RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas

Questions and comments specific to Version 1.06
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RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

MY Notes for a V1.07 Patch, that is totally backward compatable.

------------------------------- EVENTS: CONDITIONS: & EFFECTS: ---------------------------

A1. Add logics for CONDITIONS:
... 1. Player owns > 50% of Co., stock by Co., ID
... 2. Create another set of common Varriables, Ex: Corporation (same as Company)
... 3. Add 2 additional slots to all Varriables, except Game Variables which need at least 9.
... 4. Player owns # shares of Co., ID stock.
... 5. Stock shares issued for Co., ID
... 6. Add TAXes on profits with MINIMUM level to start taxing: (Company, Industries, Player)
... 7. Market value share price per 1K shares.
... 8. Book value share price per 1K shares.

A2a. EFFECTS: 3 argument lines ... Ex: PV1 = TV1 [Terr. #] <opperand> Value or Variable. Etc..

A2b. % of variable: GV2 = 10% of TV4 [Terr. #]

A4. Add logics for EFFECTS:
... 1. Conditional Deactivation of Co. (Player must not own more than 50% for Co., for it to be deactivated.)
... 2. Additional Variables as above.
... 3. Co., stock owned by player by Co. ID
... 4. Co. Stock issued by Co. ID
... 5. Add numbers/discripters to the Ports and Warehouses in the costruction list.
... 6. Add TAXes on profits with MINIMUM level to start taxing: (Company, Industries, Player)
... 7. Market value share price per 1K shares.
... 8. Book value share price per 1K shares.

A4. Fix the Industry list is STATUS to show ALL company owned industries. (May have been a fluke where I was missing some of my industries.)

A5. Fix Event Debugging to allow ALL Event Names (Times Processed/Times Triggered) to be viewed. (Up/Down Arrow & Page Up/Down & Possible a slider)

A6. New weather condition: Snow. ... must be cleared for trains to run ... Trains run at 10% speed until the tracks are cleared ... 1-2 weeks.

A7. New Station: Super Station services quad tracks (NYC Grand Central. etc)

A8. The ability to set the initial building price for any specific Industr(y/ies).

A9. Player YTD earnings.

A10. TAX on Player year's earnings, x%.

A11. TAX on Co. year's earnings, x%.

A12. Company owns INDUSTRY. If TRUE how many.

A13. Player owns 100% of COMPANY's ID # stock.

A14. Number of Train wrecks.

A14a. Number of train breakdowns.

A15. Upgrade Tracks. (New tracks have just become available that are far superior to existing tracks. Effect increases max
speed. x%)

A16. Upgrade Ties. (New ties have just become available that are far superior to existing ties Effect increases max speed. X%)

A17. Limit ALL train speeds to X MPH. (Train wreck city if trains move too fast on existing tracks, ties & bridges.)

A18. Set AI Player ID # to control AI Company ID #

A19. Raise Player's yearly salary to X (Correctly appears in the Annual ledger)

A20. Give player a Bonus of $X (Correctly appears in the Annual ledger)

A20a. Give a player a bonus of X shares of company stock, if any available.

A21. Prevent the EVENTS from changing positions automatically. (They MUST remain exactly as the game designer placed them !)

A22. Player must control a Co., to earn any medal.

A23. YTD & LTD Loads of XXX hauled from Terr. [ID #] to Terr. [Terr. ID #]. In Alt USA people were dropping off and picking up the same cargos to get the load count to Terr for a specific cargo up to make GOLD. I mucked the game by adding more resources so drop-off/pick-up wouldn't be necessary.)

A24. Roll 1 to 100/10,000 RANGE A to B. For those that beleive a mid range random number is what they want. (>= A & <= B.)

A25. Roll Results # <1-9> = Roll 1 to 100/10,000 (so you don't have to use a valuable VARs.) When you plan to use the same rolled number(s) in multiple events or one or more random numbers thrioughout your game.

A26. Player used any V1.00 thru V1.05 CHEAT CODE.
A26a. Used Any We Have A Winner codes.
A26b. Used Big Dog, number of times X.
A26c. Used Fat Cat, number of times X.
A26d. Used Bailout, number of times X.
A26e. Used Subsidy, number of times X.
A26f. Used Passport.
A26g. Used Go Go GO.
A26h. Used Trains are in my blood.
A26i. Used Double shift.
A26j. Used Safety first.
A26k. Used Upgrade.

