Latvian Republic 1920

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Actually, it's possible to get the connection to Kolka right off the bat, even without stock issues if you use small stations. But it wont give you a good 1-year profit, unless you fluke it and place Kolka station "in the sea" (if I knew I would have avoided it, but once the station was there and I was exploring potentials I thought why not at least try it). Then you can be paid for shipping Iron and Coal there. Otherwise it's a bit of a dead-end strategy. With the old Tukumus Cattle ranches the $600k bonus was a better bet to aim for. Now one of the "non-random", start-from-scratch seeds is good for starting in the west (Meat Packer with a Livestock haul, plus Iron then eventually Steel). The other one I would probably tend to do a less ambitious Aizkraule-Ogre-Sigulda start.

Anyway, yes, if you don't buy/build industry you end up laying track quicker so the bonuses are going to be taken long before the notice pops up. If we want to give the player more chance of seeing them, maybe add the condition that they will also appear once track mileage exceeds a certain level. :idea:
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I don't want more coding hassle. Got enough already. ^**lylgh And the reason he didn't see them was because he did a robber baron start, so had $3.5 million on the first day.

I agree that there seems to be more variety in starting points now. I'm just testing an Alpha 8. Got to May 1931 and one of my Camelbacks crashed. That would have been ok, except it caused RT3 to crash in sympathy. *!*!*! Probably time for a break anyway. I have the save from January so it's no big deal. So Alpha 8 has some tweaks as follows:

1/ The event at scenario start to increase production of livestock, logs, milk and wool by 20% has been removed. They are just standard production rates now, in view of the greater resource potential of this map. The map appears to still be nicely playable, but not so mental initially.

2/ I did add my grumpy Soviets event to wallop robber barons. I couldn't resist. :lol: Normal people will never see it. I'm going to test it soon by doing an RB on a second company as soon as I have bought access to Russia. It worked in basic game start testing, but my current excuse is that I just want to see there are no adverse effects if you have already bought in.

3/ I made your changes to the lakes, so the ones that have rivers running into them all have the rivers running right through. Cargo flow seems to work without problems. The only exception is Lake Peipus, which is the big one between Tartu and Pskov. It has two rivers running into it (Emojogi and Velikaya) and I wanted them both flowing in the right direction. Given its location I don't think this matters. Doesn't seem to.

4/ Poland now becomes open access when the 1929 trade treaty is signed. There's hardly anything there anyway.

5/ All national borders are now as accurate as is possible in RT3.

6/ I added the haulage requirement for Diesel to Kleipeda. Kleipeda port is now set to produce Automobiles if it gets Diesel. Hopefully this should all tie in nicely. !*th_up*!

Edit: Played to end of 1939, but wasn't trying very hard. Consequently, missed a gold. But the game went and gave me one anyway, so obviously I have to check the scripting again. Good to know anyway. *!*!*!

It plays well on the whole. Lithuania is great. Clothing goal to Ventspils needs boosting with this map. I built the station at Ventspils in 1929 and then went and did all sort of things. Just with a standard no-brainer service running to Ventspils it shipped 52 loads of clothing in 6 years. It would be easy to ship 100 by the game's end if you wanted to.

Automobiles are still boring. I'm kinda over them.
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Had a bit of a think. The problem with Daugavpils and Pskov on this map is that they are at the end of the line, particularly Pskov, and so don't tend to attract much in the way of cargo. Good sources, but poor sinks unless forced by adding specific demands. This leads to thinking that perhaps Russia needs more action. It could help as a useful draw on Daugavpils, as well as Pskov.

There's a town called Strugi Krasnye northeast of Pskov. It was founded in the 19th century, specifically as a station on the Saint Petersburg - Warsaw Railway. That seems to fit with a train game, and it's nicely inside the edges of this map. It's also the centre for the area's logging industry. Other activities in the surrounding area are cattle breeding (with milk and meat production) and crops and potato growing.

Incidentally, Daugavpils and Rezekhne are also major stations on the Saint Petersburg - Warsaw Railway.

Pskov itself was apparently the major centre for western Russian industry in the pre-WW2 period. Most of the population were killed during the war, and it has not fully recovered since then. The surrounding area specialises in cattle for meat and dairy production.

