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Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by Grandma Ruth »

Doing OK so far. 2024 and I'm still in the game - the problem has been financial before, getting into enormous amounts of debt because of the operating costs. I'm gradually replacing my fleet (only 13 trains) with steam engines. I've hauled all the rock, 27 cars of logs and 9 of iron. I've got a line from Des Moines to the Davenport port via a few towns, and another line into the warehouse down south. A long way from home yet but at least I'm still surviving!
Don't think I'm going to make bronze because I've only got one warehouse going. I think the key might be to haul the iron - I'm not sure how useful the other cargoes are. They do increase the speed but I don't know if it's worth it.
Started out with industry, by the way, didn't start any track until you get the deal on hauling rock.
Well, I'll play this one out (now 2/3 of the way through) and see what happens.
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by Grandma Ruth »

Didn't make bronze on that one, but very nearly. I'm now trying to haul the iron first - as it counts loads that you've already hauled, you don't have to wait for the notification to come up. But how clever you are, William - I tried to get some rails from the rolling mill before it was open and I got a message telling me to wait! !*th_up*!
Does taking medicine to Montezuma have the same barrack-room humour in American as in British? ^**lylgh
:idea: This map is great, I wouldn't think you'd be revising it - but next time you do a rolling mill, why not have the prices better value for bulk? I mean for $500k you get 200 pieces, but for $1m you get 500 pieces rather than 400 as now. Or whatever seems realistic in the scenario. Just my !#2bits#!
Oh, how absolutely delightful - I was able to complete my line using the odd bits of track that come up when you run out! :twisted:
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by wsherrick »

I'm glad you like the map. Keep at it. It's supposed to be a challenge.
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by Grandma Ruth »

Just got Silver! Easily met the Gold conditions on everything except the company profit - only made $188,000k (whatever that means **!!!** ) I'll have to go in for more industry next time.
I'm having a great time with this, it's just lucky I'm having a week off work so I don't have to bother too much with eating and sleeping! :lol:
Later: I've done a test on train speeds and it is as I suspected, they're not cumulative but are percentages of normal.
What I mean is, if you get a 40% increase your speed will be 140% of normal, then if you get a 20% increase next it will actually fall to 120%, it won't go up to 160% (or whatever is 20% of 140%, I can't work it out!). Hope this makes sense :roll:
Later still: I've done it! I've got the Gold! ::!**! (0!!0)
Well done, William - brilliant scenario! !!clap!!
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by wsherrick »

Thank you very much Miss Ruth!! Did you play against AI's or without them? I hope you thought the map was scenic and realistic looking. I put a lot of time into the landscape.
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by Grandma Ruth »

Well thank you for the "Miss", kind sir! ;-)
I played without an AI - I don't usually change the default settings. And I played on Hard, not Expert, so it wasn't as difficult as it could have been - difficult enough for me, though!
Your time on the landscape was well spent -it did look good. I wish I had the patience (or the artistic talent) to do the scenery. Takes me all my time to make sure the rivers don't run uphill! :roll:
I also liked the interesting informative things in it and you very cleverly took one of our big current debates and made it real.
I'm looking forward to your next series!
"I will not take 'but' for an answer" - Langston Hughes

AoS - Phoenix Rising

Unread post by Traegon »

Let me just say first, this is probably the hardest scenario i've ever played in my entire life. It took many, many pain-staking tries for gold, but I'm pleased to announce, I FINALLY DID IT ::!**! . As for my settings, I had to deliver to Webster, Burlington, Peoria and Nikita Port. I managed to hit gold with 6 years to go. Let me share my experience (and what I did on this gold try).

FIrst, meeting all other gold requirements was not the problem. The major problem and hardest part of this scenario, is hitting the lifetime profits gold.

Now, to start out, probably the most important thing is taking a look at your map before anything. It's good to find at least two cities within the same area that have a decent amount of cargo already ready to go. Generally this proved to be Corning --> Clarinda, Oscela, or Diagnol. Algona also tends to have high stakes. I would not go with Des Moines or Peoria starting out, as demand in my experience started somewhat slow and that will kill you in this scenario. You basically just have to get a good layout of the map and pick a starting point with decent supply/demand going until you can expand. Corning tends to be the best spot due to it's easy supply of Ore, Rock, Iron and Logs. 3 of which you'll need to upgrade your track. Also, I would /HIGHLY/ suggest that if you get a good starting map with cargo's, that you save it /before/ you build anything. THat way if one strategy doesn't work, you can try a couple more, along with different starting points.

