New map for rrt3: RAVONIA

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
Ali Barba
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Hi Ruler,
Now that's odd, even with that layout you should have used 8000 pieces of track! The only difference with my layout, was more through the middle, which would use slightly more track but not significant. By all cities I meant all that MUST be connected (6). I always start from Harwan. I did try setting yearly track to 9,000 pieces but it wouldn't work! I had to set it to 8,000 and let myself use 1000 in the second year to be able to lay it out. I wonder if Win 10 is causing issues?

I have another issue, I added in Status info to show which cities were connected and which weren't. For some really strange reason it said before first year that I had connected to Eibar, when I wasn't. Once I did get connected, the following year (and permanently) it said I was NOT connected - in the status. I'm up to 1889 so far, waiting to see what it says when I hit 1905.... ;-)
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

This is one of the stranger things I have heard happen with the game. There must be some explanation. Maybe you could post a version (or saved game) with the events you used. I will then try to see if I can figure anything out.

The Eibar connection could possibly be explained if the radio button of FALSE is selected instead of TRUE. At the end of the condition it normally should be "... is TRUE", but if that was "... is FALSE" that would cause the behavior you described. Unless it's something else. . . .
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Ali Barba wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:48 amHi Ruler,
Now that's odd, even with that layout you should have used 8000 pieces of track!
Obvious question here: if you are using 8,000 pieces of track to do the same connections that RoR does with 4,000 pieces of track, are you using double track? I've never checked, but does double track count as twice as many pieces as single track?
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Due to
+Ali Baba" wrote:I've tried this twice, and am up to 1896. It simply isn't possible to connect all cities by then!!!!?
I played this map once more today (on normal) and got the golden medal at end of 1923 with CBV of $615 million, LIP of $583 million and PNW of $175 million. The start up so far:

- bought a distilly in Harwan and layed a first track from there to Ulo
- expanded via Gilrath to Lezama (1878)
- next connected to Corwena and Ariza (1880), meat plant in Ariza
- Thaboran (1st required city) in 1881
- continued to Wara and Eibar (2nd required city) in 1882
- now expanded form Harwan to Luacha
- Haix (3rd required city) in 1885
- connection from Lezama to Gathoma
- bought the steel mill in Gathoma and made it profitable
- expaded then via Rhowana to Khandara
- connected Mareka (as 4th required city) in 1892
- now connected Luz (5th required city) in 1894 to fulfill the precondition

From now on the target was to first connect all cities on the map and second thereafter start with doubling the track. Final notes:

- 1907 bronze conditions met
- 1913 all cities connected
- 1916 silver conditions met
- 1923 gold conditions met

It's a typical arop map with some preconditions and a CBV, LIP, PNW triple to reach.
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Ali Barba
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Quick reply, gotta get back to work.
I suspect someone is confusing track pieces with miles. I've completed the connections (too late) in 1905, at 8,616 pieces which is only 4308 miles. I could have reduced it slightly, but the only problem was not having enough money in the first 5 years to lay the full 300 pieces = 150 miles of track. Also if I'd avoided Alwan and gone direct to Corwena I would have had enough track by 1904. A minor refinement.
As for connections, its weird as Eibar started saying it was connected, then five years later it went back to not.... Mareka never showed as connected as I did that in 1905, which is a fail. Sadly you can't continue the game after 1906 if you fail, as you don't get more track. Probably pointless anyway. I'll study the comments later tonight, but if I can upload a picture, you'll see my track layout which failed just a tiny distance short of Mareka.
Ravonia almost.jpg
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Ah, yes. 1 track mile = 2 track pieces as a general rule. This tripped me up when I was finding the fuel cost formula, but not this time. My example used circa 4,203 track pieces which if we converted to track miles is about 2,101 "track miles". "Track miles" is the number you can see in the ledger on the Haulage Report page.

In limited track-building scenarios we can only specify a limit on number of "track pieces", the mileage number is not an indicator of how many you have used. However the units are defined, it's still very strange how you can't make the connections and Sugus and I can do that just fine with time to spare. **!!!** Just wondering did you have a problem in other limited track scenarios such as the classic (Poptop original) Italy map?
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