Ostrov apparently specialises in food and textiles. Also electronics these days, but probably not before WW2. Further south is Opochka, which also does food and textiles. Russia can easily handle another two towns on this map, and I think the whole scenario would benefit from them.

We were thinking regions needed more work on this map, so this is handy information. I'll see what else I can find out for Estonia and Lithuania. I assume Juriko already had Latvia largely sorted. !*th_up*!
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Crap. ^**lylgh I just went looking at basics for Estonia. Tartu is serious business. It has a population twice that of Parnu, and was three times bigger during the timeframe of this scenario.
Tartu is the second largest city of Estonia, after Estonia's political and financial capital Tallinn.

Tartu is often considered the intellectual centre of the country. It is home to the nation's oldest and most renowned university, the University of Tartu (established in 1632). The city also houses the Supreme Court of Estonia, the Ministry of Education and Research, and the Estonian National Museum. It is also the birthplace of Estonian Song Festivals (since 1869).

Mostly known as a university town, Tartu is also a site of heavy industry. The food industry has traditionally been important for the town's economy. Tartu has been an intellectual centre of both Estonia and the Baltic countries for several centuries.
Umm, ok. I think that needs something more than a little one star town. Amazing what you learn when you go and look.
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Just finished testing Alpha 9 and, yippee eye oh ti ay, it is now out of alpha and I'm calling it Beta 1. ::!**!

Plays well. Could still be tweaked a bit if any particularly good ideas pop up, and really with the range of medal goals the Bronze and Sliver should probably be revamped a bit too, so there's a smoother progression as you go up the scale, but the guts of it seem to be sorted now. Changes are:

1/ The primary industries that get reductions in output over the last decade (livestock, logs, milk, pulpwood and wool) are now back up to +6% at game start, so they end up -12% instead of -18% in 1938. This slight change makes all the difference to cargo viability in the final years.

2/ Got some extra towns in. There's Strugi Krasnye, of course. Come to Strugi Krasnye. We have much vodka. Also many logs. Strugi is good place. You will like it.

Also added Opochka and Sebezh to fill in between Ostrov and Verkhnyadzvinsk. Which reminds me, I must change that name. In the timeframe for this scenario, Verkhnyadzvinsk was called Drissa. Anyway the addition of these towns appears to have sorted the "ZOMG these automobiles are really painful" stuff. I don't mind having to look around and find good shippable loads, but when it gets to the point where the whole game becomes constantly watching one station's stats for any possible source of supply it has reached the point where I'd rather play water polo in a pool of piranha.

Automobiles now flow to Pskov and Daugavpils. You still have to put some thought and effort into it, and it requires some patience, but it's not hours of excruciating boredom any more. (0!!0)

Estonia got a few extra towns too. Saaremaa had the villages of Tonija and Lumanda added, and although they are small they make a big difference to the place. It's not over the top, but it has a much better feel to it.

Estonia also has Elva and Rapina added over to the east. Elva was built as a station on the Tartu to Valga railway, and having found out about the Tartu-Valga railway I just had to try it in the game (it rocks). I was running the Ostrov to Mazeikiai oil trains via Tartu just for fun. Rapina, on the western shore of Peipsi jarv, is the site of Estonia's oldest paper mill. It has been there since 1732.

3/ Regions needed more work, so they got it. There are now extra regions for Strugi, Opochka, Panevezys and Kleipeda, with their recipes based on real historical outputs. Strugi does logs and cows (meat and dairy). The Strugi industry region in this scenario extends into eastern Estonia, as that area traditionally does similar things.

Opochka region, which is most of the eastern edge of the map, does grain and produce and textiles. Panevezys is on the fertile central plains of Lithuania, where the prime agricultural land is, so no prizes for guessing what that region specialises in. The soils in the north west of Lithuania are poor, and the forests there are mostly pine. IOW, good for lumber and paper. There are a few sheep running around too.

Saaremaa got its recipe revamped after I found out that in this timeframe it was heavily into exporting dairy products, and not much else.

4/ To go with the above, several of the cities in various regions had their recipes tweaked too. More could be done with them, but they're pretty good already.