So, now, onto how I got the gold. The good stuff. I actually decided to try a different approach this time, taking advantage of the fact that you do not have to lay connected track. Up until this point, I had generally started in Corning (and tried Algona a couple of times) and then just expand out from there. This time I decided to try a regional approach, as this map had cargo 'build ups' in each region. So I started Corning to Clarinda, then Algona to Webster, then Kewanee to Peoria, then Dodgeville to Plateville.

Those were my basic region setups, then based on cargo build ups I expanded out from there, going one city at a time in each region that was ready for service and could be profitable. There are also a couple of opportunities for early industry, though slim. You may look at putting a brewery in Dodgeville if one isn't there, as it has an early supply of grain. Do /NOT/ overdo it though. Generally, Industry early in this scenario does /not/ help you. Also, to note on trains, when I connected one set of regiona track to another, I only began really running trains from the main city hub of that region to the other cities in the opposing region and then 1 train from every city in the region to the warehouse district that was part of the goals.

Iron Goal: The best way i've found to do this is simply setup a train that goes from Corning ----> Devenport Warehouse, carrying 8 cars of iron both ways. This way Corning stays supplied in order to supply Davenport.

With 10 years to go, I was finally setting on some cash and had at this point finally gotten all of my rail connected and for the most part, my trains upgraded. I tried something different this time. Instead of upgrading to all Red Devils, I upgraded 80% of my fleet to the one right above the QJ for 266k. Passenger trains were on the Mallard, and a few on the Red Devil. At this point, I simply began looking for industries to buy up and began doing that. I was setting on about 25 Mil cash initially. I also began setting up some extra trains from high cargoload cities with overflow, to other cities that wanted stuff.

From that point on, it was simply a matter of waiting. So, there are other approaches to this scenario I am sure. I have found that, in my case, and the map I got, doing the regional setup worked out best and then expand within regional, and then connect the regions once they were built up with industry buying basically saved until the last 10 years of the game. I wish everyone luck in this and I must say to Wherrick, that was a phenomal scenario. I salute you. :salute:

Aslo, this is my first post :D I hope this helps some other people out if they ever play this scenario.

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Re: AoS - Phoenix Rising

Unread post by Hawk »

(*!!wel aboard Traegon. (0!!0)

Good report on the Phoenix. I'm sure William will enjoy it when next he stops by. :-D

Make yourself at home. We're a pretty friendly bunch of folks here. :salute:
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Re: AoS - Phoenix Rising

Unread post by wsherrick »

I'm really glad you enjoyed this scenario and it gave you run for your money. I has been my pleasure to make the Age Of Steam series and I am gratified that so many have enjoyed the series and hopefully will for a long time to come. I have been a little busy lately with a new job which is very demanding so I haven't been around lately. I apologize for taking so long to reply to your post. I'm sure it will help others who are playing Pheonix Rising. Thanks for taking the time to write such a good report about it.
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Re: AoS - Phoenix Rising

Unread post by canis39 »

Nice post, Traegon...appreciate you adding as many details as you did. Thanks!
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by KevinL »

Grandma Ruth wrote: :idea: This map is great, I wouldn't think you'd be revising it - but next time you do a rolling mill, why not have the prices better value for bulk? I mean for $500k you get 200 pieces, but for $1m you get 500 pieces rather than 400 as now. Or whatever seems realistic in the scenario. Just my !#2bits#!
I took Grandma Ruth's advice and cheated on my second attempt, changing the mill to give me 200 pieces for $500k, 450 pieces for $1 mil, and 1000 pieces for $2 mil. So far I've been unwilling to wait and taking the 200 pieces every time I get $500k, having $1 mil only once.

On my first attempt, I started in one of the goal warehouses in the center, and built rail south to another warehouse. However, I never made enough money, and constantly had to take out bonds and ran in the red all the time. :( Then the interest rates killed me and I could never dig out of the hole. I didnt have enough money to buy a steam train, so when the event came I picked to stay with diesel. Then when the diesel fuel dried up and my trains were running 1 MPH, I was dead in the water. I quit and restarted when I had five years to go and no chance of connecting another warehouse.

Now my second attempt I started in the city nearest to the iron deposits in the west. And this time I was ready for the throw-away locos I get and upgraded my whole fleet once I got a good one. I'm not even halfway in, just starting to get the news about steam trains, and have already connected three of the four warehouses. Next I'm going to set up dedicated trains to haul the rock, logs, and iron.

