A few small changes.

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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

CR LF is Microsoft's way of coding them. Linux uses LF. Some other systems use other things. Handy hint: never upload a code file that has MS line endings to a server that runs Linux. Makes a bit of a mess. :D

Not sure what the confusion is. I just thought the tag could be useful if somebody didn't know about phpBB eating the first line break, or maybe if I gave it a height that approximated one clear line (in which case you wouldn't need to enter any carriage returns at all). My thinking was if someone didn't know about the bug (like I didn't for ages) but they saw an editor button that says it will give them a clear line after inline images, it might save them some aggravation. You don't have to use it if you don't want to. It's entirely optional. :)
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Allll righty then. This thing is just about ready to rock and roll. I finally have the dark style sorted enough (for now) and I can make several light versions pretty quickly. Yes, there will be a blue one. It won't look like Aero, but I can do something in Aero genre a tad later if there's a call for it.

Expect a site upgrade next week. Note that I am thinking of getting rid of the "External links open in new window" extension. It always forces a new window even when your browser is set to open new stuff in a tab instead of a window, which means you always have to "right click > open in new tab" all the time anyway. OTOH, if I code a basic BBC tag for external links that will do whatever you have set your browser to do. Only catch is someone would have to remember to use the tag, but no biggy if they don't.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

The upgrade to the latest version of phpBB will be happening later today my time, or possibly tomorrow if I'm too tired tonight.

The forum may be offline briefly while the upgrade is underway, but it probably won't take more than half an hour.

After upgrading the forum's default style will no longer be Prosilver, but you will still be able to select Prosilver in your board preferences if you particularly want it.

The new default style is going to be this one. If you don't like green it also comes with a blue option, selectable by clicking the blue button in the footer. I'll probably add more colour options when I have the time and can think of some good ones.

Prosilver Dark, with ten colour options, will also be available for anyone who prefers a dark style.

Aero will no longer be available.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Ok, the default light style now has five options: the original green and blue, plus new slate, orange and purple variants. These are not all 100% finalised (still a bit of tweaking needed here and there) but are pretty usable as they are and will only get better. With this lot, and the ten variants on the dark style, it should be enough to keep just about anyone amused. !*th_up*!
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

I'm currently working on the updates for the RT3 Extras pages. So far I have:

http://hawkdawg.com/rrt/rrt3_extras/rrt ... otives.php
http://hawkdawg.com/rrt/rrt3_extras/rrt ... gstock.php

These aren't hooked up to the site menu yet, but will be soon. !*th_up*!
Edit: Hooked up now. There will undoubtedly be some broken links in old posts, but if necessary those can be sorted as they are found.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

I'm thinking I might deprecate the RT2 and RT1 pages. There appears to be no interest in RT1 on this site, and next to no interest in RT2 here. Everyone seems to go to The Terminal for RT2 stuff.

All the RT2 files linked from this site are on Mediafire anyway, and the site has no files for RT1. The Mediafire folders and files for RT2 are all public, so a simple link to the folder should be sufficient for the occasional person who might want it. They can view any files in the folder, and download anything that takes their fancy, This link can go on the site's home page and/or links page, and will make maintenance easier than the current setup.

If anyone has a problem with this idea, speak soon or forever hold your codpiece. :)
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Each file on Mediafire for RT2 seems to be a separate URL for each download so all the current links from this site are unique (try a download as a standard hawkdog user). I can't understand which folder you are referring to ? I think there's not just 1 folder. Before changing anything perhaps you could post the simple link you are referring to? I cant find a link to the location of all the files.

"They can view any files in the folder, and download anything that takes their fancy"

I think there is stuff on here that isn't available elsewhere so it would be a shame for it to be inaccessible and effectively lost. Fancy graphics aren't needed - perhaps text only pages would suffice? Or just archive all RRT1/2 in a "no longer updated section". Rail Mogul appears dead too.....

PS - Thanks for all the hard work.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Sure. This is the link to the whole RT2 folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/o7szyxilhmd6m/RT2
This is the link to the RT2/Africa maps folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/a93aknngkfs2o/Africa
The rest can be accessed from the main RT2 folder. Just click on the folder (or file) name. :)

And yes, I was thinking of a simple web page with all the relevant folder links and a brief description. So nothing would be lost, but presentation (and maintenance) would be simplified.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Thanks - I don't think the URL for all the RT2 stuff was on the current website, or maybe i got confused and missed it. That first URL is exactly what's needed
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

No it's not on there at the moment. The existing pages just have direct links for each file.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Gumboots wrote: Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:39 pm I'm currently working on the updates for the RT3 Extras pages. So far I have:

I can find no instructions where to unzip the provided sound files, neither on site nor in the ZIP archive.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Um, I tried those zips and both have a readme with instructions? .......... search
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Test posts (attachment stuff). Unread post

Testing attachments tweaks. Bla bla bla.
Accumsan sapien egestas fringilla nam dolor quis libero hac amet adipiscing dictumst placerat nascetur sit eu rhoncus arcu natoque taciti platea lorem natoque ante posuere odio tristique adipiscing massa dignissim nullam.
Vel. Feugiat pede adipiscing nonummy curabitur quam iaculis odio. Tellus. Natoque gravida mauris, consequat. Rutrum. Velit nisl hac in, cubilia vel urna senectus duis a lobortis bibendum. Tempor et lacinia faucibus dignissim mollis libero ornare eros molestie hymenaeos.
Luctus dui penatibus scelerisque eleifend eget non malesuada nulla tristique cras imperdiet lacinia lacus sit vulputate proin aliquam nulla. Nascetur tortor quis, posuere cum ad aenean volutpat eu class pretium montes.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Ok, that works. I've changed the existing BBC clear tag so that you can put stuff inside it. Primarily: inline attachments. It could be used for any content at all, but there's not much point using it for anything else.