5/ Subtle changes to the river and coast at Riga, so that the land area is more buildable and a second port has a good chance of seeding. I learned some stuff about how RT3 handles seeding of ports, and it's a very touchy process if the coast is not in line with the square economic cells. It has to be checked by trial and error in the editor, while simultaneously trying a range of building options.

6/ Fixed a couple of minor scripting glitches.

It's now about ready for final sorting of rivers courses, and general eye candy. :-D I'll zip the beta up tomorrow.
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Or maybe not. Gave it some more thought.

Medal and goals

The scenario goals make sense on Expert level if you are going for Gold, which is what anyone playing on Expert level will be doing. I'm not sure Expert level even needs a functioning Bronze and Silver. It could just be Gold or Lose.

If not playing on Expert level there is a huge jump between Bronze and Silver, and Gold introduces the need to go into Russia anyway. As low_grade said, it's tending to lose the Latvia-centric feel a bit. It's also going to be more difficult for less proficient players, and given the briefing I think Riga should be a focus for all medals. So I was thinking that a/ difficulty levels lowers than Expert should be able to get Gold without requiring buying into other countries and b/ there should be a more even grading between Gold, Silver and Bronze. With all that in mind I think it should be:

Bronze: 25 Meat to Riga, 25 Lumber to Riga,10 Automobiles to Daugavpils, CBV $10 million.

Silver: 50 Meat to Riga, 50 Lumber to Riga, 10 Automobiles to Daugavpils, 20 Clothing to Ventspils, 20 Paper to Ventspils, CBV $20 million.

Gold: 100 Meat to Riga, 100 Lumber to Riga,10 Automobiles to Daugavpils, 20 Clothing to Ventspils, 20 Paper to Ventspils, 20 Cheese to Liepaja, 20 Fertilizer to Liepaja, CBV $40 million.

Expert Gold: 200 Meat to Riga, 200 Lumber to Riga,10 Automobiles to Daugavpils, 20 Clothing to Ventspils, 20 Paper to Ventspils, 20 Cheese to Liepaja, 20 Fertilizer to Liepaja, 20 Automobiles to Pskov, 20 Diesel to Kleipeda, CBV $80 million.

To help beginners explore the map, territory access costs could be reduced 20% on Medium difficulty and 40% on Easy difficulty. I could even be talked into dropping them 10% on Hard level.
Territory access events and cash bonuses

The first event, "Baltic Rails", gives the choice of $300k cash up front or access cost reductions on several territories. This is a bit pointless, since at that stage of your expansion the $300k is worth a lot more than the reduced access costs, and later in the game when you actually want access you can usually afford it without any drama. I always just take the $300k. When you work out the possible ROI it easily covers the difference in access cost later ($300k @ 20% ROI over 15 years = $900k in your company's bank account) and it fuels your expansion earlier, which adds to the benefits. The event could be called a government incentive to rebuild Latvia's railways, and you just get the $300k. Easy. !*th_up*!

With the other connection events, I think their bonuses should be worked out on the basis of a standard percentage of the likely connection cost. At the moment they seem to be a bit all over the place, and a bit of rationalising wouldn't go astray.

Another thing is the timing of them. If you aren't going to go into Estonia, and there's no need to for any medal on any level, then it's a bit daft having connection bonuses promised for Estonia. It would be simple enough to recode such events so that they are only triggered once you have access to a territory. The countdown to your time limit could then be relative to when you gained access. This is not hard to code (says he after thinking about it for hours *!*!*! ).

Once you have access, there is a monthly event that automatically adds 1 to a given variable every month. If your time limit is 5 years, that's 60 months. Your cash bonus event then just checks the value of the variable, and if it is less than 60 you get paid. That's the simple case for when the bonus offer is made as soon as you buy access.

If you want a delay on the offer that's not hard to code either. Works the same way. If you want to give a 3 year time limit but only make the offer 4 years after buying access, the same variable is still ticking along at one per month, and your bonus event just has to check that the value is < 84. !*th_up*!