A27. Used any V1.06 CHEAT CODE.
A27a. Used Mobius.
A27b. Used JeyEff.
A27c. Used Lama.
A27d. Used Hawk/Big dog, number of times X.
A27e. Used AZ Rail Rat/Fat cat, number of times X.
A27f. Used Grandma Ruth/Bailout, number of times X.
A27g. Used Der Klein Muck/Subsidy, number of times X.
A27h. Used Mosle/Passport.
A27i. Used Pure Al/Go Go Go.
A27j. Used Bombardiere/Trains are in my blood.
A27k. Used PJay/Double shift.
A27l. Used JSS/Safety First.
A27m. Used Wolverine@MSU/Real time.

A28. Add new MEDALs: Platenum & Platenum with Clusters, (Three smaller medals)

A29. Add a condition to ALWAYS TRUE. (Forces a trigger when the first condition is met.) Ex:
... Current Game Year >= 5454 is TRUE AND

A30. ADD troubleshooting aids to the EDITOR to help in game creation.


A31. EFFECTS: Bonus = $XXX both Player and/or Company Applied into Player's/Company's account so it shows up correctly in the Status and yearly income statements.

A32. EFFECTS: Fine = $XXX both Player and/or Company Applied into Player's/Company's account so it shows up correctly in the Status and yearly income statements.

A33. Limit Co., Net Income: Comp. Net Exceeds $xxx. Excess is given to the RR Engineers Retirement Fund.

A34. Company buys an election or two ... It's nice to have a few elected officials in your pocket.
A34a. Player gets caught and fined $XXX
A34b. Player gets caught and sent to prison ... loosing control of all companies and has hir personal $$$ set to -$50K
A34c. New laws are passed the greatly reduce the company's overhead ... costs are passed on the the users in the form of higher taxes ... all except you and your company. Company also buys new industries at a reduced rate for a period of time.

A35. Company can buy a Territory and all of its industries. Company income is modified by how well all of the existing industries in the territory are doing ... They'll do better IF the company starts servicing the towns.

A36. Player buys Territory and all of its industries. ... Territory can be/not-be services by all existing RR companies. Selectively inclusion/exclusion.

A37. CEO's salary. For when all $$$ transactions are blocked.

A38. CEO's Stocks. For when all $$$ transactions are blocked.

A39. Company issues its CEO a Stock Bonus. ... Company buys shares, IF available, and issues them to the CEO.

A40. Set Stations and Depots to STOCKPILE items until a FREIGHT TRAIN comes with demand. (Big demand for selected items

A41. Player's personal yerarly expenses: Frugal. Good, High on the hog, $$$ comes in and my new yatch needs an upgrade. 10-20%, 20-40%, 45-90%, 90-200%. Removed from Player's available NET cash, What spare cash? ... Can I borrow $20M today and pay you back on Tuesday? ... ... ... ... OPTION 4 is why DADDY disowned you in the first place, and told you that the state wasn't large enough for the both of you. He wouldn't let you just walk away ... Nooo ... he marched you down to the court house and changed your name to ... well let's just say that the two words aren't spoken in polite company. And then he had you sign a contract stating that you could never use the family name again.

A42. Allow for random X/Y positioning of resources when an EVENT is used to place it/them.

A43. YTD/LTD Comp moves ITEM from Terr./City [Terr./City #] to Terr./City) [Terr./City #].

A44. Add into messages "[": the arguments: Comp connects City # to City #, Comp connects Terr. # to Terr. #, & Comp connects City # to Terr. #.

A45. Player's Comp & Comp. ID has # of trains.

A46. Roll 1 to X (Great for random month selections. Such as Roll 1 to 12.)

A47. Roll-X [#] <1-9> = Roll 1 to X (Great for random month selections)

A48. Add High Priority City # to City # connections for AI Co #

A49: CONDITIONS: (PV, CV, GV, TV)# needs to expand the choices of USE VARIABLE to the full table.

A50. Engine Reliability, Fuel Cost & Acceleration changed to %.

A51. Set Dividend for Company ID # to $$$ or MAX allowed determined by company's net profit.

A52. EFFECTS: Company Track Pieces Buildable needs Use Variable. (Full variable list)

A53. Special Conditions: Disable Double Tracking

A54. Close/Open the Stock Market (Set Stock Market Open <TRUE/FALSE> (To stop clairavoint players.)

