I'm back... because I need help, of course

Tips & suggestions for a good RT3 playing environment.
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I'm back... because I need help, of course Unread post

I'm trying to reinstall RT3 on the laptop because of problems with the desktop. I currently have the two-disc version so I put the install disc in and clicked install, and then the window closes and nothing happens. I made sure the previous RT3 installation was completely gone, tried again, and still nothing. For goodness sake, what's up? As always, I appreciate the help!
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What OS?
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The Big Dawg
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Can you see the contents of the disc when you go to Windows Explorer (or My Computer - however you can get to it in your OS) and select that drive?
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Windows 7 (so I was already prepared for that pain in the butt process). Yeah, it gives me the option to view files in disc, and I did that and found some setup files and clicked on them but they didn't work, they gave me an error message.
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Could it be a registry problem? Have you checked for stray old stuff in there?
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That's what I figured, and I'm pretty sure I deleted/uninstalled all the old stuff. I can go through again, but if that's not it, any ideas what in the world else might it be?
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I haven't had to reinstall for a few years now (famous last words) but the only things I can think of are running in Windoze admin mode for installation, and something about having to install DirectX 8 (but I think the disc should do that for you).

Also, don't let it install to the default directory it suggests (C\\:whatever). Use a custom directory, if you haven't already.
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Re: I'm back... because I need help, of course Unread post

What does the error message say when you try to run a setup file from the cd?

I don't know what problems your desktop is having, but if it still boots up you might want to try copying the RT3 directory on that computer to a USB drive and then copy the folder onto your laptop and see if that works.
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The error message says along the lines of the file I try to activate not being the right one or format. I read through the readme file and it said to look for a setup.exe file which, shocker, there is none. I went through with a search of the computer and deleted every RT3 leftover and it still isn't working. Is this a game you simply can't install twice on the same computer?
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There is a setup.exe file on the cd. It's in the _setup folder. At least it is on my disk 1 from the 2 disk set. I have the single disk install around here somewhere but I don't know where right off the top of my head, but I'm guessing it's in the same place.

Also, no you can't install RT3 more than once, if it's already installed. Did you uninstall it or just delete all the files? If you just deleted all the files, the install location is still in the registry and may stop another install attempt.
If you unistalled it first, then deleted any leftover files, the unistall process should have removed the registry entries.
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Re: I'm back... because I need help, of course Unread post

I'm pretty sure it was uninstalled the first time around, but no matter what the desktop should be getting fixed this weekend and I can try installing it there. Thanks, hopefully this gets worked out.
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Re: I'm back... because I need help, of course Unread post

Good luck. !*th_up*!
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