These would be best as territory variables for the territory in question, since there are so many available and it leaves more critical variables free for other uses.
Extra events for added interest

low_grade also mentioned the idea of extra optional haulage targets for possible bonuses, as a way of adding interest while waiting on medal goals. Pax haulage related to Estonia was mentioned as one. This is also easy to code, which means I spent yonks thinking about this too. :-D

1/ Estonia: Already very lucrative, even without adding more to it. I think I'll drop the pax production increase for connecting Saaremaa from 100% to 70%, and get into the Livonian cultural thang and require you connect Kuressaare to Kolka. That will save a few checks in the coding, and once someone has got to Saaremaa they will connect all towns anyway.

Anyway, yes a pax haulage quota makes sense as a trade off to the increased pax production. A total of 20 loads/year, hauled to Estonia, would be about right. This would include internal haulage between Estonian stations, since that's how RT3 variables work. If you meet the quota you get a $200k company cash bonus and a $40k personal cash bonus. If you don't meet the quota, you and your company get hit with equal penalties.

2/ Russia: This is Soviet Russia. They don't make agreements. They just make demands. Pskov was the major industrial centre, and it has a steel mill that needs supplying. Access to Russia could come with a demand that you ship 5 loads of Coal and 5 loads of Iron to Pskov, every year. If you do, you get the bonus of not being shot. Soviet Russia is nice place. You will like it there, or else. If you do not meet the quota, then you get fined $200k company cash and $40k personal cash.

But what if the Pskov steel mill doesn't seed? Doesn't matter. You haul coal and iron to Pskov anyway. How you do it is your problem.

As a trade off to this, connecting Pskov could provide increased (20%?) coal and iron production at the ports that produce those cargoes, to make running multiple steel mills a bit easier and provide more stuff to haul. Incidentally, this is another area that needs balancing. Since Steel Mills use Coal and Iron in equal proportions, production should be balanced to equal proportions. At the moment the map produces too much Iron for the amount of Coal.

3/ Lithuania: I wasn't thinking of including a haulage quota/bonus/penalty. Instead, connecting Kleipeda could boost Automobiles production, and simultaneously boost Automobiles price at Pskov. This would provide a slight reserve for games when the placed Riga port doesn't upgrade and the second Riga port doesn't seed (had that happen the other day). The price increase at Pskov wouldn't need to be much. Automobiles price on this map is usually around the $300 range, and it only needs a slight nudge to make hauling to Pskov viable. 3-4% equates to around $9-12/load, which should be just enough difference to give a fairly consistent result. This would mean no need to frig around with warehouse recipes at Pskov. Just get the desired result some other way.

Speaking of which, I can't see any real reason for having an Ostrov warehouse and a Pskov warehouse. Pskov was the industrial centre anyway. Might as well just have the Oil production at Pskov and save a warehouse recipe.

3/ Strugi Krasnye:

I just have a thing about Strugi Krasnye at the moment. :lol: It sounds so Russian. That region specialises in Meat, Milk and Logs, with Pulpwood being a natural side effect of the Logging Camps. An idea I had would be to not allow Logging Camps to seed in that region. Instead of Logging Camps and Lumber Mills, have a Strugi warehouse that will produce Lumber and Pulpwood for you if, and only if, you adequately supply the workers with beer and vodka. This would be coded as a conversion instead of a demand, and could be a handy thing for the Riga haulage goals. Haul booze to Strugi Krasnye and get Lumber in return. With newspapers telling you if the workers were getting thirsty, and calling you names.

Coding would work like this: Have a Strugi territory with the warehouse inside it. Territory is set to depress Lumber production by 100%, until YTD Alcohol to Terr. is >10. When enough booze is supplied, production reverts to the normal level, which could be quite generous. This haulage would be entirely optional, but should be easy and fun.

Related to this, I was thinking of increasing industry buy/build costs in Russia. During this period private ownership of industry was discouraged. Foreign ownership even more so. Latvians, who had just won a War of Independence against Russia, would have been possibly the least welcome.
Balancing of port/warehouse conversions

An example is the Parnu port. Conversion is only marginally profitable there, and the Iron production tends to dominate due to being slightly more profitable. This is really the same problem as the notorious 1.06 Furnace: having two possible products usually means one doesn't get made at all. One option here would be a separate Parnu dock and warehouse, so that production could be balanced independently.