A54a. Test for Stock Market Open/Closed

A55. Random Year <Start <YYYY>> to <End YYYY>>

A56. Random Month 1 to 12

A57. Random Year & Month <Start <YYYYMM>> to <End <YYYYMM>>

A58. Special Conditions: Disable Merging Companies
A58a. Conditions: <XYZ is TRUE> Effects: Allow Merger with Company ID # <TRUE/FALSE> (IF Co. ID # exists)

A59. Allow most Special Condition Disables to be over written with CONDITIONAL EFFECTS.

A59. Player can invest additional persoanl cash into player's company, without th ecompany selling stock and the player buying it.

------------------------------- SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ---------------------------

B1. Allow AI to take over Player's Co., if it owns more than 50% of the shares. (I think this is already in the game??)

B2. Use Slow Date SHOULD rename all time related items in EVENTS to be consistent. Ex: Yearly
(End of year) becomes Daily (End of day), YTD totals become Day's totals. Checked at the END
of the day. YEARS Played becomes Days Played. Etc.

B3. Slow Date gets its own info line on player's screen.

B4. Apply map modification limits. I.E. No taking a nice map and flattening it to sea level ! No using the EDITOR to modify a
game map.

B5. Disable . (DOT) Codes in Special Conditions.

B6. Disable SHIFT E in Special Conditions. Game is editable from EXTRAS/EDITOR.

B7. Using a . (DOT) CODE disables any MEDAL in Special Conditions.

B8. AI minimum consists set to 0.

------------------------------- STATUS: ---------------------------

C1. Make sure that the STATUS is the LAST EVENT to be run and displayed at the end of the year.

------------------------------- GAME PLAY: ---------------------------

D1. New Station types: Passenger/Mail and Freight. Express trains only stop at Passenger/Mait Stations and Freight only trains only stop at Freight Stations. Freight stations come with a spur and gravity yard (Not to scale and will have no cars in it.)

D2. Create 2 new Furnaces: Furnace Ingots & Furnace Crystals. Does not repl;ace existing Furnace for backward compatability.

D3. List of UNOWNED industries that will positions view over selected industry.

D4. Unowned industries are a bright gold or silver on the map when a 'TOGGLE KEY' is used.

D5. A TOGGLE to turn OFF DAY/NIGHT and leave it in BRIGHT DAY.

D6. A TOGGLE to turn OFF weather and leave it sunny.

D7. Terrain modifiers to be used to lay track and modify cities so a station can be built where it needs to be built. Should have $$$ consequences when used if needed.

D8. Fix the track layer ... I'm really tired of needing to lay a 55 mile track to start a "Y" only to have to come back in a second and bulldoze 99.9% of it.

D9. When laying track have a MIN/MAX Arc to Cord length to prevent train slow downs and allow high speed trains ... 100+ MPH.

D10. Survey track routing from point A to point B with MAX GRADE of 'X' amd Arc to Cord. Cost determined by distance. Allow/disallow tunnels. Option to show shortest rout grade, w/wo tunnels.

D11. Use the Survey to lay track. Grade is modified as necessary automatically as the track is layed. Cost determined by work needed. Option: Tunnels YES/NO.

D12. Level existing track between point A and point B to MAX grade of 'x'. Cost depends on work needed.

D13. Add Maintainence & Service spur at point "A". Track and buildings are added. (For speed tests)

D13a. Use SPUR instead of the spur's maintinance and service when routing trains. Train goes to the end of the spur and then stops at both stations on the way back.

D14. Remember which type of STATION has been selected when RT3 is closed and restarted. Depot/Small/Large.

D15. Remove Engine from display list. (If you are not going to use it ...get it out of the way.) Suggest SHIFT LFT-Click on engine to be excluded.

D16. New track configuration: Quad Tracks ... Stations can be placed on both sides of the tracks or a new SUPER STATION that has an expanded service area..

D17. New track type: Covered tracks for avalanch prevention and to keep snow off the tracks.

D18. New Station type: The Dude Ranch.

D19. New Hotel: Dollie's Flop House & Brothel.

D20. New Restraunt: The Chuck Wagon.

D21. New Tavern: The Golden Nugget Saloon and Casino.

