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Been gone way too long.

Unread post by AdmiralHalsey »

So yeah title says it all. Anything interesting I've missed since I last kept up here in late 2017? New rolling stock or loco's being worked on for example?
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Re: Been gone way too long.

Unread post by Gumboots »

Oh yeah. Dunno if you're into making maps from MicroDEM, but I figured out how to get much better height resolution when the maps are imported into RT3.

The story is that the custom RT3 height table for MicroDEM (ELEV_COLORS_0-9999.dbf) was borked, and was only giving heights in 40 metre (130 foot) chunks. I figured out how the RT3 height scale works, and how to fix the .dbf file, so it's now possible to make maps with height resolution down to 5 metres. That's useful for some maps, but not so useful for others, so I also made another set of tables on an 8 metre resolution. That's the same resolution that ELEV_COLORS_0-9999.dbf was supposed to have, but didn't.

It's possible in theory to make a map of the world from the Dead Sea (lowest point) to the peak of Everest (highest point, obviously) with 1 metre height resolution. That seems to be the basis for their thinking on the height scale. In practice that's not a useful scale to work on, because the grades end up vastly exaggerated over anything practical.

If you're curious, the best place to start reading is probably here: viewtopic.php?f=65&t=3708&start=30#p46292
Read that page and the next one to get a good understanding of the whole thing. There are example maps to go with the new height tables. !*th_up*!
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