But there's still the profitability issue to deal with, since both conversions are running at a massive loss. At the moment Parnu does not produce any meaningful amount of stuff for Steel Mills. Production is negligible, and is all Iron anyway. In terms of running a Steel Mill anywhere on the map, Parnu port might as well not exist. All it really does is supply Cotton and Weapons. If the intent is to have the port be useful for making Steel then there are two sensible options:

1/ Simply make the bloody thing supply what's needed, which in this case really is Coal. Current Coal supply is basically 6 loads/year from Riga. A simple supply of 4 loads/year from Parnu would balance Ventspils port's 4 loads/year of Iron, and increase the amount of Steel that could be produced on the map by 67%.

2/ Alternatively, revamp the conversions to be profitable enough to actually run in the game, and have a separate port and warehouse. The problem here is that Wool and Grain prices at Parnu are commonly in the $60-70 range, and Coal and Iron prices are rock bottom even years into the game. Grain:Coal conversion at Parnu would have to be 1:8 or more to get in the ballpark of being profitable in the 1920's. Not so bad in the late 1930's, but even then it would need to be 1:2. The situation with the Wool:Iron conversion is similar, although not quite as bad.

Given a production limit of 4 for Iron from the port, the practical limit is a 1:4 conversion. That would start to work in the early 1930's but would still be useless before then. IF Coal comes from a warehouse and has to be able to generate 8 loads it could run a 1:8 conversion, but by this stage you have to ask "Why bother?". Just for the sake of saying "Hey look, I'm running a conversion!"? and chewing up 1 load of Grain and 1 load of Wool per year?

On balance, this really does seem to reduce to one sensible option: simply make Parnu port supply 4 Coal per year. Done and dusted. !*th_up*!
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Re: Latvia (beta) Unread post

You are putting a lot of effort into this. !*th_up*!

Just thought I should mention that I regularly take the cheaper access instead of cash. In the last version I played, thanks to a recently added newspaper effect, Estonia access comes down to $600k at about 4 years in, when both combine. On the old map when I play (no industry) I wasn't achieving 20% ROI. This was down partly to the longer distances (thanks to the warp) and setting up pretty early for haulage rather than profit.
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Ha! Hadn't twigged to that. The 20% reduction in Estonian access seemed to make sense with an alliance, but I admit I hadn't considered the effect when combined with taking the earlier 50% reduction option. This would give an access cost of $800k (not $600k ;-) ) which is pretty cheap for what you are getting. Obvious thing to do: boost Estonia to $2,500,000. That would be fair given the revenue potential, and there would be more incentive to explore the other territories if it wasn't so blatantly one-sided towards Estonia. Also change the reduction options to an even 20% for all.

Come to think of it, Lithuania should probably be cheaper than Estonia, or at least no more expensive. And given the then-recent animosity between Latvia and Russia it may be better to make the third option Poland (I was thinking that Poland really needs an extra city now to give it something extra). So how about base costs of $2.5 million for Estonia, $2 million for Lithuania, keeping $1 million for Poland and $3 million for Russia?

Early Baltic Rails choice would then be restricted to actual Baltic states plus Poland (who had nicked a bit of Lithuania anyway), leaving Russia out of it, with potential reductions to $2 million for Estonia, $1.6 million for Lithuania, and $800k for Poland, with Estonia getting the later bonus of another 20% reduction to bring it down to $1.6 million. Does that sound more sensible?
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Maybe there were further changes since the version I played. What I had was a base cost of $2M for Estonia which is reduced by 20% by the military alliance and optionally another 50% by the player. This is a combined -70% or $2M*0.3 = $600k. The beauty about this one is that the hit to CBV value is completely offset by the connection bonus of $800k.