D22. The Sore Buns Riding Academy.

D23. Placing a new building in a hilly town will automatically level the terrain needed just for the building and place the building without modifying the terrain of existing buildings next to it. Existing buildings will NOT be affected.

D24. Consists list: Exclude Cargo types. Select cargos to be excluded from pickups ... (Press SHIFT and LFT CLICK on cargos to be excluded. Excluded cargos are high-lit in RED).

D25. Use maintainance spurs if they exist. This option replaces the player from having to select each Maintainance/Service
building during route construction. Cities with spurs will automatically have the spurs included in the route with stops at each building.

D26. In Consists: When setting MIN load count have the OPTION to set FULL or partial loads. Possible slider 51% to 100% FULL.

D27. When DBL TRACK is selected all new stations , excluding depots will use double track when layed.

D28. New structure: International Airport. Increases passenger and mail in a 3 * plus city. Only built by the game. Add Hotels, post office, restaurants, & Taverns ... even tho you have those structures already near the existing station.

D29. Option: Tell/suggest when I should add a train on a given route. (TOGGLE)

D30. New building: Cannery ... Demands: Coffee, Produce, Corn, Meat.

D31. New building: Fishing Pier with Boats ... provides Fish Meat & Fertilizer.

D32. Warehouses & Ports: show the corrected supply/demand amounts after upgrading.

D33. Intelligent managers that suggest when an industry should be upgraded and marked in your ledger for upgrade. (The industry isn't using all available resources.)

D34. Disable the PAUSE Button when the Status window is open.

D35. Disable Edge -of Screen scrolling the map when near a Scroll Bar or the info portion of the screen.

D36. Consist construction: DO NOT UNLOAD existing cargo at this station AND pick up more of the same IF available.

D37. Player can set a Shipping Fee Premimum per station. (You built that lousy spur to Nowhereville HIGH in the Andies and deserve to be paid extra for moving items to/from it. ... If the fees are too high the usage will dry up.)

D38. Player owns over 50% of company's Stock, AND the Company's Board of Directors tries to oust Player ... Player FIRES all of the esisting Board members. New Board of Directors are selected ... Maybe the new Directors got the message ... maybe not.

39. Clicking on a building MUST NOT change the altidude of the viewer.

------------------------------- Misc GAME CHANGES: ---------------------------

E1. Increase Engine slots to 255. (Room for expansion)

E2. New Engine Type and Track: The Clogged Hill climber and Cogged Track. (For those soles that want to climb to the top of K2 to look upon Everest.)

E3. Increase Max $$$ to 2^64 (quadword)

E4. Fix Double Tracking BUG that stops trains when dbl tracking over existing tracks. (Requires SAVE and RELOAD now)

E5. Load a new MAP file OPTION ... to prevent map degradation. Map as a seperate file. FILES ! As the player modifies the map and saves the game it will save the modified map in a new file with a new file name. (Ex: You've just graded a new route from A to B and save the game. The new map's file name will be saved in the data set and the new map file generated. NO file compression will be used when saving maps !)

E6. Building & Loco editors. Like the Map Editor for creatin and editing AND saving new game files.

E7. Resources automatically upgrade to produce twice as much when in prime terrain.

E8. When a cargo is dropped off at a station it should NOT be allowed to be picked up by the same train for a "WEEK" game time. The train should not have any DEMAND for that week. However IF there is existing cargo of that/those types then they may be collected.

E9. Moving pointer over COPY TRAIN must NOT trigger REPLACE ENGINE.

E10. Player owns more than 50% of Company: As player takes control of another company, Player can set the following conditions:
E10a. AI can add stations : YES/NO
E10b. AI can alter CONSISTS: YES/NO
E10c. AI can alter train routes: YES/NO
E10d. AI can add trains to existing routes: YES/NO
E10e. AI can buy existing RESOURCES & INDUSTRIES within the Territories it has access rights to: YES/NO

E11. When player merges companies the AI's $$$ is transferred to the player's company. (Along with its debt.)

E12. When merging companies AND the game uses LIMITED TRACK all of the AI company's unused track pieces are transferred to the player's company.

E13. When you connect 4-8 cities you can hire a new Manager.
E13a. Consist Manager
E13b. Investment Manager
E13c. Maintainance Manager
E13d. Upgrade Manager.

------------------------------- END ---------------------------

More to come ...

