Gilligan's Isle - Beta

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

OilCan wrote::?: Very odd! I have no idea why the Farlie or the Class55 Deltic shows up. We are getting closer to Halloween...maybe there's a spook or gremlin loose in your PC?

(And to Blackhawk, I'll double check the fruit events.)
no, it's the ghost of Gilligan's Isle! :mrgreen:
gismoskip, current RT3 player working on the maps of tomorrow for RT3. better belive it.
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

I finally got around to finishing this scenario last night. I had a few things written in a post but I forgot to save it so I'll see if I can remember what I was going to write.

- I think there was a newspaper event with escape spelled excape.

- I didn't have any problems with the correct locomotives showing up. It went from Firefly to Duke to the zephyr.

-I didn't have any problems with shipping passengers to Sacred Isle. I set up a train from each village and had it go to the Isle and within a few years it reached the required amount. (I didn't follow the time closely enough to know how long it took)

-I didn't realize there was an event that let you build on the coral reefs. I remember seeing one for building on the fragile mountain pass. Either way I wouldn't have taken advantage of it as my railroad was already built and I had no need to change the route. It may have let things get places slightly faster, but I was hauling enough to meet the requirements easily every year so it wasn't an issue.

- The message about the 2nd station came after I had already decided to build a 2nd station using an overpass over my main track. I also rerouted my trains delivering cotton here.

- I think the message about be sure to keep delivering cotton to the mill is a little repetitive. I didn't really think it was much of an issue in making sure there was enough cotton at any time and for the most part I actually stopped bothering to deliver cotton until the demand for clothes appeared. I stopped the trains with a couple loads of cotton on them each and forgot about them until they were needed. This message can probably be stopped after the clothes objective is created. I even kept getting this message after i sent enough clothes.

- As for the 15 livestock that was done before the year 1972 even started. I started hauling the livestock there before the processing plant was there. I was confused as to the time line as to if I was supposed to wait til it appeared or to ship it right away.

-I think the amount of track was fine. At least early on it limited expansion and made you have to try to get enough logs to the camp for the bonus track. Mid scenario and to the end I felt like I was swimming in track and had lots of extra.

-You may want to make it more clear that +4 is the highest the rating can go. I assumed that was the case after I accomplished more tasks and it stayed at 4. I don't recall seeing anything saying that +4 was the highest it could go.

- With the talk of the professor and making a brewery and things, I thought there might end up being another haulage goal for alcohol/sugar/rice but there wasn't. Which at the time I felt like I had nothing else to really do as all my other tasks were pretty much completed or running smoothly on their own.

Some tips for those that play:

- Frequently upgrade your engines. Early on reliability isn't very good so upgrade your engines often. Even if the engine is only a couple years old, you might as well upgrade it if you have the money and nothing else to spend it on that month.

- Be sure to use custom consists for the logs. I once noticed none of the logs were being hauled to the camp even though I told them to haul logs. Turns out I told them to haul logs, but i didn't use the custom consist so they wouldn't go.

- Also early on when there's a lot of congestion around the camp station, after I reached 10 fruit for the year I would stop my trains. This had 2 benefits: 1. I wasn't wasting excess fruit that I could use the next year, and 2. it meant there were less trains crowding the rails around the camp, which helped my trains with logs get there with less interruptions.

- I eventually bulldozed the warehouse in camp so I'd have more paper to be sent to the village. The side effect of this is to make sure you have your fruit trains using custom consists as well or else they too will stop hauling fruit to the camp.

- I took the improved pulling power and increased mill production options when presented with a choice. The mill production was especially helpful with getting the steel mill to put out more than 3 loads of steel a year which meant I could stop paying so much attention to it. Otherwise I had to make sure I'd get a train with 3 loads and then stop it outside the camp each year to make sure I'd get the speed bonus and extra track.

Overall a fun little map where it was nice to not have to worry about money for once.
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

All this talk of Gilligan's Isle reminded me of the Addam's Family. I always loved Gomez's trick with his train set and the bridge. I'm wondering if it would be possible to do something with that idea. :mrgreen:
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Halloween is history - nevertheless, this map seems (and very likely also other maps seem) to have a problem with at least the locomotive selection. (Ok - it's an RT3 problem, not a map creators one!)

The facts:

Usually, I've installed any additional locos and buildings etc., so that I can play any map without having to be aware of additional installations. Now, when I started the map in this constellation, I only had the choice for the (diesel) F3, which would be available for $2750k only! :?: No chance to make any progress ...

Due to the posts within this thread, I switched back to a clean patch1.06 installation, which I only "made happy" with the Gilligans Isle map. Starting this way, the loco list "correctly" presented the Firely 2-2-2 for $770k. Of course, I'll go on to play this map by using this constellation.

The problem remaining now is: which of the add-ons (locos, buildings, etc.) is responsible for the strange behaviour? And more: is this only the tip of the iceberg?

Anyway - merry christmas and a happy new year for the whole RT3 family! (0!!0)
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Besides the problems mentioned within this thread: it's a great, great scenario!

Got only 212 points (Bronze) on my first try due to "not exactly reading (and as a European idiot far away from "Gilligans Isle" very likely not really understanding) the messages". Anyway, I'll play this map (wow: a map of my taste) again and again ...

