, but the mesh and skinning would benefit from a revamp. Best used with a custom stats pack (ie: .lco and .car files only) balanced for my custom cargo cars - and available from the same post. I should repack it with the updated stats included by default.
TGR Class M Garrat
Forum topic: Oh dear, he's done it again (1865 Ten Wheeler)
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Not finished. It works, but is very simple and quite rough.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Loco stats balanced for my custom cargo cars. Also uses my custom pax appeal scale.
NSWGR Class AD60 Garrat
Forum topic: Australian steam locos
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Not finished. It works, but is quite rough.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Loco stats were intended for my custom cargo cars, but have not had much testing for balance. Also uses my custom pax appeal scale.
Forum topic: SAR Class 520 4-8-4 (slightly beta, but fine)
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Not quite finished.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. It works, and looks pretty good, but I may do some more graphics detailing at some point. Loco stats are intended to be balanced for my custom cargo cars, but it is probably a bit over-powered and might benefit from some adjustment. Also uses my custom pax appeal scale.
There is a green skin available for it too: attached to this post
Forum topic: Jurassic freight hauler - LMR Samson
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Finished asset.
Notes: New locomotive PK4. Loco stats are balanced for my custom cargo cars. Also uses my custom pax appeal scale.
PopTop Camelback reskin
Forum topic: Rolling Stock skinning ideas
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Finished modification.
Notes: Not a PK4. Loose files, to be used as overrides in UserExtraContent. Zip also includes optional .lco and .car files to change loco stats for use as a "shunter" (ie: short hops, at low speed, with low value cargoes). This can be useful for evening out price islands at times. These optional EngineTypes files are set up for my custom cargo cars and pax appeal scale.
Could be changed to a complete PK4 by using internal renaming of files.
PopTop P8 reskin
Forum topic: Locomotive fixes for 1.06
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Finished modification.
Notes: Not a PK4. Loose files, to be used as overrides in UserExtraContent. Reskin only, in original Prussian livery, with no changes to loco stats.
1.06 G10 revamp
Forum topic: Locomotive fixes for 1.06
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Finished asset.
Notes: Replacement for the 1.06 locomotive. Rebuilt mesh, and original Prussian livery. Make sure you read the comments about using this rebuild with saved games.
I have also made a custom stats pack for the P8, G10, and 2-6-4T Suburban Tank. It is balanced for use with my custom cargo cars and custom pax appeal scale. You can find it attached to this post
1.06 Vittorio Emanuele revamp
Forum topic: Locomotive fixes for 1.06
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Unfinished asset.
Notes: Replacement for the 1.06 locomotive. Rebuilt mesh, and original livery. It works, and is mostly complete. Skinning is very basic, but still looks a lot better than the original 1.06 loco. It has not had any real testing for loco stats balance yet. I think (cannot actually remember) that it may still be using the original 1.06 loco stats.
H10 Mikado double
Forum topic: H10 Mikado double header (BETA)
Zip download: attached to this post
Status: Finished asset.
Notes: Created primarily for testing of double headers, and for possible performance impacts of more complex assets. Set up for default PopTop cargo cars and default PopTop pax appeal scale, Has not had much in the way of testing for overall game balance.
I think that is all of the actually running ones, apart from the 19th century NSWGR loco pack.
Those can be found in this thread: NSWGR Locomotive roster
Note that these should get a revamp (as mentioned here) but I haven't done that yet.
Also note that all of these locos are set up for my custom cargo cars and custom pax appeal scale.
Some of them really need better skinning too, but they are all quite playable in their current state.
NSWGR 1 Class 0-4-2
NSWGR 6N Class 4-4-0T & 8 Class 2-2-2WT (includes revised stats for the 1 Class).
NSWGR 14 Class 2-2-2
NSWGR 17 Class 0-6-0
NSWGR 23 Class 2-4-0
NSWGR 67 Class 0-6-0T
NSWGR 93 Class 0-6-0
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by AdmiralHalsey »

Hot ****** this is nice. Also somehow missed your cargo revamps but pretty sure I found the right thread for the downloads It's that one right? Once I get confirmation of that I can finish the file and have it ready to go for the Archive if anything ever happens to the site.
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by Gumboots »

That's the right thread, but I still haven't organised all the downloads for that either.

Come to think of it, I vaguely recall that last time I played my Latvia map (which was ages ago) there was a bug in one of the freight car packs too. IIRC one cargo was showing the wrong model for one era (although everything still worked) but I can't remember more than that. I'd have to check it all again.
Caboose pack (October 12, 2020) and express car pack (October 18, 2020) are attached to this post
Flat car pack and reefer pack (August 03, 2019) are attached to this post
Read the notes about the flatcars and reefers in that post.
Stock car pack (July 06, 2018) is attached to this post
Tanker pack (June 22, 2018) is attached to this post

An alternative F era tanker (September 17, 2020) is attached to this post
Open hopper pack (February 11, 2018) is attached to this post
Box car pack (December 09, 2017) is attached to this post

Covered hopper pack (June 10, 2017) is attached to this post

1.06 bug fixes (February 12, 2018) for box cars and covered hoppers are attached to this post

An additional bug fix (December 23, 2018) for the box cars is attached to this post

I really should re-pack the box cars and covered hoppers with the bug fixes in place, but that's another thing I have not got around to. *!*!*!
Autoracks pack (January 19, 2017) is attached to this post
I think that is all of them.

Some minor improvements could be made to some of the freight car packs, mainly by adding the better trucks I made for the tankers and the stock cars. The rest of them still use the bodgy old default PopTop trucks and wheels (except the H era well cars, which have proper Barber trucks) but nobody seems to mind too much.
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by AdmiralHalsey »

I am now a very happy tycooner here. With this my work is done until someone uploads a new scenario/train/cars/anything related to RRT and god forbid if anything ever happens to this site it'll have an enduring backup on the Internet Archive.
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by BigMac »

AdmiralHalsey wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:31 pm I am now a very happy tycooner here. With this my work is done until someone uploads a new scenario/train/cars/anything related to RRT and god forbid if anything ever happens to this site it'll have an enduring backup on the Internet Archive.
Well I've just found one of the server backups of my old site, and while some of the stuff is on this site, some of it may not be. Sorry, I may have to add to your workload ^**lylgh ^**lylgh
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by Gumboots »

Lol. My workload too. :lol:

Mind you, this site is really easy to run these days, so no problem. If you want to give us copies of anything we don't already have I can add them to the archives.
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Re: Getting loco stuff organised (hey ho)

Unread post by AdmiralHalsey »

BigMac wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:00 am
AdmiralHalsey wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:31 pm I am now a very happy tycooner here. With this my work is done until someone uploads a new scenario/train/cars/anything related to RRT and god forbid if anything ever happens to this site it'll have an enduring backup on the Internet Archive.
Well I've just found one of the server backups of my old site, and while some of the stuff is on this site, some of it may not be. Sorry, I may have to add to your workload ^**lylgh ^**lylgh
Hey I'll take it! I want as much as I can for the game to be saved. My next goal is to try and go through all the development threads involving the 1.06 patch and trainmaster and copy them into a PDF file. That why if anyone every wants to restart development of either of them they'll have all the previous info in one spot.
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