Last edited by Shamough on Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:55 am, edited 88 times in total.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Hans: I have also wondered about the fact, when a company (an AI company) that you have bought a lot of shares in is liquidated, why do you not receive some of the liquidation. Or, why can you not get a chance to purchase it?

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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

AT41B wrote:Hans: I have also wondered about the fact, when a company (an AI company) that you have bought a lot of shares in is liquidated, why do you not receive some of the liquidation. Or, why can you not get a chance to purchase it?

First: you are NOT a creditor ... NO $$$ from the liquidation. Stock is a gamble ... if you buy stock in a failing company hoping for it to improve and it doesn't ... (either you want the track access and are planning to take over the Co., OR you've rolled the dice and had them come up SNAKE EYES.) (Watching a failing Co., hoover at $1/1K shares and tons of debt and not expecting it to be liquidated ...)

Second: you've had plenty of time to look over the Co., and decide if it would be a good addition to your Co. OR just continue being a $$$ pit.

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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Hans: You have hit me right on the head. I wasn't thinking. You are truly correct.------ But, I will still keep right on playing. It was that I was about to merge it when it came up liquidated right before my eyes. :-D
Snake eyes happens, doesn't it.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Maybe figure out a way to have it so you can have more then double track? Don't know if that would require hacking the .EXE file though. Though if it does and someone knows how to do that I did find out if you don't share the hacked .EXE and instead give us a patcher to use the .EXE we have it isn't illegal. Could you imagine the possibilities that would open? More realistic game speed!(basically while the years go by slower everything else goes the same speed so at normal speed the years would go by like playing on the slowest game speed but trains and cargo move like it's normal speed) A higher loco limit! More stuff I can't think of!
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Quad track is in my list of to dos.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Shamough wrote:Quad track is in my list of to dos.
Really? ::!**! !$th_u$!
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Ok so after thinking it over i'm gonna try and help with this if you'd like. I was thinking about digging through the cab files on the disk to see if I couldn't find the source code for the game.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

I don't see the need for every one of those changes myself, but many of them I agree with. Let's hope an insane programmer comes around who is crazy enough to put the time in and mod the game for free!

Personally, at the top of my wish list for a full-on mod of the game is the ability to select cargo types that at train should NOT haul, instead of trying to cover all the bases of those they SHOULD haul. This is most true with 1.06 and TM because using the custom consist forces cargo to be hauled at a loss, meaning even more care is needed when setting up routes with it causing me to be focused on mass production of single types of cargo, to load on single cargo type trains available via the auto consist manager tab. This issue is persistently annoying because I don't know of any decent work-around. If anyone figures one out, please let me know.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

RulerofRails wrote:I don't see the need for every one of those changes myself, but many of them I agree with. Let's hope an insane programmer comes around who is crazy enough to put the time in and mod the game for free!

Personally, at the top of my wish list for a full-on mod of the game is the ability to select cargo types that at train should NOT haul, instead of trying to cover all the bases of those they SHOULD haul.
Just added to the to do list.

Please list the changes you WOULD NOT INCLUDE and any changes you would like to see that are missing.

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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

I should have said I agree with the majority instead of "many". It isn't that I wouldn't include the others. I said "see the need". This is what I meant: some stuff such as the quad tracks or snow, I suspect may difficult to implement. I suspect some animation would be needed for the snow, and there would almost need to be crossings and signalling for quad track to work. I would prefer to see the most annoying deficiencies fixed before adding whole new concepts. Of course, if someone makes these extra things that would be great, as they would be optional and fun to use sometimes as well. Don't think I am saying that they shouldn't be done. I am conservative and maybe more realistic with my wishes that is all.

To add something else that isn't really a patch for the game, but should be quite possible by a programmer is a way to edit the special 3dp model files used by RT3 for buildings and locos. Did you know that most of the 1.06 locos were made by modifying existing ones using a hex editor? It is currently possible to view these files in some programs, but it is impossible to save them. A way to save them using the same algorithm that RT3 uses would be great allowing proper mods of buildings and locos including many new models from other sources that could be imported into the game.