Thanks, OilCan, hope you will create more maps like this one in 2013 (0!!0)
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Came back from playing RT2, and tried to "stroll thru the sands", but still have the problem of getting the Hudson as the "engine of preference". Don't much care for the $2070K purchase price either.
A comment in a thread was to "download" the file again, but don't find any option. Unless I missed it. **!!!**
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

I hate the idea of going into the Editor, and not that proficient of doing it. But I made the attempt and found that the Planet, Adler, Norris, and Firefly are all checked off.
The only engine I get is that of the Hudson, at a purchase price of $2,750K, and is dated 1937. The Hudson, althugh not checked off, is a 1960s era engine. **!!!**
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Well I cheated on this one, as I could not mange to relinquish the Hudson, so as to get the Firefly available. I know that the Editor showed the Firefly and possibly the Adler, but don't remember if I checked to see if the Hudson had been checked off. **!!!**

Any way, I just wanted to see what the scenario had to offer, so I would just use adequate amount of revenue to buy the Hudson, to be able to play the scenario. I did finally get the Duke at a cost of $770. Don't know if the program requires a player to purchase them, but my revenue was adequate enough to buy them when needed. **!!!**

A very interesting scenario of imagination, which is common for Brunom, but did find another problem. I could not get passengers for the Sacred Temple. All other commodities, but not passengers. I did manage to get a couple "on board" by using consist, but did not increase after a few years. The system to "indirectly" fill a consist to another destination, and then switch, was the only way. *!*!*!
With all the experimenting, I didn't get any medals, but did enjoy the creation. Hope others have better luck as well as fun playing this scenario of many challenges. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Ray of Sunshine wrote:A very interesting scenario of imagination, which is common for Brunom,
Actually, this map was done by OilCan. ;-)
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

I'm holding back on a final version of Gilligan's Island until I can fix the train problem. Also need to change the passenger to Sacred Island part of the story line. It is hard to get passengers to board a train!
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

My apology Oilcan,
In giving credit to some other User creator for this scenario. Memory gets lessor as a some persons get older.

As to the Royal Hudson, I also got the Duke, which also was not checked off on the Editor Locomotive list. The confusing part is that the "Royal Hudson" was not on that list. Hence I was checking all my "possible" lists, to see why it was incorporated into Gilligan's Isle. That without success. I did find a few engines which were in the Extra Contents (?) folder, so will get them changed. **!!!**

I am looking forward to playing a version which hopefully, corrects the problems which I have encountered. I can see that it will be more challenging, as the Hudson operates at a faster speed than any of the "listed" engines. It will be more difficult to obtain the required commodities and goals. But I like the concepts of challenges. ::!**!
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

I am having the same problem with the hauling of "troops". Without a custom consist, I do get commodities to be hauled between the native villages. But when I go to a "custom" consist, I have to direct the haul via an indirect destination, and then once the capacity is reached and the train is on its way, I have to then redirect the haul to the Bora Village. Same problem as that with the Sacred Temple goal. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

And thereby OilCan,
which you may know, but I forgot to mention, in both cases to Bora Village and the Sacred Temple, by directing the consists to a different destination, and then a redirection to the correct destination, a player looses the revenue generated from the consists. *!*!*! :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

After some correspondence with OilCan, concerning the problems mentioned above, I don't see any other member's comments. Has anyone played this interesting scenario, and found any difficulty of having Adler, Planet, Firefly, and/or Norris available? My main problem is only having the Royal Hudson availabe at a price of $2,754, which is extravagant, as even with other scenaios, the prices are only in the hundreds.

Would like some feed back, as OilCan has not had any problems of programming, and although the Editor only shows those 4 engines checked off, I get the Hudson, WHICH is not checked off in the Editor. Appreciated.

Oh, I did play the scenario in a "cheaters" level, as I needed adequate amount of revenue to play. Basically as a test for problems, 1 of which I found, which I also mention previously. It was not until a number of years of time duration, which the Duke became available. Which is not checked off in the Editor. *!*!*!

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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Back when I played the beta I didn't have any problems with different locomotives showing up. I see the beta is no loner available, was there a newer beta or final version released?

I wonder if the other locomotives would show up in versions of RT3 that had some extra locomotives/buildings/skins installed and if a fresh install of RT3 would cure the problem?

Alternatively, I wonder if an event removing all the offending locomotive would work (since previous comments said even when the locomotive was unchecked in the editor it would still show up) so maybe an event removing that locomotive would be successful?
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

OilCan did mention in this post that he was holding back on the final version until he can get some of the problems fixed.
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Well Blackhawk,
I "may have" reinstalled RT3 since this problem with Gilligan, but he was always getting into some problems. LOL

But I have downloaded the scenario a couple of times, without any favorable results. Right now I just put out some "feelers" to see if other members were having any problems. Might be just something "screwy" with my system.

I know that OilCan has other projects, but know that he is looking at the problems, and trying to find the problem. Considering that you and he have not had any problems. **!!!**

thanks for the ifno {,0,} :salute:
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Gilligan's Isle is on my 'to do' list. I think I know how to solve the problem but need to test it.
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

For those of earlier years, and those who might want to see what this scenarios is about as to its TV back ground, TVland channel is having some of the series in late afternoon shows. The shows are basically during the week days, but have seen them on Saturday. Don't know about Sunday as we had an outing. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Gilligan's Isle - Beta Unread post

Well I went back into the Archives and downloaded it again. The Editor does show the Fairlane, Firefly, Norris, and the Adler. However, the only engine I get is the Hudson. **!!!**

However, I will give it a try and reinstall the Firefly.lco and as MSU mentioned, and see if that gives me the desired result. I might also delete the other engines from the Editor to see if that helps.

Okay, this is an added trivia. Those interested in the Gilligan's Island series has been playing the "original" B&W versions Sat and Sun. Don't know if that will continue during the week. The opening theme sung is the same, but the video has a different theme. However, the contents of the skits are just the same. Dumb and Funny.

Now I had been thinking the same thoughts, and my son made mention of it as well. The 'story' is based on a "3 hour tour". Now consider these thoughts. The men basically wear the same outfits, but the women have a change of attire for different events which take place. But movies can do that. Just a lot of moments to relive past fun.
:salute: {,0,}
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