William, I must commend you on another great scenerio. Your imagination and creativity are second to none. While I didnt care for AoS-Blue Streak, due to getting some bad seedings, I completely enjoyed the others in this series and look forward to another great campaign from you when I finish Phoenix Rising. {,0,} !**yaaa
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

**!!!** Well Fellas,

I have been reliving the list of created scenarios over the years, and don't remember if I have ever played this one. But while you are enjoying the Phx VI scenario, I am not able to get to 1st base. Not enough track to get to "anything", or ""anywhere". And I will have to agree, that there was a lot of time put into the terrain, and by the 3 pages of reviews I have read, a lot of creativability.

Any suggestions?

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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by davey917 »

I've only recently been playing this version and was curious as to a bit of procnostication:
Just a few weeks back Omaha Billionaire Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway company bought BNSF railroad (Yes-all of it).
Is he the "Ageing Billionaire" who begins building new steam locos in 2025(ish)?
GREAT scenario, by the way. !$th_u$!
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by Sugus »

Yes, I agree - the "Age of Steam" series is a great one! Thanks wsherrick! !*th_up*! !*th_up*! !*th_up*! !*th_up*! !*th_up*!

But, as a translating idiot (English into German: "Age of Steam" into "Dampfzeitalter") I simply must say: life is hard!!! Your experiences in working with or around steam are absolutely great, but a horrible fact for a translator. Nevertheless, I hope, that I had done it in a way you can accept. Meanwhile, I, II and III are translated, and I hope, that I'm able to complete the story by end of february 10.
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by Steamtrainz »


I love your series of the Age Of Steam, and I was thinking, if you're open to suggestions, I'd love to see you make a series just like these of The Age Of Steam, but then in EUROPE where it all started. If you have the time, and may want to do it, could you make one like this? You're scenarios make it so real! !$th_u$!
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by BikerTim »

This scenario captured my interest because of its setting in my childhood home state of Iowa. I had a great time playing it. This is certainly a fun challenge. For one thing, bridges are more difficult to build. Also, the AI get the jump on the human player at the beginning, making it hard for the human player to finish with the highest profit. Sometimes I can buy out the less profitable AI, but not the top one.

One thing I did notice is that the towns were not very accurately placed geographically. For example, Osceola is about straight south from Des Moines, not south and west. Greenfield is further south than Des Moines, but this map has it further north. So I renamed the scenario "Eastern Iowa" then changed the names of some of the towns for better accuracy. In all other respects, I left the scenario unchanged.

I find it interesting that Diagonal is one of the towns included on this map. This little community got its name because of the railroad, which was laid in a diagnol direction in the area where the station, and then the town, was built.

I would like to thank the map creator for building a scenario around my home state! :salute: :salute: :salute:
Last edited by BikerTim on Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by BikerTim »

Fourth try is a charm. I got the gold medal, hard level, after one unsuccessful try at the medium level and two unsuccessful tries at the hard level. Now on to expert! {,0,}
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by AdmiralHalsey »

I have to say that this is my favorite map for RRT3 ever. Quick question, was the line about the Kentucky short line operator buying a steamer a reference to when R. J. Corman bought Old Smokey from China? Oh and do you actually believe what you wrote about the "Steam VS Diesel" argument?
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by Gumboots »

Tried this one and just couldn't get interested in it. Liked III and IV a lot, but this one just doesn't do it for me. I like steam. Without steam it's not really "Railroad Tycoon" for me. It's just plain old "Tycoon". Might as well be Rollercoaster or any of the others. Try to make me only play diesel for ten years and I just lose interest. If you don't mind diesel, it's probably fine.

Yes, I know I could have waited longer and got QJ's but by that stage I just couldn't be bothered. QJ's don't exactly rock my world either, for that matter. It did give me an idea though. At some point I should do a skin for the QJ so it's not so @&#!% ugly. Then I might be a bit more enthusiastic about QJ's. ^**lylgh
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Re: Age Of Steam V-Pheonix Rising For Your Review

Unread post by AdmiralHalsey »

Gumboots wrote:Tried this one and just couldn't get interested in it. Liked III and IV a lot, but this one just doesn't do it for me. I like steam. Without steam it's not really "Railroad Tycoon" for me. It's just plain old "Tycoon". Might as well be Rollercoaster or any of the others. Try to make me only play diesel for ten years and I just lose interest. If you don't mind diesel, it's probably fine.

Yes, I know I could have waited longer and got QJ's but by that stage I just couldn't be bothered. QJ's don't exactly rock my world either, for that matter. It did give me an idea though. At some point I should do a skin for the QJ so it's not so @&#!% ugly. Then I might be a bit more enthusiastic about QJ's. ^**lylgh
You can get more then the QJ within a few years of getting it. Plus those first ten years are more about surviving then actually running the trains.
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