It now works like any standard text formatting (bold, italic, etc) in that you can highlight any content and then click the clear button, and the tag will automatically be wrapped around whatever is highlighted. This allows dropping in a row of inline attachments quickly and easily, without having them all screwed up with the post text.

Example, from the previous post:

Code: Select all

Testing attachments tweaks. Bla bla bla.[clear][attachment=1]banner_5.jpg[/attachment][/clear]Accumsan sapien egestas fringilla nam dolor quis libero hac amet adipiscing dictumst placerat nascetur sit eu rhoncus arcu natoque taciti platea lorem natoque ante posuere odio tristique adipiscing massa dignissim nullam.[clear][attachment=5]banner_1.jpg[/attachment][attachment=4]banner_2.jpg[/attachment][/clear]Vel. Feugiat pede adipiscing nonummy curabitur quam iaculis odio. Tellus. Natoque gravida mauris, consequat. Rutrum. Velit nisl hac in, cubilia vel urna senectus duis a lobortis bibendum. Tempor et lacinia faucibus dignissim mollis libero ornare eros molestie hymenaeos.[clear][attachment=3]banner_3.jpg[/attachment][attachment=2]banner_4.jpg[/attachment][attachment=0]banner_6.jpg[/attachment][/clear]Luctus dui penatibus scelerisque eleifend eget non malesuada nulla tristique cras imperdiet lacinia lacus sit vulputate proin aliquam nulla. Nascetur tortor quis, posuere cum ad aenean volutpat eu class pretium montes.

As you can see, all content is mushed together but the attachments still sit clear of the text. This is a much better implementation of the idea. I would recode phpBB to do this automatically if it was quick and easy, but it looks like it would be quite a mission, so this BBC tag is the next best option. And, it will still work if you insert a "clear" before or after any content too. In that case it just makes a bulletproof line break, that won't be eaten by the editor when the post is submitted.

Alternatively, you can always use the old trick of entering two clear lines in the editor before the first inline attachment, and after the last one. In other words, this would also work:

Code: Select all

Testing attachments tweaks. Bla bla bla.


Accumsan sapien egestas fringilla nam dolor quis libero hac amet adipiscing dictumst placerat nascetur sit eu rhoncus arcu natoque taciti platea lorem natoque ante posuere odio tristique adipiscing massa dignissim nullam.


Vel. Feugiat pede adipiscing nonummy curabitur quam iaculis odio. Tellus. Natoque gravida mauris, consequat. Rutrum. Velit nisl hac in, cubilia vel urna senectus duis a lobortis bibendum. Tempor et lacinia faucibus dignissim mollis libero ornare eros molestie hymenaeos.


Luctus dui penatibus scelerisque eleifend eget non malesuada nulla tristique cras imperdiet lacinia lacus sit vulputate proin aliquam nulla. Nascetur tortor quis, posuere cum ad aenean volutpat eu class pretium montes.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Aha! I had an idea. :D

This business of having inline attachments being able to display in a row is all cool and groovy if people actually use the clear tag, or the two empty lines trick, to make text content sit clear of the inline attachments. Which means it isn't incorporated into old post, because they were made before the code changes, and people still aren't getting how it works in new posts, so I have to fix them. :P

So, obvious solution: put the display of inline attachments back to stacking down the page instead of in a row, except if they're inside a clear tag. This will make things behave the old way by default, so old posts and posts made without reading the instructions will still be readable, but will still allow inline attachments in a neat row as long as someone wraps them in the relevant tag. Which you needn't bother to do if only posting one anyway.

This should cover all bases pretty well, and the code changes required are easy to implement. !*th_up*!

(It's basically just a matter of reverting the .inline-attachment class to display: block; but having .bbc_clear>.inline-attachment still declared as display: inline-block;)
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

I just found out that several BBcode-compatible environments feature the useful [DOHTML] command that allows user to format their posts using directly ordinary HTML, which is great. Is it technically possible to add this capability here as well ?
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Probably is (would have to check) but is it necessary? The reason BBC was invented was so that people can format posts without requiring raw HTML. This prevents a lot of problems.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

I'll see if I can get motivated to finish recoding the rest of the website pages. *!*!*!

Shouldn't be that big a deal if I knuckle down and get into it. The whole shebang really needs to be changed over to https anyway (not a big deal in itself) so finishing the remaining pages first makes sense. I have also finally joined the 21st century and bought a smartphone, so I can tweak some of the coding to make it a bit better for phones too. !*th_up*!

Note that I won't be testing on iOS myself. My gizmo is Android, but since RT3 isn't a Mac game anyway hopefully any RT3 freaks will have enough sense to buy Android kit. (0!!0)
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

I just checked it quickly on an Android device (which I hate, but this is a monopoly anyway). It seems to function quite OK and as some say, "if it works, don't fix it!".
The last statement puzzled me. Does RRT3 work with any operating system other than Windows, smartphone or whatever?
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

I'm going to fix it anyway, because although it appears to "work", for certain restricted definitions of "work", the code behind some of it is a mess in several ways. I don't want that hanging over me for future maintenance and security.

The last statement means I'll test all pages on my Android, but if anyone is browsing thise site on iOS I'm not going to get too fussed about any iOS quirks.
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