I thought it was fun having different percentages for the access cost of the various territories, to make a player think a bit more rather than selecting whichever one he has more interest in/or whichever is most expensive. These probably should have been re-jigged for the newspaper effects anyway. In the older version the minimum was $1M offset perfectly by the bonus (also $1M). I'm happy whichever way it goes. :-)
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Those reduction values were set by Juriko and have been copied from the original file. I'm not sure why he chose those values.The alliance thing was my addition because it seemed to fit, but the reductions could be tweaked to balance out with the alliance included.
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Had a quick play with applying satellite shots to the terrain. Pretty good. Will tweak it a bit more, but it's defo in the ballpark. Makes a difference to the feel of the thing. :-D
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Re: Latvia (beta) Unread post

Gumboots, have you made a scenario before? I can't recall. You've really taken this one under your wing. I'll have to play again before the final re-release to the archives. Gonna be a bit busy for a few days though. I've been back into RT3 for a few months now, and days off work I play a game or two or three. :-D But in between not so much...
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I sort of have, but sort of haven't. I did a couple of revamps of PopTop maps (look up 1954 Royal Tour and California Uber Alles! if you are curious) but haven't completed a map from scratch before. This is mainly because back in the days before the Voodoo graphics fix, and before I knew how to use command line (therefore bmp2gmp) terrain painting was a nightmare on my box. I was constantly fighting the editor, which kinda put me off doing maps. Now that I can apply terrain quickly and easily, without worrying about degradation, it's a much more appealing prospect. !*th_up*!

And yeah for some reason I got into this one. Not entirely sure why, but it just ended up being fun. Plus I wanted to test some ideas I'd had kicking around. An example is doing coastlines. The height map from MicroDEM will be really accurate, but due to the way RT3 handles water and waves it won't look right if you apply terrain painting to the real coastline. You have to fudge it a bit past that with some beach or something. I figured out how to do this without much drama.

Basically: use a select-by-colour on the ocean area of the heightmap. Use this selection to cut your terrain painting right at the actual coast (handy since getting Google sat shots to line up minutely is almost impossible). Double up on this layer and shunt the double back one in the stack. Apply beachy colour overlay, then apply blur. Repeat as necessary to get a decent looking beach that fades into your blue ocean. Mess around with amount of blur, number of layers, opacity, colours, etc. Check result in game. A bit of trial and error, but not difficult, and by picking the right shade of blue for your ocean (colour pick from near the coast in overhead screenshot) it all works pretty well.

I'm also finding that the sat shots straight from Google benefit from a bit of tweaking for colours, brightness, contrast, etc. Same deal. Frig around with layers and styles a bit until you get something good. Bmp2gmp totally rocks. (0!!0)

Anyway I've just finished recoding the medal events to suit the new scale. Onwards and upwards. !*th_up*!
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Ok, try this sucker. So far I have played it through to January 1930 and it all seems to work, but anything past that point is not really tested yet. I think it's ok, but may have missed something. *!*!*!

Oh and whose bright idea was it to have pax haulage tied to Estonia access? Word of advice there: do not charge merrily into Estonia without thinking it through. The first couple of years can give you quite a shock if you aren't prepared. :mrgreen:

Edit: First beta removed. Second beta a few posts down.
Last edited by Gumboots on Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Yay! I found a bug! Was staring me right in the face all the time and I didn't notice. *!*!*!

Status page on Expert level won't show the haulage requirements for Liepaja. Simple fix: Shift+E into the editor and change "Game Difficulty Level != 3" to, umm, y'know. :lol:

Found another one. Status page again. The counter for booze to Strugi Krasnye doesn't work. Testing against wrong territory. Should be changed to only check that Territory Variable 1 = 1, and only testing against Strugi territory. No other checks required. !*th_up*!
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Found another one, but it seems to be the last one. I'll have to recode the Strugi Krasnye counter a bit. Shouldn't be hard to figure out an alternative way of doing it. At the moment it is ticking up two years failure if you don't get the booze haulage in one year. I suppose you could call that an incentive. :lol: Anyway I'll fix it.

Incidentally, the Strugi booze trains are great. I don't think anyone will complain about not having enough to do on this map. :-D
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Re: Latvia (beta) Unread post

Um, I am mid-way through a play, but when going into my copy to fix the Strugi status bug, I noticed the restriction of access to "Pskov city" if Alcohol task is failed too many times. Am I right in deducing that if a player loses it, he will never get it back since he can't purchase "Pskov city" access?

Also, is there a reason that the Strugi warehouse doesn't have a demand for Alcohol?

