One Korea - Beta

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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It was a long time since I played this one also. I had a play through as well. I wont rain on the parade and let Oilcan give spoiler-type tips since it's his map and he stated intention to play it. :salute:

Just going to point out that Electric Plants do a lot better when they have both Oil and Coal available. It doesn't matter if the ratio isn't 1:1, but they will be much more likely to turn a profit when both are present. I built dedicated stations for most power plants and made a passive effort to prevent hauling off the Oil and Coal when a stack had formed (for example not upgrading some stations).

Also, pay attention to the three Coal Mines near Musan. They have a tendency to disappear by about the end of the 2nd Phase. So may be worth purchasing them at a higher price.
low_grade wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:03 pmBut here's my frustration: will I ever generate 3k GWH even with manual control of the locos? Not sure I will... Only need 1.5k GWH average to win in 30 years, maybe I'll be able to keep it over 2k GWH for the final 20 years. Maybe I'll be able to get over the 30k/year revenue hurdle as well. But boy will it be a lot of work! So, am I trying too hard??
Yes. You don't need to micro-manage production. There are events that make it easier as the game progresses. ;-) I'll let Oilcan answer more.
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Okay, lol. I'm currently micromanaging in the end of phase 1, Jan 2020, 4 more years before I can start with industry, and only 1 more year before I can set up autoconsists to Seoul. Passed phase 1 in Jan 2019. $4.9k profit in 2019, 1.6GWH+, looking good. Definitely working to get both coal and oil to each power plant, and yeah, small stations at the plants is a good idea, I hate waiting for the stacks to drift over. And not upgrading other stations also a good idea, means I don't have to micromanage even more. Micromanaging will produce the best results, but you're saying it's not necessary to win. I like that. I saw phase 3 events that would make a big difference, I just wasn't sure on my first playthough that it would be enough.
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I wasn't able to play the game this week-end. Oddly, when I went to download it from the archives (yes, I don't have a copy of my own) I received a malware pop-up about my computer being corrupted and to click a link to stop it. I've been hesitant to download a copy of the game since then.

Sadly, it was a perfect week-end to stay indoors because we had tropical storm Cindy blowing through with lots of rain. Regardless, my wife found a few things for me to do anyway. :-D
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OilCan wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:07 pm I wasn't able to play the game this week-end. Oddly, when I went to download it from the archives (yes, I don't have a copy of my own) I received a malware pop-up about my computer being corrupted and to click a link to stop it. I've been hesitant to download a copy of the game since then.
Sounds like a typical scam ad. That's the downside of using MediaFire. If it weren't for the fact that MediaFire does not accept PayPal payments, I would get a paid account, which gives me the ability to direct link to files and bypass all that ad garbage.
I'm not a big fan of using my bank account to pay for stuff on-line, and I don't have a credit card. Don't want one either.
Even then, it's $40.00 a year (I think), and believe it or not, that's a bit tough for me to come up with out of pocket. Living off my minuscule Social Security, there's way too much month left over at the end of the money.

Maybe you could consider an ad blocker add-on for your browser. That would eliminate 99% of that garbage, if not all of it.
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I second the ad blocker recommendation. Which browser are you using, OilCan?

Note that any pop-ups that claim your computer is compromised are invariably malware themselves. The only exceptions are pop-ups that come directly from your own operating system, anti-virus, or browser.

If you see one from any other source do not click on it. They are often scripted to perform some sort of attack when clicked. Clicking on them is always a risk to some extent. The best option if you encounter one is to simply close that tab and try again. If you take another go at it, often you will get a different ad that is not loaded with malware, which is ok.
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I played through the game again this week, finishing early with a Gold. I looked for helpful pointers along the way.

I think that the key pointers in phase one are, of course, custom consists of rice, meat and grain delivered to every NK city between the DMZ and the capital. About 2-3 trains per city hauling out of SK. Run spurs to new cities to open new demands for rice, meat & grain. The second haul route is coal/oil from China to every central NK city with a power plant, custom consists again, 2-3 trains/route and dedicated stations for the power plants. There is coal near Russia, run rail to it and deliver to power plants. Electrify the track steadily, as needed, on key routes. Upgrade the NK stations. After the first year, you'll see which old NK routes are money losers/makers, so wisely retire or reroute trains. Use lots of bonds to electrify track and replace old trains.

In phase two, it is all about industry and electrical power, but mostly about industry. This is classical RT3 investment & expansion: industry, rails, industry, rails... Redo all the custom consists leaving SK to auto consists. Shuffle some engines to new routes. Monopolize the lumber/paper, textile, tool & die, recycling, furnace, chemical-fertilizer and tire-auto industries (this will carry on into phase 3). Upgrade profitable industries. Shorten & improve routes for hauling coal/oil to power plants. Build your own line in Russia.

Phase three is about power generation and setting up every profitable industry chain you can find regardless of return on investment. The decommissioned military bases are gems of resources. Start a steel industry. Oil in China is another gem. When the option to go nuclear comes along, do it. Upgrade old trains to faster engines. Every main line should be double tracked. Upgrade every industry regardless.

Those are the pointers that I carried away from the game. Everyone has different styles of play and some of the pointers may not apply to your style of play.
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First off I will say that maybe I'm going to give spoilers. If you haven't played the map yet, be warned.

I decided to do something different here and started out by maxing bonds in order to buy the 3 Coal Mines for about $3.2M each. This was to prevent any of them from disappearing as they had done in previous plays. The economy Boomed early and I re-financed everything down to 2% interest.

I played with the 1.06 exe with price islands restored. The result was the medal took a year longer than last time. Last time I felt on the replay I could have gone a year or two faster on the second phase (had $27.9M revenue in 2027 then $29.5M in 2028 before finally jumping over $30M in 2029), so there could be 3 years in it. Please bear in mind that this wasn't a controlled test, didn't follow exactly same strategy, economy was better generally in my latest play. Also, please be advised that this is simply about how the modified exe performs in a no-industry, high haulage, low revenue (pre-built network with almost all existing stations 20+ years old) environment. The scenario is very well designed with a fail safe so not mission critical.

What I did this time in the 3rd phase was to build my own Electric Plants outside the cities so that I could let trains run over most of the map on Auto Consist. I wanted to put 4 on a cell south Sinuiji and just ship the Chinese Coal and Oil there (skimmed a little Oil for Musan). In the process I discovered a bug in the game. But went back to a save and built all four on a cell successfully. Musan was the only city where I operated Electric Plants within city limits.

Something that puzzles me is that the Musan plants produced about more electricity per load delivered, with much better profits, as an example in 2028, 9.2 loads was used to produce 438.3GWh at a profit of $398k. One of the ones I built: $53k profit, 8.5 loads consumed to produce 253.7GWh. This is a mystery. In my previous game the Musan plants weren't more efficient. I'm not going to speculate on the reason, just keep it in the back of my mind in case I observe something else while playing in the future. Mentioned it in case someone else notices.

These are the type of bridge abutments that I mentioned over here. The train passes through them fine. It's impossible to bulldoze them.
Bridge abutments on the tracks.jpg

I never tried to build a bridge exactly there, as access to China comes much later in the game. So must be more of a bug. Who knows, maybe they appeared one time I pushed "Electrify all non-electric track." Was building non-electric and then hitting the button to try to keep the pylon placements neater, as you can see that double-tracking hurts the look in the end anyway. But, I stress that I never actually observed them appear so this is pure speculation.

Interesting fact from wiki:
In 2006, 240,000 km (150,000 mi) (25% by length) of the world rail network was electrified and 50% of all rail transport was carried by electric traction.
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