Will post again if I think of something else.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

RulerofRails wrote:To add something else that isn't really a patch for the game, but should be quite possible by a programmer is a way to edit the special 3dp model files used by RT3 for buildings and locos. Did you know that most of the 1.06 locos were made by modifying existing ones using a hex editor? It is currently possible to view these files in some programs, but it is impossible to save them. A way to save them using the same algorithm that RT3 uses would be great allowing proper mods of buildings and locos including many new models from other sources that could be imported into the game.
GREAT IDEA ! {,0,} Just added to the list.

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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Bump for comments ... PLEASE. !*th_up*! !*th_dwn*! ???

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You do realise that the stuff you want to code has been defeating skilled coders for years now?
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

I see you mentioned a few things about the AI. Well, a minor thing I would like to see, and something that I am not sure why it wasn't done (it may have been too hard, but I don't know) in the 1.06 patch is to force the AI to always build large stations. Of course, the AI could do with a complete overhaul especially as regards track laying and the train re-routing algorithm, but that would probably take months for a skilled programmer to do. Probably be easier to make a whole new game as was attempted with the seemingly dead Rail Mogul project after 1.06 came out. . . . unfortunately I don't know of anyone that has the skills and is crazy enough to even attempt any code modification of the game.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Gumboots wrote:You do realise that the stuff you want to code has been defeating skilled coders for years now?
I'm a self taught programmer ... 8/16 bit processors mostly in assemble. I had to figure out a whole bunch of crap to get the jobs done. I've always used the thought: "Where there's a will there's a way." :-D

If I can get a copy of the RT3 code and the patches I'm sure that I can come up with something ... I'll just need someone else to compile it for testing. ... I have no compilers ATM.

BTW I run BONIC- SETI-At-HOME in the background ... and for the past week Berkeley has been out of chunks to run ... AND even tho SETI is running at a low priority (as in very low) RT3 runs a lot smoother when SETI is not running ... AND I have SETI set to run at 80% CPU on all 8 processors. Just a fyi.

Last edited by Shamough on Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

RulerofRails wrote:I see you mentioned a few things about the AI. Well, a minor thing I would like to see, and something that I am not sure why it wasn't done (it may have been too hard, but I don't know) in the 1.06 patch is to force the AI to always build large stations. Of course, the AI could do with a complete overhaul especially as regards track laying and the train re-routing algorithm, but that would probably take months for a skilled programmer to do. Probably be easier to make a whole new game as was attempted with the seemingly dead Rail Mogul project after 1.06 came out. . . . unfortunately I don't know of anyone that has the skills and is crazy enough to even attempt any code modification of the game.
The thing to do is do it piece meal. Get one set of new functions/upgrades working and release it. Then start on the next group ... and so on. Trying to do it all at once is daunting and you get an OMG from everyone.

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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Did you read through Milo's notes (he's the man behind 1.06) that are available from the Tips/Tutorials/Extras page of the main site? I believe he left some information about his process around here in some of the developer threads. Don't think he had the source code though, more of a reverse-engineer operation. You might also check out the various options in the game's debug mode. There's a thread with instructions on that.

More power to you if you are able to patch the game yourself. !**yaaa

PS. RT3 currently is two things; a railroad game and an industry game. Some of the latest options you added like #81 and #84 would affect the pricing on the map and would be vulnerable to exploitation. For example, they would mess up the dynamics of any industries in that vicinity to "steal" cargo which you could then feed to your industries. This would break the current economic model. Don't just want to diss things, but may need more conditionals such as the demand is not transferred to other stations by trains, and this option is not available for a cargo in the city that the station is showing "connected" status for. Another question to answer is: if the station makes the demand HIGH for a "depot" effect how then would trains make a profit hauling that cargo away?
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Is RT3 still in copyright protection? If not then a decompiler should do the trick. ( wrote one, in BASIC, for the Atari 800/6502 many moons ago and Atari used it to win a suit against a copycat game developer ... their "NEW" game was a knock off of Centipedes called Millipedes. (BTW I was the engineer who suggested the machine gun trigger over the one shot per press of the trigger button. Yuppers I worked for Atari in both their arcade and computer divisions. I quit when I was told that the new computers would have FLASH over FUNCTION. In other words they were NOT interested in finding memory errors with my memory test suite. I started programming memory test suites while working for Intel in their memory board division. 8080/6502/6800, we had customers that used them all.)

Card carrying member of the original RailRoad Flat Earth Society.

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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Yes, it's still copyright locked and the source code is obfuscated. You basically have to reverse engineer everything by trial and error.
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