"Kolka connected" is testing for "Game Start Year < 13" which obviously will never be true. Should be "Years elapsed since game start < 13". I mentioned this before but probably not clearly.

As I said, I didn't finish yet, more later. :-)
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Ok, second beta is ready to rumble. Has a few bug fixes, as noted in the previous post.

Also added one more city to Lithuania (namely Kelme) just because it was looking a bit vacant around there and I thought Lithuania needed some love. There is now an event that requires connecting Klaipeda, Mazeikiai and Panevezys to each other within 3 years of gaining access to Lithuania. They don't have to be connected to anywhere else, just to each other, but you would naturally connect other towns too and it's an easy requirement. Success means you get a 30% load/unload time reduction on all Lithuanian stations. Failure means you get booted from Lithuania and have to purchase access again.

Poland needed a little something too, so I added Braslaw and Dzisna there. Access cost has been increased to $2,500,000 to match Lithuania, but if you wait for the Latvia-Poland trade agreement in 1929 you get free access to Poland and a substantial reduction on industry buy/build costs in Poland. You have to wait for the latter though. If you buy in early, industry costs remain at the standard 100% even after the trade agreement. This is intended to rule out Poland early in the game, while adding a bit of spice later. There are no tricky requirements or other bonuses or penalties associated with Poland. !*th_up*!

Strugi Krasnye has been recoded so it should all work properly. Strugi is fun. :mrgreen: You want to be nice to the people at Strugi. They are easy to keep happy, but if you annoy them long enough they will call the Kremlin. :twisted:

Apart from that it's just minor tweaks. A bit of repainting just to hide some of the ugliest bits (will get a new BMP later), some minor fixing of rivers, stuff like that.
Last edited by Gumboots on Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latvia (beta) Unread post

RulerofRails wrote: Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:27 pm Um, I am mid-way through a play, but when going into my copy to fix the Strugi status bug, I noticed the restriction of access to "Pskov city" if Alcohol task is failed too many times. Am I right in deducing that if a player loses it, he will never get it back since he can't purchase "Pskov city" access?
I've recoded that stuff so that at the start of the game you don't have access to Pskov, Klaipeda or Strugi Krasnye territories. Pskov and Strugi are now tied to Russia access, and Klaipeda is now tied to Lithuania access. So it should all work automatically now. !*th_up*! If I got it right. :lol:
Also, is there a reason that the Strugi warehouse doesn't have a demand for Alcohol?
Yes. That is because I am evil. But as part of the recoding there is now a slight boost to alcohol prices at Strugi once you have access, which should make haulage a bit more stable. It's still workable even without that, just not particularly easy. Also, if you get kicked out of Russia for failing to supply booze to Strugi, the warehouse there will start making its own alcohol. The storyline is that you get fined $1 million, and that is used to pay for the new Strugi vodka factory. !**yaaa
"Kolka connected" is testing for "Game Start Year < 13" which obviously will never be true. Should be "Years elapsed since game start < 13". I mentioned this before but probably not clearly.
Got it now. Fixed in the second beta. (0!!0)
As I said, I didn't finish yet, more later. :-)
It's all a bit epic. :lol:
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Re: Latvia (beta) Unread post

Where's the new beta?

I failed to get a medal because "Pskov Autos" is testing against territory of Liepaja Port instead of Pskov City.

Here I am thinking that you don't like goals that suggest bait-and-switch. :lol: Anyway, without bait-and-switch and only having dragging Alcohol through to Pskov, missed it 3 times. Could have paid a lot more attention though. Here's how my price map looked when I should have gotten the medal. In hindsight should have hauled Ostrov-Alkusne late game. But I wanted to keep Opochka demand lower when I did the setup.
Strugi Alcohol.jpg
I also had to play an extra year on the Diesel haul just from not paying enough attention. This was a start without going after the bonuses, no industry, no stock issues. Went to Estonia in 1925. Missed the first year. LTD express revenue $78M vs. $150M freight, $12M from Hotels. Riga setup:
Riga S-curve.jpg
Definitely more cargo on the map than the old one. But because of a 20 years time limit, things can't escalate too wildly.
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