Age of Steam

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Thanks for letting me know Hawk, I dropped a PM to molse saying than you, but I only found out about it from your site so don't be shy accept my thanks also.
By the way do you ever sleep? it seems that you are everywhere on this board and you still find time to actually play, and lead a life away from the computer
I got up and the world was still here, isn't that wonderful ?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Honestly I don't have much of a life away from the computer. My wife considers herself a computer widow. ^**lylgh

I do sleep, in spurts. 2 or 3 hours at a time, 2 or 3 times a day. :roll:
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Finally managed to best this and get gold on Hard. Finally figured out the joy of starting new companies and then absorbing them. That really boosted up the old CBV and PV. Especially once the credit limit went skyward and I was able to start companies owning 100 pct of the stock, forget outside investors!

Great map and as has been mentioned before, loads of great info.

On to the next one!
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Thank you very much. I have never used the start another company method of winning. I am pleased that people are enjoying my first attempt at scenario making.
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Sorry for "necroing" an old thread, but I gave Age of Steam I a run a few days ago. Simply put, I was blown away. The best part about this scenario is that it makes you fall in love with steam engines (I know I did); few games, let alone expansion scenarios, have that effect on you. Hats of to you guru wsherrick. :salute:

I hit gold at medium with about seven years to spare. Had no trouble whatsoever; just played normally and kept going. I always do one thing in every map I play: get an oil refinery or steel mill running as soon as I can. I did the same here, and the game flowed pretty smoothly from then on.

A great scenario; thanks a lot wsherrick. Keep your work flowing.

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The Big Dawg
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

citizenvish wrote:Sorry for "necroing" an old thread, ...
As far as I'm concerned, unlike other forums - there is no dead thread here. I'd rather an old topic be added on to than a new topic started about a subject that's alredy been discussed in an old thread. Makes things easier to find. ;-)
Lone Cat
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

The said forum seems to be disabled.

Can you tell me about the conditions to win Age of Steam 1 ? the CLEAR conditions.

somewhere in 1929-2931 i've met all conditions to win the scenario but about the speed? it doesn't shown up in briefing for how fast should the express speed maintained? it shown up in ledger!
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Win conditions for Age of Steam 1 are

BRONZE (after 35 years)
Company Book Value >= $85 million
SILVER (after 35 years)
Company Book Value >= $175 million
Company Book Value >= $250 million
Player Net Worth >= $250 million

There are no other conditions concerning a medal.
There's no business like RT business ...
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

The high speed event is only for a company cash bonus.
You'll probably only know about the high speed once you achieved the average 30 MPH (other than in the ledger). A message should pop up on the screen.
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Is this 1.05 or 1.06?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Age of Steam I, II, & III were designed in 1.05 and may not play as intended in 1.06.

Age of Steam IV and V were designed in 1.06.
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Thanks for the info Hawk,
As seeing that I got "booted down the track" 23 years left to the deadline in the 1.06 patch. I guess I will have to start putting these 1.05 patched scenarios into a separate file folder. And just when it started to become interesting. It has been a time since my last playing, so don't really remember if I had a problem at that time. But then, I may have played it in the 1.05 patch. But thanks again for the input. :salute: {,0,}
Jeremy Mac Donald
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

Finished this off this evening. There is talk of competing rail roads but the current version does not have any competitors. Definitely one of the easier scenarios I've ever played. A flat map with good rivers means its a tad difficult right at the beginning to get a profitable rail line and I struggled for the first three years issuing stock desperately trying to get a line that was long enough to be profitable. Sometime around this point there is an event that gives out a million dollars and grants the player phenomenal credit. From that moment on I was just connecting and connecting at a break neck pace. Hit gold in 18 years with 1/2 my company book value in 150 million in cash just sitting there. Very much a scenario where you can get by without industry - I never had any. I expected the map to equalize out and the routes to stop being profitable as I connected everything by a really good network based on the Spider or Hub Model of rail layout (which this scenario clearly encourages). Nonetheless I was still clearing phenomenal amounts for the hauls right up to the end. I made more then $100 million a year in profit the last couple of years. Not sure if it was simply a case of making all the connections so fast that the map never had a chance to equal out or if some of the later evens hard coded high values for the deliveries.
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Re: Age of Steam Unread post

I can't believe the 2-D-2 was offered, lol! Knowing that both fuel economy and acceleration boosts don't work, I did indeed electrify all track and swap all my freight haulers, Camelbacks, for 2-D-2's. Kept only Eight-Wheelers as dedicated express to the end. So little attention required, but with such a lush map, you can't help yourself, lol! Started with a distillery in Minneapolis and buying fruit farms for $210k, then repeat with industry of choice. When given the grant and super credit, of course I maxed out and started a network from Minneapolis. So, nice, easy, generous map.

But, I really love the dialogues! Totally worth it, gives the scenario the atmosphere of a history lesson. Gold on Expert came rather late after I missed my timing and that the goals were $250M each, then the economy went into recession. Took an extra 6-7 years, but eventually the economy returned to Prosperity and PNW got back to gold.
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