Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing...

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Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

Hi folks... I'm new here... :-D
After thousands of years (joking), I took again RT3 in my hands and I decided to create a map based on the "Greenland Growing". Basically deleting every track previously laid and "asking" the player to connect from 5 (bronze) to 10 (gold) towns to reach the goal.

But I do have a problem... Trying to testing it the game crashes during the "loading time", I think for a problem caused by some economic problems... The same happens if I try (in editor mode) to create a new company... !hairpull!

I have really no idea on what to do... :-(

If somebody wants to help me I'll thank him!!! !*th_up*! !$th_u$!

PS: The map shows italian sentences =/ but I think that Google Translate can help... :lol: Unfortunately I do not have enough time to translate it now, I'll create an "english language" version of this map later, as soon as problems will be fixed ;-)
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Attach the game in a zip file and I will test opening it.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

OilCan wrote:Attach the game in a zip file and I will test opening it.

here you are :-)
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I can't figure out why it's not working, but your observations are correct; the game seems to hang in the "Seeding Economy" stage or when starting a company in the editor. It may have to do with how the original scenario was set up with a company in place or other gamewide conditions. I would suggest starting over, making incremental changes and saving/testing at each stage. If you can narrow it down to the point in your conversion that the problem appears, there may be an answer.
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Sorry, I did not find the problem.
I checked everything I could think of.
I reset the building densities and overall densities - no change.
I deleted the events - no change.
I reset densities and industry on all the cities - no change.
I deleted all the cities - no change.
I deleted the company - no change.
I wiped the map clean of everything - no change.
I created a new region - no change.
I created two new cities - no change.
It always crashed while loading and at while 'seeding economy'.

It is a very nice map, but I am afraid you will have to start with a brand new map. (Or as Wolverine says, restart with the old and watch it carefully as you add new things.)
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Are you using all default locos in your install? I have seen maps crash if a loco is used by the creator but not installed by the end user.

I wonder also if it could be something in the language.

Do you still have the original grayscale map?
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

Unfortunately I do not have a greyscale img of the map... It is the same as the default campaign scenario "Greenland Growing" (or something like that).
And yupe I'm using the game as it was bought (in Italy) plus the Coast to Coast expansion...
I do think I should try without the expansion to see if it works, but I don't think that is the problem... :cry:

It was not an easy job to reach that point.. Deleting carefully the previously-laid tracks (because some of the towns were exactly over the tracks and there was the risk to delete both tracks and town), re-"painting" the map making it more icy (hehehe)... Adding the right events.. Setting up industries.. :cry:

Uff... **#!help
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Here is a greyscale map of about the same section of Greenland. It was created with RT3 Mapbuilder and rescaled through Gimp to the correct projection. I tested a few new maps and found that if you set the Overall Height Mod to 1.0, the mountain top mod to 0.5 (or 0.3), and the smoothness to 2.0 that you come out with a reasonable map.
Mapbuilder shows the interior of Greenland to be covered with snow at about the same elevation and that is why the interior looks flat instead of having mountains. You can easily change this through the terrain height tool in the map editor.

(After unzipping, place the map into your Data / Greyscale Maps folder and then open it through Map Editor - New Map - From Heightmap.)
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

Yay!!! :-D thank you very much!!! ::!**!
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

I'll continue the editing as soon as I'll have some spare time away from my job... Real trains are calling me now ;-)
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

MAP FINISHED!!! :D Italian version works pretty well I think!!! Here there are a few screens and the Italian map file.. I'll translate it in english too, if enyone wants it :)
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

fsantoro91 wrote:MAP FINISHED!!! :D Italian version works pretty well I think!!! Here there are a few screens and the Italian map file.. I'll translate it in english too, if enyone wants it :)
i'm gonna try it! (if i have time, and you translate it to english)
gismoskip, current RT3 player working on the maps of tomorrow for RT3. better belive it.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

gismoskip wrote:i'm gonna try it! (if i have time, and you translate it to english)
Gimme a few days and I'll translate it.. It is not that difficult in the structure of events, but it is my first map ever.. I hope it is enjoyable.. :roll:
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

HERE IT IS!!! ::!**!

I hope it will be hard but fun to play.. :-)
Groenlandia - English.rar
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

fsantoro91 wrote:HERE IT IS!!! ::!**!

I hope it will be hard but fun to play.. :-)
k, i'm going to try it as soon as i have an RAR extractor . . . lol
gismoskip, current RT3 player working on the maps of tomorrow for RT3. better belive it.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

7zip will open rar files, and it's free.
WinRAR is shareware.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

Hawk wrote:7zip will open rar files, and it's free.
WinRAR is shareware.
i'll check it out ;-)
gismoskip, current RT3 player working on the maps of tomorrow for RT3. better belive it.
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Or just re-compress the file as a zip for everyone. There's not really a lot of point in using the .rar format, since the compression isn't that much better. I'm not sure why it is so popular.
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I think rar is more popular outside of the US, for some reason.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

Gumboots wrote:Or just re-compress the file as a zip for everyone. There's not really a lot of point in using the .rar format, since the compression isn't that much better. I'm not sure why it is so popular.
here it is !!howdy!!
Groenlandia -
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