Atlantic, Ohio & Mississippi

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Atlantic, Ohio & Mississippi Unread post

:-) My latest scenario is called Atlantic, Ohio & Missisippi, about a predecessor to Norfolk & Western, which was formed in 1870 by 3 minor railroads linking Norfolk to Bristol. It went into recievership in 1873 and was sold at auction in 1881. Norfolk & Western never reached further west than Cincinnati and Bristol, but what would happened if...
Note: My first version, sunday january 25th contained a couple of small errors, which is corrected in the latest version. P.S. N&W Logo and rolling stock can be found on this site.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Missisippi Unread post

arop wrote: Note: My first version, sunday january 25th contained a couple of small errors, which is corrected in the latest version.
...which is now available. :-D
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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Missisippi Unread post

I played this yesterday and today and I had pretty much connected up all the towns by 1902 and purchased most of the industry also, so from then on there was nothing to do so, I spent some enjoyable time riding around on the trains, about all I did after that was build a tire factory and a couple of auto plants, I hit supergold in 1923, and this was on expert with no tycooning.
[ I had restarted the game because the first time around I started up three companies and it was looking to be too easy to hit the goals.]
If I might make a suggestion, and I don't know how difficult this would be. Start with the player at the Railroads original start location, and make it a connected rail scenario with only one company.
!$th_u$! I did enjoy playing and I will revisit this one.
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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Missisippi Unread post


I looked at the GOLD/Silver/Bronze conditions. If you select to go for SUPER GOLD and don't make it before 1935 the game will trigger a SILVER WIN.

You made a choice when winning GOLD but GV1 is not tested in Silver or Bronze like I think you meant to do.
Set GV1 to 1

Both SIlver & Bronze need to test the CONDITION:
GV1 = 0 is TRUE
You test for the connection of Norfolk to Cincinnati and Norfolk to Knoxville BUT you never set a VAR and don't test for the connections in GOLD/Silver/Bronze, even though the intro message states that the connections must be made in a timely fashion. AND there is no mention of the connections made or NOT made in the Stratus report by the time limit.

By NOT testing for the connections and displaying their status in the Status report it completely changes the game dynamics. (I WON GOLD/SUPER GOLD and didn't lay a single section of track until 1901 ! Logic error in the EVENT: Unconnected didn't trigger and issue my my walking papers.)
Also by not making the Coal & Steel deliveries a condition for medals they can be all but forgotten. I would add them into the Medal mix too.

Re the deliveries: The due dates are hard coded at 1915 & 1925. I think they should be 50 & 60 years for game start. (1865 + 50 = 1915.) AROP?
The Super Heater cost should be based on the number of engines being upgraded and not a fixed amount. Un fortunately there is no way to do that at present.
There are also a few mistspeelings and punction errors in the messages. (The use of PERIODS instead of COMMAS for one, and having a german verd crrreep in for another.)

Hawk, if AROP is no longer active I can make the changes and submit a new version.
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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Missisippi Unread post

Hawk, this is what I've come up with for Atlantic, Ohio & Mississippi V1_1.

I hope the changes meet with AROP's approval.

I copied the Notes from the EVENTS that I made and included them in the ZIP.


I have made the following changes:

1. Tested for "Go for SUPER GOLD" in both Silver & Bronze wins, to ensure that they won't trigger when going for SUPER GOLD in 1935.

2. Provided Status messages for City to Cities connections that MUST be made within 25 years from game start:
Norfolk to Cincinnati & Knoxville.

3. Tested for City to Cities connected in GOLD, Silver & Bronze.

4. Corrected some spelling and punction errors.

5. As goals are completed their status report on the Status page will go away ... except ...

6. The connection goals have a 5 year delay from completion year before they disappear.

7. It was my goal to only have the $$$ and time frame goals left when all other goals were met.


Note: I would have added a test for the deliveries into the Medal mix IF I could chat with AROP.
Atlantic, Ohio & Mississippi
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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Missisippi Unread post

In the past, Arop was generally pretty receptive of corrections made to his maps.
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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Missisippi Unread post

It needs to be reviewed by someone other than me ... After looking at the mess I made of Blue Streak V2_5 ... Grrrrr

BTW I'm over half way through slamming all of my changes into my CORRECTED release Blue Streak V3. V2_5 has soooo many errors in it I'm ashamed to have posted it. :oops:

A little FYI: IF you remane RT3.exe and have two complete RT3 V1-6 folders with different names you can run two instances of RT3 !!! I've got two versions open side by side and am in the middle of doing a line by line EVENT replacement and ERROR correction.

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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Mississippi Unread post

I have been playing this game for the last days and I enjoy it very much. I would dare to say it's not so complicated as others I have played, however you have many hours of fun guaranteed !*th_up*! .

The only thing which I seemed to have seen is that on the beginning instructions you have a conditions for super gold (600.000, etc.) while in the dialogue during the game gives others (1.000.000, etc.).
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Re: Atlantic, Ohio & Mississippi Unread post

That sounds exactly like an Arop map should be. :-D
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